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The High Trial of Bakir Ireheart and Sons

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Bakir Ireheart chuckles at the notion of the Kingdom trying to arrest him. Distinctly remembering Grand King Ulfric Frostbeard unable to arrest Gror while he was banished.

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"Ah shame da' dah gilded tongue Armakak 'ad blessed 'is most loyal clan wif, beh tarnished ahnd rendered impure wif deceit, slandah and lies. Dah Gole'ands 'av fallen from grace 'ardah than dah Grimgolds ded, having exchang'd dah gift ov dah trade ahnd respect fer poison on deir tongues ahnd dishonor." An intoxicated Angr grumbles, sinking back into a worn lazy chair.

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A completely unbiased dwarf filled with copious amounts of acholic beverage would flip the missive revealing its text before going to speak, stuttering at first as he was so BEWILDERED before he offered his non-biased opinion. 


"This seems completely unjust, due to the same reason as the same dwarves tend to leave the GRAND KING left without support during a TERRORIST attack, the Irehearts hath only offered duty, protection, and their utmost leal service to the goodly Grand King and Grand Kingdom for it is their ancient oath to do so, this accusation on Bakir should be redone. Or done so where it is fair."


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The Lord of Avarice let out a thrum from his plates as the news reached him, before returning to his work. Justice would sing in Urguan, should the courts deem justice worthy.

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16 minutes ago, Elite Snipes said:

Bakir Ireheart chuckles at the notion of the Kingdom trying to arrest him. Distinctly remembering Grand King Ulfric Frostbeard unable to arrest Gror while he was banished.

"Bakir yer ah bastard fur breakin' teh laws yeh oathed tu follow w'en yeh ascended teh t'rone" Ursus Grandaxe said, destain in his voice and his eyes cold as ice


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Ulfric Frostbeard would nod after receiving the missive, relieved to see the Law upheld by the rightful adjudicators of the Courts.


He’d then gaze to nearby portfolios, eyeing other cases to pursue afterwards.

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Eivor Goldhand sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he read over the missive announcing the trial of the Ireheart who had maimed his son. "For Justice." the dwarf nodded to himself with grim satisfaction as he folded the missive and set it aside.

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7 minutes ago, _Grey_W0lf_ said:

"Bakir yer ah bastard fur breakin' teh laws yeh oathed tu follow w'en yeh ascended teh t'rone" Ursus Grandaxe said, destain in his voice and his eyes cold as ice


 "T'e bastards deserved w'at t'ey got fur ignoring me' kin w'en t'ey were in danger, i do nae know w'y me' kin are being put on trial instead of t'e goldhand bastards" Balor II Ireheart stated, whilst crumbling and tossing the missive he had received into the forge of axholm

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A certain Orc grins manically after having received a faded, half-smeared copy of the Urguan missive. He gleefully hands several teeflings to the small goblin before snickering, mustache twitching with mirth. Suddenly harsh barks of savage, vengeful laughter echo from the gates of San'Velku.




[This will certainly be mentioned in the Kaktuz Weekli.]

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Dravil 'The Bold' Ireheart lets out a sofy chuckle shaking his head "And ye' dah dishonah Torsun commi'ed o' meh remains unspoken off... Er per'aps dah cowardiceh ooh Thalgrim fer abandonin 'is King! Et beh o' disgrace ter Kjellos et beh!"

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Voryl Ireheart slowly read the missive as he woke from his slumber, slouching off to find Gror.

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