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Letter of Resignation


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Changing of the Guard



Issued by


Naf zwy 11th hag i Wzuvar ag Byvca i 467 E.S.




The following being the words of Lord Marshal Felix Weiss, Hauchmarshal of His Majesty Koeng Georg I of House Barbinov-Bihar’s Brotherhood of Saint Karl and Royal Armed Forces:


Long have I served in His Majesty’s royal army and without it, my family would not be where it is today. I owe all of my honors and successes to the Brotherhood and its institutions. The trophies collected from the wars and conflicts that I served in line the halls of Staalgrav to this day, and my family will be sure to earn many more in the centuries to come. 


However, like all institutions one must know when you are needed, and when you are not. I provided what I could, and now comes the time for His Majesty to choose my successor so that the Brotherhood can continue under a new Marshal, who will continue to ensure the safety of our people, and that the Brotherhood’s halls will continue to be filled with the songs of victories won, as I have done. So it is then that I do hereby formally resign from the apparatus of command, and do hereby relinquish the Ibor Bulava to His Majesty.


I would also like to formally recommend Sergeant Sebastian Bishop to take my place. He is a veteran of many battles, who’s seniority outpaces my own by decades. A man well respected by his soldiers and his fellow officers, the answer to the question of who to choose would be plain to all in the minds of the soldiers serving under him. A masterful tactician such as he would surely expand our realm’s reach from the skies above to the depths of the oceans. 


And to my borsas who had served alongside me, I thank you. Krusae zwy Kongzem.





Lord Marshal Felix Weiss


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Sebastian Bishop salutes his friend and former Marshal, and is prepared to take the job.

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Audo Weiss lingered with the missive in his mind as he determinedly aided the artisans in moving crates of Zvaervauld Lilac Honey™ into storage. Felix never struck him as the kind of man to want an early retirement but perhaps it was best; perhaps he would have his hands full enough with the Levkursain. "Krusae zwy kongzem." He muttered under his breath.

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