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With Death Comes Glory [PK]


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A penitent one who dwelled in her home in Celianor gazed upon the candles that banished the darkness of the room. She pondered and wondered where the boy who sought to aid her family disappeared. Truth be told, she didn't know how his holy deals; perhaps his life was destined to end in such a manner. "I wonder... where are you."  She mused; a crooked and steel hand went to extinguish the life of the flame.  Another was claimed.

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In the far reaches of the decrepit chambers stood a man, pale and bereft of a good night's rest that hour, the hours before, and now, many hours after. Deliberation tempts him forth with every strike and clang of blade, as though a sliver of him could reconsider the fate of Xan's prized.

When the final blow met its mark, he looked away.

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She had only ever know him as Elias, and yet the words of Gloredhel's passing pressed into her heart like bricks. Bricks of stone, too heavy to swim with.

The elfess quietly signs the Lorraine for her late grandson, cursing herself for not granting herself one last hug last she had seen him.


"And so too does the sun rest."

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Fenlar Aevaris sits on a rooftop, looking up towards the stars, their tears staining the paper they read the words on. Their brother was gone, one of the only people they could truly trust, slipped away like that. No more rustles of hair from a kindly flaxen haired man, just the vacant spot he left in the alchemist’s heart.


Elsewhere, Karinah, sits on her bed unaware of another person slipping away from her. Still happy and drunk from her coming of age ceremony, she tries to ignore that little worry in her heart that always bugs her when she thinks of Elias “Sure it’s been a while, but he’ll come back. He always does.” she mutters to herself before slipping into unconsciousness.

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Flames scorched the skin - Corruption permeated the air - Chains sear the flesh - The damned torment the spirit.

And yet within their damnation, despite their promise to suffer, a smile would pose mockery within the nine hells, this day.


The two had never met - yet her corpse had defiled the boy plenty, in the time it roamed for another creatures whim.

There were an admiration for that man that monster could not take - despite having taken everything else. A figure which in life, they had hoped to attain as well.


The paladin - the martyr - had defined their own story, they had overcome the corrupted and left their warming stain upon the lands.

Perhaps in a separate time, the two would've been allies.


So, she smiles.

Glad the thief were thwarted, in their attempts to destroy their unknowing hero.


~ . ~


And may that wretch forever remain in their eternal, empty nightmare.




In an out of character homage, i think i owe a great big thank you to letting me be involved in such an indepth character - allowing me to leave a mark on your roleplay, for as long as i were able. RP with this character is, by far, some of the most compelling i have ever experienced on the server - and whilst im sad to see him go, im glad this character got the end they thoroughly deserved.


Moving from this character, i look forwards to what you'll do next - to what other compelling stories i may be able to sink my teeth into, perhaps as friends, or enemies once more. 


Whatever the case, adios Elias. There are many fond memories that will linger for some time, yet.





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The word caught in his throat. 


Dead? By what means?


The 'Thill coughed, still sickly as he'd been for the last year. 


The room, warm and vibrant despite the desolate landscape of the Barrowlands, drifted from sight. Instead he was in Serheim once more, brumal as the land was, scarred and burned, his evil marred across flesh for all to see. The blizzard churned on and on above and around, only below was safe. Down the lift he'd descended, back when he still wore his herald armor, back when his skin was still burned, and back when he still held questionable ties. 


Forward and to the left, the caves had curved, a small opening wherein laid Elias, shackled and chained. Old, weathered, but his cousin by name if not blood, by family and bond. Light blue eyes had stared down, casting silent judgement on the sleeping man, a mixture of emotions swirled within his chest. Cousin. The thought echoed as ferine strain stirred. His lips thinned if only briefly, an audible swallow as he glanced left and right, tilted his head to listen for anything above the howling of ever wrothful winds. 


The roads of the Vale. 

Karin'ayla, I need to tell you something. It's important, you're in danger. . .

Contempt, a near sneer as they stopped alongside each other.

I have better things to do and more trustworthy people to meet, cousin.

The thundering of hooves as the paladin rode away.


I won't leave you here. The words were unspoken, the man slumbered deeply. Quickly, casually, he slipped from the barren ice lands of Serheim, back to the warmth of civilization. Two letters were sent, one meeting arranged. He will be free by one hand or the other. 



His cousin was dead.

Alone, in silence, Nehtamo grieved.


Elsewhere, a paladin lights a candle.

The Chancery turned Sunwell turned ruins was still her home.

The toy was made of velveteen and he was quite splendid.

What is real, he asked?

Real is when someone loves you.

Left palm, scarred as it was, clutched at her chest.

And loved you were, little nephew.

Tears fell and candlelight flickered.

Never, however, did she doubt

He was a paladin who ever wavered.





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A young boy wandered the stone streets of the sea side city, wondering when the kind man that helped him would come with the spear he said he'd make him. His smile faltered somewhat seeing the woman he'd known as Freya at their balcony with a drink. Odys shivered as a coolness washed over him, though he couldn't tell why.

