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Approved by the Royal Diet in the year of 1913


The Law of the Kingdom



Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render each one their due.

                                                                                                                  - Emperor Henry I the Lion


Since time immemorial, have the realms of man been kept together by three pillars; Faith, Crown and Law. The Aaunic people are no different in their wish for law and justice. To unify the realm, there will be the Lex Aaunica - The Kingdom’s Law - which shall, forevermore, bind together the Aaunic morals and the rights  and responsibilities of the people of this United Kingdom. 





The King (or Queen): The head of state of the United Kingdom of Aaun.

The United Kingdom of Aaun: The nation to which these laws apply.

The Royal Diet: The Parliament of the United Kingdom, comprising the Noble Estates, a representative of the Crownlands and a representative of the Canonist Church, which holds the legislative authority in the Kingdom.

Noble Estates: Provinces which are ruled by a peer and their appointed autonomous government, represented in the Royal Diet. May levy taxes and raise levies in their lands in addition to lettering petty nobles with the Crown’s approval.

Petty Nobility: Provinces which are ruled by a peer under the supervision of a Noble Estate. May levy taxes and raise levies with the approval of the Noble Estate whose on land they reside. Do not sit on the Royal Diet.

The Crown: The government of the United Kingdom of Aaun, which controls Royal Peerage and rules under the direction and advice of the Council of State and the Royal Diet.





Excerpt Upon the Rights of Man

As described in the Oren Revised Code,


Humanity, created by God in the image of His Prophets, is bestowed upon through His Divine Power the guaranteed, inalienable rights of Man, held above all law and rule. Through the power of the Crown, they are enforced and protected immaculate and indefinite, only transgressed by committing a mortal sin.


The Rights of Man include;

  • THE RIGHT TO LIFE, so no man will ever be taken to the Skies so soon.
  • THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY, so no man will ever be bonded by the shackles of slavery.
  • THE RIGHT TO TRIAL, so no man will ever be wrongly accused when not charged by a trial of their peers.
  • THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY, so no man will ever have to fear the unlawful loss of what is rightfully theirs.

These rights are the backbone of Aaunic liberty and law, preventing the slip of chaos as seen in time immemorial, acting as a shield before the dark arrows of tyranny and selfish ambition. All sons of the First Prophet, no matter of blood, language, or culture, carry upon them these golden laurels of freedom, through right of birth and sapienic kinship. Thus it is required that wherever one may be in the United Kingdom and whoever they may serve, that these rights forevermore remain respected, represented and enforced.







Here will be scribed the laws of the Kingdom, those binding each and every Aaunic royal, noble and citizen alike. Let it be known that those who break these, wherever in the United Kingdom they may reside, shall be faced with the King’s justice. The law of the Realm will always take priority over local laws set by the Noble Estates, and thus will only include the most heinous acts committed against the United Kingdom, its constitution and the Holy Mother Church.




I.I - Sedition - When an individual spreads, encourages or commits actions seeking to destabilise the Charter, the King or his Noble Estates.


I.II - Treason - When an individual seeks, by taking up arms in insurrection or supporting a foreign invasion, to threaten the integrity of the United Kingdom, the Charter, the King or any institutions declared and confirmed by the aformentioned. 


I.II - Breach of Constitution - When an individual acts in opposition to the Great Charter of Aaun or either seeks or has acted against the confirmed Statutes. 

       I.II.I - On Nobility - If a Peer of the Kingdom has acted against the Statutes of the Charter, The Crown possesses the right to immediately revoke their nobility and the privileges given by such until a decision has been made on the matter by the Royal Diet.


I.III - Injury against the Crown - When an individual deliberately seeks to harm or undermine the Great Offices of the King or the holders of the aforementioned, or when an individual deliberately seeks to harm or undermine a member of the Royal House of Alstion.


I.IV - Desertion - When, in times of national emergency or war, an individual fails to take up arms in protection of the sovereignty of the United Kingdom of Aaun or the Great Charter and its confirmed statutes.




The United Kingdom of Aaun, its King and Noble peerage, shall know and answer only to the one true GOD and the Holy Mother Church of the Canon. GOD’s Vicar, the High Pontiff, is recognized as possessing sole authority to dictate matters of faith.

II.I - On Sacrilege - When an individual intentionally pays insult to GOD, His Church, or sacred things set aside for holy purpose, by their word or actions, this shall be the crime of sacrilege.

