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An Investigation from the High Courts


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10th of the Grand Harvest, 118 SA

February 25th, 2023

ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᚠᚠᛁᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛃᚢᛋᛏᛁᚲᛁᚨᚱ

The High Courts to Investigate Allegations of Assault, Kidnapping, Extortion and Vigilantism Against the Lords of the Aurokanar Clan

ᛒᚤ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᛟᚢᚱᛏᛋ, ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛗᚨᛏᛏᛖᚱ ᛒᛖ ᛋᛖᛏᛏᛚᛖᛞ


It has been brought to the attention of the High Courts that instances of dwedmar violence between clans has been instigated, namely between those of the Ireheart and Goldhand clans, respectively.


This cannot do. The High Courts fully intend to investigate every allegation tirelessly and effortlessly, until those involved in this terrible act are brought to justice, or the matter settled.


With that said, the following crimes shall be investigated thoroughly;


Section V.VII: Assault in the Second Degree, by the maiming and goldcasting of the hand of Clan Lord Thalgrim Goldhand


Section V.VIII: Kidnapping in the Second Degree, by holding members of the Goldhand clan hostage in the Ireheart Clan Hall, under threat of violence and/or robbery of one Clan Lord Rylanor Goldhand’s cloak until their terms were met.


Section IV.III: Attempted Theft in the Fourth Degree, by attempting to dishonorably seize the Goldhand Cloak of Rylanor Goldhand.


Section VI.III: Vigilantism in the Third Degree, by the alleged act of Bakir Ireheart taking matters of slander into his own hands instead of the rightful Court of law.


The High Courts would like to note however, that these are mere alleged crimes. Any attempt for those to take matters into their own hands or seek retribution for any reason will be met with additional charges without hesitation.





Lord Justiciar of Urguan



Grand King Emeritus, 

Lord Chancellor of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, 

Magistrate of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan,

Great-Grandson of Rhewen ‘Papa Bear’ Frostbeard



High Prophet of the Da Kirkja Dverga

High Chief of Hefrumm

Grand Steward and Magistrate of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan


The Honorable, 77kFDM6nrGYI4_EF-OIQMREWDm8YVEH-OEyvJjDySNI6fjU9o3OK_7NM2md99w4_qbJq8LbVE0B6N8dGonO392RO71I2UJIpnRREiVV2v74vbP-OtBpD3Sx2A2N-lpOuYt1m_oRmza2ZeofajUAuFYU

Magistrate of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

Guild Lord of the Grimdugan Delvers. 

3rd Armakak’s Coin of Urguan

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Somewhere in the world, the mechanical lord lets out a howl of booming laughter the likes of which he hasnt in decades, finding a great deal of humor as he reads the missive...

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"Eet's about toime' someone put their' fukken pants and put teh ordah up in des' fooken' place, and eet's not teh' king that would do it" would say the old dwarf upon receiving the news that the cleaning crew are coming in.


He would also fall back to sleep after stealing food and various items from human kingdoms, a task he was tasked by the black hand.

Edited by Charles The Bald
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Within the Drunkin' Dragon in the Ireheart clan hall, Hakka would continue to mix and blend a variety of ingredients together with his new ciders and ales. Once the missive had reached the dwed a hearty chuckle would escape him. "Weh come teh peace wif dat fool'esh clan 'nd now dis? Talk 'bout bein' slow aye? Tell yeh wot. Why weh not place investagation over'a panseh fleein' from deh Grand King's side. 'or pa'haps loyality teh deh Grand King 'imself?" Hakka would move to finish the entirely of the contents within his glass as he would chuckle.

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"Et's ah cryin' shame taht nae even inter-clan relations cahn beh resolved behtween dah clans wifout dah court need'n tae get envolved. Et makes meh deepleh uncomfortabl' wif w'ere t'es kingdom es 'eaded ef evereh single squabble beh undah dah scrutineh ov dah crown." Angr says as he reads the missive, setting it atop a large stack of similar papers amassed from the endless drama of the Grand Kingdom.

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Bakir Ireheart sat on the bone throne as he read over the missive. He'd wonder if the courts suddenly forgot the Goldhands assaulting and slandering other Irehearts and then refusing to help the Grand King when he was under attack. "This will be fun."

Edited by Elite Snipes
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Hakon Ireheart chuckled heartedly at the missive as he made modifications to the Ireheart Clan Hall to enhance their smithing abilities. The Hall boomed with song as the Dwarves sung in a low tone.


“Diggie Diggie Hole…”

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Gror sighed “Alright here we go again.”

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Dravil 'The Bold' Ireheart calmly plays with the rings in his massive beard while he read over the missive. A hearty chuckle left the Viking Dwed soon after. "Ef Torsun wuuld nae 'ave attaked meh we'h moi back turned er Thalgrim wuuld nae 'ave left teh King ter 'is oown devoices weh wuuld 'ave nevah had aneh troobleh." The Ireheart scoffed before placing the papers asside, He had no intend to stop standing against the cowardice of Dwedmar, Be they Goldhand or otherwise.

Edited by ThatDutchFellow
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The Grand King would read the missive whilst keeping his thoughts to himself about the situation, for now.

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Thrabor Ireheart sat in a tavern with a cigar in his mouth reading the missive "Wot dah fook es des? Oi have nae fookin idea wot dat even means but Oi dunnae loike it." With a shrug, Thrabor crumbled the missive into a ball and shoved it in his mouth whole, chewing and swallowing it.

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