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Texts In The Shrine of Tahariae

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Busily an old elven woman toils away in that corner of Lurin. Softly she sung hymns of the clerics as she mended old books on the shelves and relit incense that had burned away. She would greet visitors with a smile and say, “Be careful. These books just may be older than you are”, before letting the visitor do as they will



Codex Historia I



The green leather cover of the pocket-sized book bears only an embossed golden symbol that appears to be a round hollow diamond with a dot in the center: the Clerical Eye. Its white pages turn easily, and each is covered completely in smooth, flowing handwriting.


May His Light be with you, servant of Tahariae.


It is vital that the priest of Tahariae can properly understand our history. This tome contains the the history of the Clerical Order, as preserved by the High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae and the Sacred Priesthood of Tahariae.


Never again shall the ways of the priest be forgotten.


I - The First Prophets of the Aenguls


Rebekah and Jacob, brother and sister, were mere initiates to the sacred order of the Cloud Temple monks when the visions began. Admired for their unwavering dedication to the Aenguls and Daemons they worshipped, they were given the power to work miracles and purge evil in the name of the gods. Together, they wandered throughout the realm of Aegis, working great miracles among the Descendants and slaying the unholy creatures who hid in the dark corners of the world. Heaven’s Light was revealed by the Prophets, and many Descendants swore fealty to the patron gods as well. The Clerical Order, as it had come to be known, grew quickly, and its many priests and paladins protected the Descendants from dark beings and injury.


After the deaths of both Rebekah and Jacob, the Clerical Order began to fade. Its many adherents disappeared, died, or rebelled against their patron deities and had their holy connection ripped from them. When Iblees, the Corrupter, and the Undead rose to destroy Aegis, they were little more than a legend. As the last lights of those who first channeled the powers of the heavens faded, the Arch-Aengul Aeriel, Aengul of Peace and Love, and caretaker of the souls of the Descendants, chose followers of her own to lead the Descendants against the Betrayer. These heroes became known as the Ascended, and all memory of the first Clerical Order was forgotten.


II - The Second Prophet of the Aenguls and the Founding of the Second Clerical Order


As the battle between the Undead and the Descendants raged, the numbers of the Ascended were greatly diminished. Many had fallen in the war against the Betrayer, and too little were joining to fight off the endless hordes of the Dark One. With the Ascended weakened, the patrons of Rebekah and Jacob made themselves known once again. From among the thousands of refugees, Thrym Silverfist, a young dwarf smith, was chosen to become the new Prophet of the Clerical Order. His dreams were filled with the visions of Aeriel, Gazardiel (Aengul of New Beginnings), and the Dwarven gods commanding Thrym, as they had the First Prophets, to submit himself to them and reestablish the clerics in Aegis to aid the Ascended. As the First Prophets did, Silverfist submitted, and became a cleric of Aeriel.


There was one patron who was not known: Tahariae, Aengul of Purity. To the clerics at the time, He was worshipped as the Creator, and gave power to those who became Pure Clerics, or “Clerics of God.” These clerics passed down the beliefs of Creator clericism throughout the many generations of the Clerical Order’s existence, even after He revealed His true identity to the clerics.


Although Silverfist was granted the powers of a cleric, he knew nothing of the ancient clerics of the first Order. Intent on discovering the history of the clerics to serve as a basis for a new Order, Silverfist retreated to the Irongut manor, the isolated property of his clan. There, he spent weeks searching through the Irongut library. Finally, buried deep within the tomes of Urguan history, was the diary of Heron Irongut. As Silverfist read through it, he saw mention of a tome kept in the Cloud Temple Library that had been written by an order of clerics before the war against the Undead began.


It took Silverfist days to find the tome, and several more to convince the monks of the Cloud Temple to allow him to copy it. After receiving the tome, Silverfist set out to found a new, better, and more stable Order, one that could protect the Descendants after the passing of the Ascended. With his new holy powers, Silverfist fought against the Undead, inspiring other Descendants to become clerics and join the war against the Corruptor.


III - The First Prophet of Tahariae


The Clerical Order remained after the transition to Asulon. However, it was in this time that patrons of the Order, Aengudaemonic and Dwarven, secretly relinquished their blessings upon their clerics. Tahariae. The Prophet Thrym Silverfist led them as they watched over Asulon, healing and slaying as they were needed. The cleric Areon Baldwin, especially, is remembered for his great deeds. So the Order stood, even through the fleeing of Asulon to Kalos and Elysium. It was in this time that the blessings of the Aenguls were withdrawn, and the clerics were without a patron.


