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The Laws of Helious - Third Edition


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The Laws of Helious

Third Edition 




Section I - Rights


1.1 - Right to Life: All citizens of the land have a right to life and to not have that life unjustly taken from them. 


1.2 - Right to Freedom: All citizens of the land have the right to freedom and not to be held unjustly. 


1.3 - Right to Religion: All citizens of the land have the right to practice any religion they seek fit. 


1.4 - Right to Voice: All citizens of the land may partition the Count, Countess or Heir on any matter they seek fit as long as it directly affects the lands, their own well-being or the well-being of the land.  


1.5 - Right to Self: All citizens of the land have the to live a life free of slavery and discrimination, it should be noted that none of the descendants are above the others. 


1.6 - Right to Knowledge: All citizens of the land have the right to seek and obtain knowledge including that of magic. 


1.7 - Right to Love: All citizens of the land are free to court and marry whomever they wish as long as they are of the age of 18. 




Section II - Crimes 


2.1 - Assault & Battery: The act of harming the innocent or implying such is outlawed within the lands, none may be subject to attacks or in fear of such.  


2.2 - Murder: The act of killing an innocent is inexcusable offence and will not be tolerated upon the lands. 

2.2.1 - Plotting: He who plots a murder, hires assassins, bandits or the like shall be held on an additional charge of Plotting. 


2.3 - Thief & Bandit: The act of stealing is wrong and will not be tolerated, those who steal or rob others of their possessions will be dealt with accordingly as people should be free to feel safe.  


2.4 - Destruction of property: The act of destroying buildings or that of one property is immoral and should not be done within the lands. 


2.5 - Trespassing: The act of trespassing on one's property is not allowed within the lands.  


2.6 - Destruction of Nature: The willing destruction of nature with no purpose or goal is forbidden within the lands.


2.7 - Fraud: As defined as the selling of illegitimate goods, not paying taxes, attempting to scam others or providing false currency or trades. 


2.8 - Treason: The act of betraying the Princeipality of Helious.

2.8.1: Slaughter under trust - the act of inviting one into your home for safety well having plans to kill them.

2.8.2: Regicide - The act or attempted act of killing the Prince, Princess or Heir apparent.

2.8.3: High Treason - The act or attempted act of trying to overthrow the rulers or the plotting to do so.

2.8.4: Murder of Noblility - The act of killing one of the Noble Lords of Helious.


2.9 - Attempt: Attempting any of the above will result in the same charge with a lesser sentence with the exception of 2.8




Section III - Courtship and marriage


3.1 - Age: One is only allowed to court or marry when both parties are over the age of 18


3.2 - Marriage: In order to marry one is allowed the following options:

3.2.1 - A ceremony performed by the Prince, Princess, Crown Prncess or Speak of  Oriasm

3.2.2 - A ceremony performed by a priest of the couple’s chosen faith




Section IV - Magics and the Arts


4.1 - Paladin, Druid, and Templars: Magics and Arts of a holy nature shall be allowed without restrictions within the land of Helious.


4.2 - Voidal Magics: The Teaching, Study and Use of Voidal Magics within Helious is allowed as long as they do not violate the following.

4.2.1 - Experimentation that could harm or warp nature is forbidden.

4.2.2 - Experimentation that could cause damage to civilians and the property of Helious is forbidden 

4.2.3 - Experimentation that uses voidal corruptions is forbidden. 

4.2.4 - Using voidal magic to harm things such as Epiphytes is forbidden.


4.3 - Necromancy, and other Dark Arts: Magics of the Undead or Dark nation are forbidden within the lands of Helious. If caught possessing these magics the individual shall be detained for questioning then dealt with properly. 


4.4 - Shamanism, Housemagery and other neutral magics: Magics that do not fall into the other three categories shall be allowed so long as they are not used to cause unnecessary harm. 




Section V - Forbidden Entities

5.1 - The Undead: Those who are risen from their graves, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. 

5.1.1 The only expectation of this law is harmless spirits wishing to fulfill their duties so they may pass on to the next life, or wishing to impart their knowledge onto the living, or wishing for aid.


5.2 - Vampires: Those who suck the blood of the descendants in order to live, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. 

5.2.1 - The only expectation of this law is the ones who wish to be cured and actively seek aid in order to do so.


5.3 - Frost Witches: Heartless creatures that feast on the hearts of the descendants, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of.


5.4 - Demons: These evil beings and their kin, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of.




Section VI - Defenses


The list of accepted defense when accused of any crimes from section II


6.1 - Self Defense: The act of defending oneself against unjust assault, battery or attempted murder.


6.2 - Relcimation: The act of peacefully reclaiming one’s property.


More defenses will be added to the list as they are presented to the crown




Section VII - Judgement 


When a crime is committed within the lands of Helious and the accused to apprehended The Order of The Dawn Blades or the Local Guards are expected to detain them until a time where they can be appropriately judged, within the county, there are Five people who may do this. These people are listed thusly: 


7.1 - Prince of Helious (@JoshBright)


7.2 - Princess of Helious (@Sorise)


7.3 - Crown Princess (@TeawithFrisket


7.4 - High Speaker 


7.5 - High Princess of Amaetha (@JJosey)


7.6 - A Judge appointed by the Prince 


They may use their own discretion and disturbed punishments as they seek fit. However, they must keep in mind the circumstances leading up to the events and attempt to give the most appropriate sentence possible. 






His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz of Helious, Taur and Ruke of Alterk, and Lunderia, Magin of Vali’mae, Co’tr of Voclia, Cond’pos of Oblen, Vaton of Achyae & Sievis, Gin of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel, Ac’Luxz of the Mali’Solaril


Her Serene Highness, Sorise Munnel, Ac’Luxzi of Helious, Tauria and Ruchess of Alterk and Lunderia, Magine of Vali’mae, Co’trine of Voclia, Cond’pess of Oblen, Vatoness of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Gine of Sen’nyor Matriarch of Munnel

Her Highness, Ember Munnel, Crown Ac’Luxzi of Helious, Co’trine of Yagrasylvvy, Heir to the Munnel Family

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