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Unearthing The Eastern Shore


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      It would be under the guise of night of whence we departed Atrus, the stars of the galaxy above glinting off the armor of those in gambison and their weapons held at their waist. It seemed that while we were running across the endless dunes of the desert, the sound of hooves against the sand was nearly nonexistent until we reached the hard earth of the East. The green lands would become a sight once more of which we crossed at a steady gallop before reaching the sea. The salt in the air was the first sign of our destination, second being the softening of the earth once more. I think our horses found some relief once we reached the shore and they were free to frolic upon the moist sand. 


The land which we had reached was certainly unique. Scattered rocks and dried up chunks of coral would rest upon the shore, large sea shells sat unearthed upon the sand. Further towards the water, it would seem that an entire city and castle would be sprawled around. It was almost as if the city of ruins would have floated and landed upon the shore, similar to ships of yore wrecked upon foreign lands, left to rot and mold, succumbing into nature’s embrace. 


      The first sign of sentient life, aside from the crabs which scuttled between the blocks of coral would be a group of voyagers - some could even call them pirates who were making merry and breaking bread upon the shore, betwixt the jagged rock sprouting from the sandy shores. It would not be long until the band of soldiers fired upon them, although not at the captain's order. Henceforth, fighting would begin and a most arduous task of taking down the ruffian sea travellers would begin, with arrows being sent to and fro with skilled accuracy from the pirates and Balianese alike. Even an armoured stranger who seemingly appeared out of thin air assisted in neutralising the threat, although their mysterious countenance would bring many questions for later. It would not take long for the Company to take over the grizzly band of pirates, suffering very few and minor injuries on the Balianese side. Cutting down the vagabonds, one remained - a scrawny and small boy who seemed rather out of place once his helm was removed from atop his head. 


The pirate, terrified and shivering, sputtered and begged for his life as he was restrained carefully, we were not taking any risks with this one. Between his incoherent ramblings, few words could be heard which included a small string of a sentence: “There is something not human within the ruins, something evil. . .must leave.” And so with that, we began to depart from the scene, although in the distant ruined castle, a scream of anguish would ring through the air - a creature was certainly stewing within. 

As a select few of the Balianese company would descend into the depths of the barracks upon their return home, the pirate in their midst as well as the strange observer did hardly put up a fight. The  whimpering cries of the captured would echo against the narrow stone hallways until locked within his cell, which would then turn into prayers and pleads for mercy. As requested, such was spared as the captured cooperated with their questioning.

NAME: Richard Dibbley


OCCUPATION: Contracted Mercenary Guard 



⊹ A pirate with no taste or want for jewels or interesting artifacts


⊹ A self proclaimed illiterate 


⊹ Describes a beast of which conspires with the pirate leader whose name is “Aaron”


⊹ The beast takes many forms such as an armored man, a red hound or a scarred phantom


⊹ The beast is often heard screaming and wailing from inside the ruined castle. 


⊹ There was once two special stones held by the beast but one went missing several years ago - possibility of theft 


⊹ The pirates are working with the beast to keep the remaining stone safe and search for the missing stone 

NAME: Zagreus





⊹ A long time friend of the Vuiller family. 


⊹ Don Ledicort Vuiller wrote a letter to the man regarding his discovery of the ruins. 


⊹ Zagreus grew up in the area near the ruins, often hunting and adventuring.  


⊹ Knew about the ruins and once ventured within them. 


⊹ Nearly broke his leg when falling through a roof


⊹ Observed broken wood and overgrowth within the ruins


⊹ A tunnel with water disappearing below ground 


⊹ When asked about the beast, they had no information. 


⊹ Brought up green pigs in the area. 


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Richard Dibbley sits, shaking in his cell, the thoughts of some malevolent creature running through his mind as he fiddles at the locks of his handcuffs, whimpering as he does... he knew what it was, he knew he couldn't stop it himself... what if it came for him? What if he was next? "God help them all" Richard would murmur unto himself as he gave up with the locks.


Elsewhere, a blood red hound would prowl the ruins of 'Lost Balian' it would hiss and snarl at any passing pirate or otherwise... the majority of them would jump and move to avoid it... it brought an aura of great unease and dread. Something was truly wrong with this creature, it was far too hateful to be natural.

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Zagreus would off somewhere in the east, going over old rocks and stones. Leaving flowers on old graves. Trying to track if there where any other mercenaries in the area. This was the feeling he craved for so long. The freedom to start helping again, his knowledge should prove fruitful.

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