Soon after the arrival to Anthos, Braxis Silverblade, once a cleric of Aeriel and Prophet of the Clerical Order, received a vision of a brilliant golden stag. It named itself Tahariae, the patron Aengul of Purity, and told the cleric of how the clerical patrons of old had abandoned them during the flee of the Descendants to Asulon, and that He had been the one who had been blessing the clerics. He called upon Silversmile to establish a new Order in His name, an Order of purity, justice, and an unwavering dedication to the destruction of taint and evil in the realm. With no hesitation, Silversmile submitted to the Aengul’s will, thus founding the clerics of Tahariae. He recorded the Five Sacred Tenets of Tahariae, the guideline of his will.


Immediately, Braxis set about contacting the clerics of his order and informing them of his discovery. The clerics had thus united under one patron: Tahariae. It was then that the persecution and hunting of the Creator clerics began: clerics who did not see Tahariae as the source of their power, but the Creator Himself. The purge was efficient, if not successful: the clerics of God were but two or three priests left, who hid in the far corners of the realm, away from the eyes of the servants of purity.


IV - The End of the Clerical Order and the Appearance of Wraiths


A united state could not last, however. The Prophet Braxis went missing, and Saint Areon Baldwin the Honorable fell victim to mortality. Leaderless, the Order fell into chaos. It was only then that Hosper Blackthorne, a dark elf cleric, returned. A remnant of the Order of Asulon, he took control of the Clerical Order and reestablished them within the walls of Ac’Talareh, the ancient Malinoran ruins in which the Arcane Delvers dwelled. With time, more clerics were inducted into the Order, but a previously small group of necromancers did as well. The forces of Light and Death clashed for the decades the Descendants made their home in Anthos. Their war was complicated by the appearance of the Scourge and the Harbingers that led them, who slowly led the ice and darkness of the north southward to the great cities of the Descendants. It was further complicated by the rise of wraiths: dark beings created by incredibly-powerful mages with ancient rituals condensing the Void. Even the greatest of the clerics could not stop them.


V - The Creation and Slow Disappearance of the Itharel


To fight the growing number of threats in Anthos, Tahariae chose the four greatest clerics of the Order to be granted a higher control of the Pure One’s power. The Four became known as the Itharel, Tahariae’s power manifested in the bodies of mortals. Their light banished the darkness that had cast its shadow over Anthos in the forms of holy fire and sword. After the fall of Anthos and the flight to the Fringe, the Order established themselves in the Temple of Vallendar, led by the Itharel Ivanus, the High Sentinel Doctor Mandru VonSchlichten, the High Priestess Saint Lenia Ith’ael the Gentle, and High Paladin Jakir Axem, and the clerics and Itharel fought the infernal forces of the drakaar Setherien alongside the other Descendants.


After the fall of Setherien, the Itharel began to disappear one by one, vanishing until such a time they would be needed again. Clerics disappeared as well, leaving the Temple empty save for a diligent high elf initiate tending the crops, praying, and feeding wanderers passing through. The shrine of Alras was eventually established, leaving the Temple to fall to ruin, and Saint Lenia disappeared. Without a High Priestess, or any consistent leadership, the Order again fell apart, leaving only a loose coalition of clerics. Few lived to see Thales, and even fewer the realm of Athera, upon which the last of the Itharel, Ivanus, disappeared for a time.


VI - The Foundation of the Order of the Sacred Light and the End of the Clerical Order


The servants of Xan, Aengul of Order and Guardianship, and most of the clerics of Tahariae united to form the Order of the Sacred Light. However, conflicts between the followers of the Aenguls lead to its collapse, and Xan’s followers left to form of the Brotherhood of the Lion. It would be several years before the servants of Tahariae would unite again. After several attempts to reunite the Order, Doctor Mandru Vonschlichten, the oldest of the clerics, finally did. Castle Vertigrey, a stark fortress near what was left of Polaris, was erected as the new home of the Clerical Order. It lasted a few years, but a lack of dedication from the surviving clerics lead to its inevitable downfall, and Castle Vertigrey, still unfinished, was left to fall into ruin. Mandru Vonschlichten bestowed leadership upon Katari Stirling, a relatively young paladin inducted into the White Lance but had remarkable leadership qualities. It was then that the Itharel Daniel reappeared, sent by Tahariae to purge His clerics who had fallen to corruption. Among those condemned were Jakir Axem, former High Paladin of the Fringe Order, and one of the few apprentices of  Mandru VonSchlichten, Cheza Greyhammer.


This was the end of the united Clerical Order. The Chantry of Tahariae arose under the leadership of the Itharel Rosencratz Revandir, a knighthood primarily composed of Lucienist converts, who wandered for a time throughout Athera. The remnants of it were led by Katari Stirling for a time, until he turned away from Tahariae to pursue other sources of power; the last of Mandru’s Council of Light, Heshakomeu Sohae, then took over, to be the last remaining leader of the Clerical Order.