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In the furthest reaches of the Eternal Forest where twilight reigned forever, a lone warrior would rest beneath a tree where his mind wandered through its memories in blissful silence. The news of his friend’s death would never reach him, yet Acanthus always lamented the moments he had missed with Elias. With his hand clasped over his heart, he would speak… 


“Old man, Old llir, I’ll always miss those talks we had. You had a certain way of humbling me, and only our Lords know how many more of those I needed…” 


A chuckle escaped that Prince as he then rose with tears staining his scar-ridden visage. With a deep breath and heavy heart, the King of Thorns placed his head on the ground and prayed for the first time in his life.


“Lords, whether you be mine or his, guide him and keep him safe. Let his light touch those whom he loved and let it guide them just as he guided me. Ave Ordo and Uell Ito Maruthiran, Elias…



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In the wintery land a dark 'ker sat and looked out towards the snow, watching the flakes fall as he rolled a piece of crystal around in his palms. A last gift from a friend...he let go of the pain of betrayal in his heart. He wished he had done better...been a better friend...had gone and had a fun day with that promised so long ago. But time and circumstance had lost that opportunity, but he never forgot. Will never forget the kind man that was by his side throughout a terrible time...even if in the end their paths stepped away. He holds the crystal close, still in it's raw form, a gift never given...and a memento to keep now.

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Stood at the gates to Xan's realm was none other than Revas Asul'onn, ready to greet her son with open arms and tears shining on her cheeks. She took up his face in her palms and spoke softly, "I am so proud of you, my son. You were the best of us."

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A man with locks akin to the sand's golden hues would hum out a solemn melody, furiously hammering away against a bright hot end of metal that would soon turn into a sword. Then there was a moment of pause. He thought back to Elias, the human that stuck out to him the most out of everyone within the land of elves, aside from the Everwinter druid. He recalled the aging blonde with tired eyes in fondness, the laughs they shared. Hell, Elias is the reason why Evar'lae's able to smith today. There was a moment where he, Daerine, and Elias were at his old home and laughed about the trauma they endured in their own lives.

An elf's lifetime may continue on, but that cannot be said the same for the rest, especially humans. A hard lesson Evar'lae had learned early on in his first century.

As expected, Evar'lae and Elias grew apart and focused more important things in their lives. They weren't close per say, but Elias was still a good man to Evar'lae. He respected the paladin, the paladin with tired eyes that roared on with golden fire.

Wherever Elias roamed, all Evar'lae could hope for his friend is that Elias is satisfied with his limited time. That he remembers everything with fondness and fulfillment.


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Deep within the mountains of Urguan, in the depths of Kal'Darakaan, the Starbreaker works. The news reaches him through networks with the Order and himself. Given the nature of the news, Ulfar's work goes dark, absent, dormant.

Hours pass after the news had touched his large dwarven ears, his house dim and dark as it lacks any presence of light, any presence of comfort. A grim essence lingering about the shadows of his home, of the city, grows violent, awoken from a slumber that had started long ago. Those who dare pass by his doors are met with the stomach turning scent of dread, decay and lack of shower. Occasional clinks of metal and scraping of nails across a chalk board echo out to break the silence from time to time. The howling cold winds are drawn to the residence of this dwarf, this silent place akin to dwarven tombs. With the death of Elias, the Starbreaker vanishes within his own home, never to be seen again.

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Within the paladin keep a scarred 'aheral sat as she watched the sun set, tears rolling down her cheeks. The physical pain of her lingering injuries were nothing compared to the wound caused by losing her brother. "Elias...I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Valmir took a moment to try and wipe away her tears though it proved to be a wasted effort. "I miss you already."

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The Crackling Emerald Paladin held her aura true as she stood within a certain chancery. She exhaled deeply as she held her gaze towards the ground. "May his memories live on for love one's and generations to come. As this warrior of the sunlit lord start anew, may it truly be glorious in Xan's realm." 


A Waldenian Woman holds her calico cat in hand as she cried at the news of her golden uncle's death. "Gott mitt du Onkle. May du finally be at peace!"

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Astyrn Aevaris lifted her head, looking over her shoulder, then down at the paper in her palm, the identical one her family had gotten. It was an unusual meeting and seeing him in her early days of haense how she would wind up in trouble with both him and his brother- how they were the first to teach her Elvish and other new languages. She swallowed back a sob, trying not to destroy the paper in her hands, but as one tear fell, the others followed, like each memory they shared was little yet significant to her.


Leika de Astrea stood by and watched as birds and couriers flew around the city, Elias no longer alive. She knew very little about her cousin in law, but she knew more about his brother. Regardless of how close the two appeared, she thought him to be a good man, imperfect like all of them but fundamentally kind. Yet, she would never learn.

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