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Duchy of Valwyck

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Saint Robert Rovin, Patron of Feasts, shakes his head from the Skies as he watches another petty line of Haense attempt and lay claim to his Family's title once more. Saint Robert remembers it clear as day when the Kingdom of Haense sought to steal the title the first time, because no less could have been expected from such ambitious and callous sons of RAEV.

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2 hours ago, argonian said:


"The Margraviate of Vanderfell isn't even held by House Barclay, nor was the Waldenian Diet founded by House Barclay, nor were House Barclay the first Lord Vanderlores to use the title of Margrave of Vanderfell, nor was this claim ever contested by House Baruch during their tenure on the Diet where they participated in the elections of multiple Margraves of Vanderfell.

It's not clear, then, by what means the author intends to suggest the Margraviate of Vanderfell was stolen by House Barclay, or what he intends to inform the reader of at all, other than that his unhealthy obsession with and envy of the house has led him to unjustifiable delusions," remarks Stanimar upon reading!



1 hour ago, Ramon said:

[!] A reply arrived at the territory of the Duchy of Valwyck by raven mail, bearing the seal of the Lord Vandalore. 
@Duchy of Valwyck






To the good and noble Archivist of House Baruch,


Blessings of the Lord GOD upon you and your noble house. I write this with but a singular goal in mind: to correct a small group of mistakes as presented as fact within the Armorial provided, though first, allow me to express my admiration for your work. Truly, the importance of preserving the history of one’s family and as a result heraldic achievements thereto is oftentimes neglected in great quantity, and as a result, I suppose you have my gratitude for this publication. It has allowed me to learn much of the history of Baruch, and I am sure that as it has been able to educate me, so it shall educate many in the years to come.

However, as fate would often have it, things aren’t as black and white as one would hope. I write in particular to address claims made within the Armorial regarding the Margraviate of Vanderfell, or the Markgrafschaft of Vanderfell in our own tongue; as unfortunately, whilst the rest of the Armorial was a educating read, various historical inaccuracies were taken note of regarding this particular subject.

Firstly, there is the claim that the Margraviate of Vanderfell remained in abeyance until the Waldenic Diet under the House of Barclay lay claim to it. This is a misunderstanding. The title was recognized as rightfully belonging to Sir Anton Rovin, as once held by His Majesty the King Otto III of Haense, in 1653 and was carried by the Rovins for two generations prior to being granted to the Waldenic Diet at the Waldenfest of 1686 by its last Rovin holder, Sir Hans Rovin, the son of the aforementioned Anton Rovin; during which it was established that it would belong to the Lord Vandalore as an elective title.

Then, after nearly two centuries had passed since the first election of the titular Margrave of Vanderfell at the Waldenfest of 1686, came the Waldenfest of 1850 which saw the Waldenic Diet’s revival at the hands of Venerable Ulrich Lothar von Alstreim. It is therefore impossible to claim that the Margraviate was stolen by the House of Barclay as its first Vandalore, Saint Johann Barclay, did not take up the mantle of Lord Vandalore and Margrave of Vanderfell until as late as the dark year of 1860, in the same Diet at which House Baruch were made electors, upon Venerable Duke Eirik’s own request.

It is, as a result, kindly requested that such slanderous and wrongful accusations be removed from your publication. In addition, it is kindly requested that you amend your publication further. I personally care little as to whether or not you would desire to have the Margraviate mentioned within this Armorial, as afterall, it is part of Baruch’s history to some degree, but there exists no doubt whatsoever that the current reigning Margrave of Vanderfell is myself as the twelfth Lord Vandalore, and that it shall be held by my, by the Waldenic Electorates elected, successors when my time on this mortal plane has come to its end.

For your personal reading pleasure, I have made sure to attach relevant documents to this letter. 









[!] A variety of relevant documents were attached to the letter as promised.


Ser Erwin 'The Headhunter' Bishop blinks down all the way from the 7-skies onto the historic document as it sat in the view of the public eye, though it could not be technically considered blinking, because his eyes' narrow never exceeded more than 1 millimeter through the entirety of the Vanderfell portion of the archive. Erwin, who was among the first generation to revive the diet in Almaris, huffed.

Deciding that this was a matter for the living, he returned to his high life in the presence of GODAN!


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Leopold von Reuss, former Elector of Velen on the Waldenic Diet reads over the armorial coming across the statements about the Margraviate of Vanderfell, "What an odd thing to say, seems as though one does not know the histories. But who am I to speak on such matters, I am retired." he said before going back to sleep.

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