This loose coalition lasted until the end of Athera, upon the formation of the Curators of Light by the Itharel Ivanus; the Clerical Order and Chantry joined with them.


And so the clerics of Tahariae step into the realm of Vailor, to rise again as guardians and enforcers of purity…


Codex Historia II



The green leather cover of the pocket-sized book bears only an embossed golden symbol that appears to be a round hollow diamond with a dot in the center: the Clerical Eye. Its white pages turn easily, and each is covered completely in smooth, flowing handwriting.


May His Light be with you, servant of Tahariae.


It is vital that the clerics and teachers of Tahariae can properly understand our history, so that mistakes once made in the past will not be remade, and that those brave will not be forgotten. This tome is a follow on from the main Codex Historia, which contains the the history of the Clerical Order, as preserved by the High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae and the Sacred Priesthood of Tahariae. The history written here was preserved and seen by The Arm of Tahariae Elvira Naromis.


VII - Formation of the Curatrix

In the year 1513, the remnants of the Clerical Order arrived within the Isle of Vailor. Although broken and shattered, one cleric by the name of Ramza Mantisuku rose up to return the order from the ashes.With Heshakomeu Sohae and a few other clerics, Ramza led the clerics into reforming the clerical order within a small tavern in Laureh’lin. From where, they settled within the north of Aeroch Nor, on a small island  which became known as the Isle of Destati. Home of the Curatrix. 


For a good amount of years, the clerical order thrived and grew. Although faced with many dangers, such as falling rocks from the skies and dragons, the order became stronger as the days went on. New students came and were taught, while many issues were handled with ease and calmness. Despite with a few feuds with necromancers, the order kept going under the guidance of Ramza.


VIII - The Harvesters

During one point, Tahariae called to His clerics as the skies became pitch black with ashes. He ordered them to jump from the highest peaks and place their trust in Him. While many did that, two clerics, the half elf Elvira Naromis and the high elf Andriel, were disconnected for failing to do what Tahariae had asked. However, the two displayed a great amount of devotion and dedication to Tahariae regardless, even when at sword point with a Templar who wished for them to revoke their faith. Their pure devotion and determination to Tahariae and the clerics, even after their disconnection, was enough to convince Tahariae to reconnect with the two. The clerics were shown a vision where they must protect selected people known as the Harvesters as they reap souls to keep Iblees sealed away, although this threatened to bring about a Holy War with the paladins and Ascended. However, Ramza and the leaders of the paladins and ascended managed to agree on some solutions and eventually, the Harvesters succeeded in their role and the skies returned to normal.


IX - The Four Archons

However, soon peace was disrupted within Destati with the threat of Oren going to take over Aeroch Nor. Knowing that they would be forced out or harmed for not following Canonism, the order packed up everything and moved onto one of the two main lands. Eventually, the order was given sanctuary within the Caliphate where they soon owned a temple within the capital city of Al Wakrah. The clerics settled and carried out as normal.


During this time, Ramza allowed three clerics to stand up to power and aid him in leading the order. Thus, the four Archons were formed; Ramza the Mind, Elvira the Arm, Heshakomeu the Mouth, and Andriel the Heart. Together, the four helped to guide the order and ensured no true harm would come to the clerics.


Soon, Tahariae spoke out to the cleric Heshakomeu and the connection grew between the two. The temple trembled as the cleric became the new Prophet of Tahariae, speaking out words which soon became known as the Utterings of Tahariae. Heshakomeu soon took a new name given to him by Tahariae: Ashanaak. Soon, Ashanaak would fend off a being known as the Undying one from the temple, with aid of a fellow cleric and gained shards of a broken sword.


X - The Dark Congress

Yet soon, peace at the Caliphate became disrupted for the clerics. A group of dark mages, beings, and supporters, going by the name The Conclave, rose up and captured Ramza Mantisuku. They sent a ransom to the remaining Archons, demanding that they left the Caliphate. Yet the clerics refused to leave, they sought to find a better way to regain Ramza without losing their home.. This only lead for the Congress to go a step further by taking Elvira.


Further terms were brought, including the disconnection of Ravondir Torena and a further demand to leave the Caliphate. Most of all, came the demand for the handing over of the legendary sword Urthandl, owned by Rosencrantz, to regain Elvira, while a blessed holy sword to regain Ramza. However, the clerics refused to hand over the legendary sword, knowing that the sword would be dangerous within their hands as the sword was capable of killing the keepers of Xan. Yet they reluctantly followed the other few terms and thus lost a fellow cleric and their home.