II.II - On Apostasy - When an individual, previously having been a Canonist, intentionally abandons and renounces the one true faith, this shall be the crime of apostasy.

II.III - On Heresy - When an individual intentionally believes and partakes in false teachings regarding dogma of GOD or the one true Faith, this shall be the crime of heresy.

II.IV - On Atheism - When an individual openly rejects the existence of the Creator, this shall be the crime of atheism.

II.V - On Evangelisation of False Faiths - When an individual intentionally spreads and attempts to convert others to the belief of a faith contrary to that of the one true Canonist faith, this shall be the crime of evangelisation of false faiths.

II.VI - On Devilry - When an individual knowingly participates in the worship of demons and devils, evangelises the worship of demons and devils, or encourages the growth of such devilish cults, this shall be the crime of devilry.




III.I - On Primacy - The sections of Table II shall be the national law of the Kingdom, surpassing any local codices scribed by the Noble Estates. In addition, any law scribed in the local codex’s of the Noble Estates must not contradict those described in Table II. 


III.II - The Judicial Court - If a person is found acting in violation to the sections of Table II, they shall be first and foremost trialled by the Justiciar of the United Kingdom in the Royal City of Vienne. If The Royal City or the Justiciar is unreachable at the moment, the individual may also be trialled by the King in any location fitting of a trial.

        III.II.I - On Chapter II - Violations against Chapter II committed in the Crownlands shall always be first and foremost judged by a representative of the Holy Mother Church and the High Pontiff, unless they wish for otherwise or a clergyman of the Canonist Church is unavailable. If a breach of Chapter II is committed in a Noble Estate, they may choose how to trial it themselves without the need of consultation with the Justiciar or the Crown.

        III.II.II - On the Right of Complaint - Any individual trialled by the Justiciar or the King for violations of Table II shall possess the unalienable right of complaint to the Royal Diet, who shall act as the final and supreme court of the United Kingdom of Aaun whenever necessary.







As decreed in our most esteemed constitution; each Noble Estates of the United Kingdom shall possess the unalienable right to form their own laws, edicts and judicial courts. For this reason, Table III shall be in effect in the Crownlands and any other Province who either wishes to adopt them or lacks their own law codex. In a case where a Noble Estate forms their own codex and judicial court, they shall be enforced in place of the Law of the Crownlands.




I.I - On Physical Violence - When an individual incites, encourages or commits actions of violence against a fellow descendant.


I.II - On Murder - When an individual purposefully commits an action that results in the death of another descendant. 


I.III - On Manslaughter - When an individual accidentally and without prior planning commits an action that results in the death of another descendant.


I.IV - On Torture - When an individual commits actions that purposefully bring prolonged suffering and pain to another descendant. 


I.V - On Kidnapping - When an individual abducts, binds or confines someone against their will or knowledge. 


I.VI - On Defamation - When an individual purposefully spreads falsehoods and lies of another individual or an institution. 




II.I - On Theft - When an individual takes an movable object or item without the knowledge and consent of its original owner. 


II.II - On Trespassing - When an individual enters into a restricted area without the knowledge and consent of its owner.


II.III - On Vandalism - When an individual purposefully damages the property of someone else without the consent of its owner. 




III.I - On Voidal Magic - The practice of voidal magic will be permitted with the conditions that; 

          III.I.I - On Usage - Voidal magic may never be used as a means of aggression. It may only be used in combat in self defence.

          III.I.II - On Teaching - Those wishing to teach voidal magic must seek the Crown for permission to do so and after keep an active record of their students that may be presented to the Crown if it so desires.


III.II - On Non-Voidal Magic - The practice of benign magics that do not use voidal energy - such as Housemagery - are permitted.


III.III - On Dark Magicks - The practice of dark magic and anything not listed above are forbidden.




IV.I - On Noble Estates - A Noble Estate which does not have their own declared law codex will employ the Law of the Crownlands.


IV.II - On the Carolean Guard - The Carolean Guard of Alstion will be the primary force responsible for the upkeep of law and order in the Crownlands and any Noble Estate who agrees so with the Crown.


IV.II - On the Justiciar - The Justiciar will be the primary individual responsible for the upkeep and trialling of the Law of the Crownlands in the Crownlands and any Noble estate who agrees so with the Crown.


IV.III - On Amendments - Contrary to the rest of the Lex Aaunica, instead of the full acceptance of the Royal Diet, the Law of the Crownlands will only need the acceptance of the King to be amended.


Edited by Frymark
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