Soon, both the dark and the light met, within a Dark Congress. The dark wanted peace and a treaty formed to prevent further conflicts between the sides, although this treaty would soon shatter. Yet the actions of Ashanaak, still filled with zealousy and aggression towards the paladins, damaged the relation between the paladins and the clerics. Ashanaak was willing to hand over the sword to the one known as Dralazar, as well as slander the name of Xan directly in front of the Paladins and Keepers there. The Itheral, Ivanus, greatly disagreed and argued against what the Prophet was saying. Eventually, the clerics agreed to form this treaty and Elvira was returned to the clerics. However, the Dark Congress left the clerics scattered and broken, baseless and in great doubt. The clerics struggled for a while before they were offered sanctuary by the Paladins of Xan despite what had occurred regarding Ashanaak.


XI - The Falling Order

After the terrible events that were the Dark Congress, the clerics still struggled. News of what happened to them stretched over the land and many of the Descendants began to lose faith in the clerics. Many clerics were hunted down, while many nations turned their backs on the clerics. Eventually, Ramza stepped down as leader of the Curatrix and passed the role of leader to Elvira, who finally recovered from her captivity.


Soon, the Prophet Ashanaak vanished as well, led away by Tahariae Himself for his actions during the Dark Congress, the Prophet no longer seen or heard of since the day he left. Then Ramza and Andriel (temporarily) vanished as well, leaving Elvira alone with a few clerics. Now leader, Elvira attempted to keep the order going through encouraging the clerics to spread out and do their duty, her confident remaining tall and high. However, this did not happen as the clerics begun to decline in activity, save for a small few clerics. Yet she kept on going.


Eventually, another clerical order came into being; a clerical order known as the Ethallimiran was located within the nation of Haelun’nor. Elvira attempted to persuade this order to reunite with the falling clerical order, in hopes that they could help revive the order and because the clerics needed to stand together. However, her pleas were not heard and were turned down.


Soon, the Curatrix fell, no one declared that the order had fallen. There was no official announcement or declaration - only a silent one that many knew from within their hearts that this was the end of the order.


XII - The Plague and The End

Soon, a great Orcish plague swept across Vailor. Elvira and her remaining clerics were immediately into the action as they healed those infected with the plague and helped assisted the druids in trying to stop the growth of the plague. However, still weakened by the Dark Congress, the cleric struggled to assist greatly in preventing the plague’s spread. Both sides’ attempts were futile as the plague kept growing till it engulfed nearly all of Vailor.


During this time, Elvira was called away by Tahariae and meditated under the Aengul within a cave. There, she gained true inner peace, a clear mind where she realised her true goals within the clerics and what she must do. She had to bring forth a new clerical order, one which is more successful than the Curatrix and one that would truly represent the servants of Tahariae. She swore an oath to Tahariae Himself that she would bring forth a new order in His name and that glory shall come from it.


Soon, the Orcish plague reached to the point where the descendants could no longer live within Vailor. The scattered clerics of the Curatrix left with them, departing forth through a portal and towards the new land of Axios.


Codex Puritatem



The red leather cover of the pocket-sized book bears only an embossed golden symbol that appears to be a round hollow diamond with a dot in the center: the Clerical Eye. Its white pages turn easily, and each is covered completely in smooth, flowing handwriting.



May His Light be with you, servant of Tahariae.


It is through unified belief that the priests of Tahariae are strongest. This tome contains the beliefs and doctrines of Tahariaean purity held by the Sacred Priesthood of Tahariae, as remembered, developed, decided, and recorded by the High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae.


Never again shall the ways of the priest be forgotten.


The Five Sacred Tenets of Tahariae


* Shelter and protect thy brothers and sisters in Tahariae. *

* Do not stray in thy dedication to Tahariae. *

* Guide and protect the Descendants of the Four against the Impure. *

* Do not spill the blood of the innocent. *

* Do not use Tahariae's blessing for anything other than His will. *


The Mission of Tahariae and Purity in His Eyes


Entities of this world can be divided into three categories: Light, Gray, and Dark.


  • A Light entity is an Aengul, one of the holy patrons that grant us mortal servants their powers to purge evil from the realm.

  • A Gray entity is a mortal. They are the ones clerics have sworn to protect.

  • A Dark entity is a servant of taint and evil. They use unholy powers for personal power or control of the realm by their patron.


What is Pure in Tahariae’s eyes is the worship and servitude of Light entities, the protection, aiding, and healing of Gray entities, and the purging of Dark entities. This is the Mission of the clerics. True Purity shall be established when there is a world without injury or pain, and a world without taint.


The Holy Lights


Upon connection, a cleric receives an aura from our Lord in one of four sacred colors:


White is the Light of the Pure. Clerics with white light are the wisest members of the clerics, the keepers of relics and maintainers of purity. They bring light to dark places, and keep the already existing lights glowing.

Silver is the Light of the Servant. Clerics with silver light are characterized by their dedication to purity and the clerics as a whole. They are looked to as leaders within the many orders that have been founded.

Blue is the Light of the Warrior. Clerics with blue light are the focused hunters of impurity and its effects on the realm. Always the first to be healing the wounded and on the front line of battles, they are considered the grunts of Tahariae.

Gold is the Light of the Knight. Clerics with gold light became clerics to protect those they love and use the power of Tahariae to bring good to the world. Valor, bravery, and unfailing courage characterize them.


The Doctrines of Purity


Doctrine of Dedication


A cleric is dedicated to Tahariae and Tahariae alone. To His will and His alone are you subject.


To violate the Five Sacred Tenets in pursuit of personal goals is Impure


To abandon or be distracted from Tahariae’s Mission for any reason is Impure.


A cleric owes worship to Tahariae, thy Lord and Bringer of Purity. You may acknowledge and worship beings equal to and above Him, but His command is ultimately the one you follow and His Pristine Being deserves thy honoring. To forsake prayer and worship to Him is Impure.


Doctrine of Separation


A cleric must separate themselves to anything that may distract or deter them from the Mission Tahariae has given us.


To hold rank within a nation is Impure, for the responsibility will distract the cleric from doing what is needed of them, and the decisions you shall be part of making could lead to the deaths of Gray beings, who we swore to protect with the Third and Fifth Tenets.


To be part of any national military is Impure, for that is supporting and cooperating with an organization that breaks the Third and Fifth Tenets.


To marry is Impure, for one cannot be fully dedicated to the family while fully dedicated to the Mission. Marriage is only allowable when the spouse is equally dedicated to the establishment of Purity, whether as a cleric themselves, or of another guild or faith that fights evil. If the non-cleric spouse is none of these things, they shall only distract the cleric from the Mission.


To be sexually promiscuous is Impure. The carnal pleasures of this world are distracting, and it is a moral embarrassment for a cleric to engage in them. 


To run an economic establishment is Impure. You cannot dedicate yourself equally to keeping a business financially stable while also dedicating yourself to the Mission.


Doctrine of Justice


A cleric must seek to bring justice wherever they go. To overlook acts of injustice is to overlook the Mission, and is thus Impure.


To draw distinction between patients for healing based on race, nationality, gender, physical deformities, personal grudges, or what sins they may have committed is Impure. All Gray entities are to be healed and protected. The only distinction a cleric should draw is between a Gray and a Dark entity; those who serve unholy forces are not to be helped, unless it would somehow support the Mission.


To allow a Dark being to harm Gray entities under the cleric’s watch is Impure. We cannot let evil occur without action. The only excuse for inaction is if action is less effective than informing the other clerics of the evil and organizing a group to bring justice to it.


To harm a Gray entity for any reason other than self-defence is Impure. We are the protectors, not the assaulters, of the Descendants.


Codex Ritus



The blue leather cover of the pocket-sized book bears only an embossed golden symbol that appears to be a round hollow diamond with a dot in the center: the Clerical Eye. Its white pages turn easily, and each is covered completely in smooth, flowing handwriting.


May His Light be with you, servant of Tahariae.


It is through prayer and ritual that the priest of Tahariae calls upon His power. This tome contains the prayers and rituals held by the Sacred Priesthood of Tahariae that pertain to the arts of sanctification, healing, purging, and restoration, as remembered, developed, decided, and recorded by the High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae.


Never again shall the ways of the priest be forgotten.


The Hymn of the Promise and the Ritual of Sanctification


The ritual of sanctification allows objects to be used in rituals for Tahariaean spells. Every ritual uses sanctified items. To use a tool that has not undergone this ritual is to dirty the name of the Aengul you call upon, and His power.


The process of sanctification is one of the most basic forms of worship a servant of the Pure One, whether cleric or acolyte, can perform. During the forging or crafting of the item, the adherent shall pray the Hymn of the Promise.




Tahariae, oh Blessed One, Aengul and Lord of Purity,

I bow before Thy glory.

I am but mortal dust, yet You have chosen me to do Thy will,

And I am honored to fulfill it.


O Pure One, to You I promise my life,

And pray that You would use it to bring glory to You.

To You I promise my soul,

And pray Thy Five Tenets be upheld in all my actions.


To You I promise my loyalty,

And pray that I shall serve no other lord before Thee.

And to You I promise my heart,

And pray that Thy Light may purify and make it just.


May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




With the finishing of the hymn, the adherent must then explain how the object shall bring glory to Tahariae. When the listing of its gifts is complete, the adherent shall end with: “May this be a testament to Thy Glory.”


If the object is not complete by the ending of the hymn and listing, the adherent shall begin the hymn and listing again. They shall repeat them until they are satisfied with the quality of the object.


The sanctification of shrines is very similar the sanctification of ritual objects. The adherent walks around the perimeter of the shrine, anointing points around it with holy oil or water and circling it with burning sanctified candles whilst reciting the Hymn of the Promise. Once the perimeter has been fully anointed and encircled, the sanctifier may begin to extinguish each candle as they continue to recite the hymn.


When preparing holy oil, the hymn is recited and the purposes listed whilst the oil is extracted or boiled from its source.


When preparing holy water, a container is filled with water and taken to a sanctified shrine. The water is placed on a sanctified altar, the candles that adorn the altar are lit, and, as with all other items, the hymn is recited and the purposes listed.


The Hymn of Restoration and the Ritual of Healing


The most common use of a cleric’s power is the restoration of Descendants to remove bodily injury, whether through accident or assault, and it is the responsibility of a servant of Tahariae to show them the restorative Light of the Pure One.


Healing using Tahariae’s blessing, however, cannot be taught through a mere tome. It requires the personal guidance of a priest or experienced healer. Preserved here is the Ritual of Healing, a hymn and ritual used by those of the Sacred Priesthood to better focus their spells and ease the strain they have on the cleric. It is not for untrained clerics to learn holy healing.


The ritual begins with the placement of four sanctified candles in a rectangular shape around the wounded individual. As each one is lit, the beginning of each promise from the Hymn of the Promise is recited, also known as the Little Hymn of the Promise:




O Pure One, to You I promise my life.

To You I promise my soul.

To You I promise my loyalty.

And to You I promise my heart.




After the candles are lit, the cleric should take hold of their staff or wand, focus on Tahariae, and recite the beginning of the Hymn of Restoration:




O Tahariae, Lord of Purity, I, Thy humble mortal servant, call upon You.

Grant me Thy Light of grace and restoration.

Ignore not the pain and suffering of the Descendants caused by the impurity of this realm.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




With the first stanza finished, the cleric summons Tahariae’s light. They must then reach out with the light to fully surround the body, using the candles as a mental border for the aura. The candle flames will turn to the color of the light touching it. The cleric may then begin the healing process, using the light to restore the body to what it was before injury. As they work, the cleric shall begin the second stanza of the hymn:




Reach down, O Lord, and wipe clean these wounds.

Allow me to use Thy light to do Thy pure and holy work.

Restore flesh and bone and blood and life with Thy holy light.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




As the cleric finishes the healing and releases Tahariae’s power, they may begin the third stanza of the hymn, otherwise known as the Sacred Acknowledgement:




For it is through Thy light that peace is found.

It is through Thy light that suffering ends.

It is through Thy light that purity is brought.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.


May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




And so the ritual ends. Praise be to Tahariae. May His glory be testified.


The Hymn of Life and the Ritual of Curing


Disease. If it gains a secure enough foothold, it quickly stretches its dark hand across the realm, poisoning and laying waste to everywhere it touches. Tahariae’s Light can be used purge illness from the body of the afflicted. Recorded here is the Ritual of Curing, a traditional hymn and ritual used by those of the Sacred Priesthood to cure disease.


The ritual begins with the placement of four sanctified candles in a rectangular shape around the ill individual and the preparation of holy water or oil. As each candle is lit, each promise from the Little Hymn of the Promise is recited.


After the candles are lit, the cleric should take hold of their staff or wand, focus on Tahariae, and recite the beginning of the Hymn of Life:




O Tahariae, Lord of Purity, I, Thy humble mortal servant, call upon You.

Grant me Thy Light of purging and life.

Descend upon this soul and purge the blight that torments its mortal body.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




With the first stanza finished, the cleric summons Tahariae’s light. They must then reach out with the light to fully surround the body, using the candles as a mental border for the aura. The candle flames will turn to the color of the light touching it. The cleric shall anoint the sufferer’s forehead with holy oil or water while channeling their Light through it. They may then begin the healing process, using the Light to smother the disease. As they work, the cleric shall begin the second stanza of the hymn:




Wipe away the suffering that courses through these veins.

Banish blood and bile and tears and pain.

It is only through Thy grace, O Lord, that such is possible.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




As the cleric finishes the healing and releases Tahariae’s power, they shall recite the Sacred Acknowledgement.


And so the ritual ends. Praise be to Tahariae. May His glory be testified.


The Hymn of Purity and the Ritual of Purging


Tahariae’s greatest enemy is the evil and impurity that abounds throughout the realm. It is the duty of a war cleric to destroy the sources; it is the duty of a priest to destroy the taint they leave on the land and the Descendants.


Taint is the physical manifestation of darkness on our realm. It is one of the most difficult things to obliterate with Tahariae’s Light. Only incredibly experienced clerics have the skill and endurance to do so. A cleric with no prior experience should not attempt to purge taint without an experienced cleric to supervise them.


The Ritual of Purging is designed to assist clerics in better focusing Tahariae’s Light on taint. May Tahariae be glorified through it.


The ritual begins with the placement of four sanctified candles in a rectangular shape around the tainted individual, the donning of a sanctified medallion, and the preparation of holy water or oil. As each candle is lit, each promise from the Little Hymn of the Promise is recited.


After the candles are lit, the cleric should take hold of their staff or wand, focus on Tahariae, and recite the beginning of the Hymn of Purity:




O Tahariae, Lord of Purity, I, Thy humble mortal servant, call upon You.

Grant me Thy sacred light of purity and justice.

Obliterate the taint that has manifested on our realm with Thy holiness.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




With the first stanza finished, the cleric summons Tahariae’s light. They must then reach out with the light to fully surround the body, using the candles as a mental border for the aura. The candle flames will turn to the color of the light touching it. Be warned: Tahariae’s light will cause great pain to the afflicted when it makes contact with the taint. The battle between purity and impurity has begun in the Descendant.


The cleric may then begin the second stanza, anointing the site of the taint with holy water or oil as they recite:




Thy Will is just, O Lord.

Reach down Thy Light of Justice and banish this tormenting evil!




With the sight anointed, the cleric shall set down the holy oil, take the medallion in their hand, and hold it out over the sight of the taint. As the channel Tahariae’s Light through the medallion, they may finish the second stanza.




Smite this impurity that threatens to overwhelm all it touches.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.




As the cleric finishes the healing and releases Tahariae’s power, they shall recite the Sacred Acknowledgement.


And so the ritual ends. Praise be to Tahariae. May His glory be testified.



The Utterings



[!] The tome is bound in white leather, with only a silver diamond encircling a silver dot embossed on the front cover: the Clerical Eye. Its pages would be marblesque in color, with silver trim, and the writing a flowing font with black ink. [!]


The Utterings of Tahariae


Assembled and Recorded by the Prophet Ashanaak in Vailor


The Five Sacred Tenets of Tahariae


As Recorded by the Prophet Braxis in early Anthos:


[I] Shelter and protect thy brethren.

[II] Cannot stray from thy faith.

[III] Shall guide the lost.

[IV] Shall not kill, harm, or spill the blood of the innocent.

[V] Abuse of thine gift and punishment shall fall to you.


As Interpreted by the High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae in late Athera:


[I] Shelter and protect thy brothers and sisters in Tahariae.

[II] Do not stray in thy dedication to Tahariae.

[III] Guide and protect the Descendants of the Four against the Impure.

[IV] Do not spill the blood of the innocent.

[V] Do not use Tahariae's blessing for anything other than His will.


The Four Revelations


As Recited through the Prophet Ashanaak by the Blessed Aengul of Purity, Tahariae, between the years 1436 and 1442:


The Revelation of Judgment: The Apokalytiria


I am the Glory of the Rising Sun. I am the Bringer of Light. I am the Lord of Purity and the Archon of Justice. I am the Vehement Lord. I am Tahariae. Witness Me, Ashanaak, My Chosen Prophet. Witness Me.


I, the Divine Stag, He Who Walks in Pure Light, the Great Purge, have merely watched My Servants for too long. You have Divided, and Divided you shall fall. You failed to Understand the Mission I had given to you, and so you have deteriorated into mere wandering healers and warriors who know only my Blessed Name. Your mockery of Faith and Piety offends Me, and so I return once more. Witness Me, Ashanaak, My Chosen Prophet. Witness Me.


The Revelation of Wisdom: The Eight Woes


And now, my Chosen Prophet, recite My Sacred Words to thy Brothers and Sisters, or My Blessing shall be torn from their hearts for their Sins:


[I] Woe to those that turn against Me and My Mission, for they must be cast out of thy ranks.


[II] Woe to those who only know Me for My Blessing, and not for My Mission, and do not recognize Me and My Glory in prayer except when My power is needed.


[III] Woe to those who refuse to heal the Innocent, to return to Pure form what has been rendered Impure.


[IV] Woe to those who let the Impure, the Beings of Darkness and Evil, and the Descendants who bring harm to the Innocents, walk free when they cross thy path.


[V] Woe to those who cause harm to the Innocent, for they are those you are sworn to protect.


[VI] Woe to those who are sexually immoral, who give themselves outside of the holy bed of marriage, who dirty themselves and thus dirty the Name they represent.


[VII] Woe to those who give themselves over to perpetual drunkenness and intoxication, for they dirty themselves and thus dirty the Name they represent. Such is only acceptable in celebrations and festivities.


[VIII] Woe to those who steal, cheat, and utter vulgarities, who abuse the Innocent with their tongues and hands.


The Revelation of Valor: The Eight Commands


And now, Ashanaak, I give you these Commands. Recite My Sacred Words to thy Brothers and Sisters, that you may live a Pure life:


[I] Go forth, and spread not just my Light among the Descendants, but My Words and the Truth of My Glory.


[II] Go forth, and become true Clerics among the Descendants: scholars, protectors, and leaders, to guide the Innocent with words, justice, and wisdom.


[III] Go forth, and guard yourself against marriage, for service to Me demands complete and total commitment. If you do marry, do not marry those who serve Darkness and Evil, for in doing so you taint the very nature of holy matrimony.


[IV] Go forth, and kneel before Me in maniael: private prayer, gratitude, and submission before My Glory when you awake and before you sleep.


[V] Go forth, and kneel before Me in manaakh: prayer, worship, and submission in fellowship with your Brothers and Sisters in Me once each Elven year.


[VI] Go forth, and respect the fallen clerics who I have sent back to you, to listen and follow what they have returned to say. And when their wisdom has been imparted, that you will have the strength and courage to send them back to My Halls.


[VII] Go forth, and follow My Chosen Prophet, for they shall be My Light in the darkness of the world for you.


[VIII] Go forth, and in My Blessed Name, use any means necessary to bring Purity to the Taint and Darkness that has become the world. The realm must return to how it once was, when the Four once ruled in Peace and Taint had not yet manifested. Through the suffering My Mission shall bring you, remember that it is not out of Moral Good that you must do these things, but out of Necessity.


The Revelation of Hope: The Anachorisi


Do all that I have commanded for you to do, and do not do all I have commanded you not to do, and you shall not perish. Nay; once suffering consume you and you leave thy mortal coil, I shall welcome you into My Sacred Halls, to forever be with Me in Purity, to forever be witness to My Sacred Light, forever and ever more.


The Anamniseis


The Interactions the Blessed Aengul of Purity, Tahariae, has had with His Clerics, as Recorded and Collected by the Prophet Ashanaak:


It was in Aegis that the Blessed Aengul of Purity, Tahariae, first came to mortalkind, but He did not reveal His blessed name. In mortal man’s wonder at His eternal and pure radiance, He was worshipped as the Creator, and only the most holy of clerics could serve Him.


It was in Asulon, Aerial, the Arch-Aengul, lost the ability to grant power to Her servants, and the Aengul Gazardiael withdrew His blessing, thus why He is known as the Abandoner. Tahariae, in His infinite kindness, granted the lost clerics His Blessing, so the holy work of healing and the purging of evil could be done still, yet He still did not reveal His blessed name, and the clerics believed their patrons to be Aerial and Gazardiael.


It was in early Anthos that He revealed Himself and His Sacred Mission of Purity to the Prophet Braxis, that the bodies of Mankind be whole and protected from the forces of evil, and that taint be removed from the realm, and that the realm be returned to the Purity that existed when the Four Brothers first walked the Earth.


It was in late Anthos, when the clerics were few and Setherien and the wraiths threatened the realm, that Tahariae chose four to be His champions, perfect representations of His four aspects: Judgment, Wisdom, Valor, and Hope. Together, they fought the many threats to the purity of the realm.


It was in late Thales Tahariae summoned forth His clerics to investigate a portal, through which we were to enter. The Abandoner, Gazardiael, confronted Tahariae, and the two did battle atop the mountain on which the portal was located. After the battle, and Gazardiael briefly pushed back, Tahariae manifested before the gathered clerics and their allies as a radiant white stag. He told us the portal required two keys to open, as well as the Itharel of Wisdom Hosper, who had been captured by forces unknown. “O Lord, can you tell us where Hosper is?” I asked. “Nay,” He responded. “A dark force clouds My vision; I cannot see him.” So began the quest for the keys, of which I was not involved any further in.


It was in Athera that the Order of the White Lance, a union between the servants of Tahariae and Xan, Aengul of Gaurdianship and Order, was formed. Alas, it was not to last, and so began the Schism and the Conflict of Light. In late Athera, Aldrik, Second Itharel of Hope, was given a vision by Tahariae commanding the Clerics and the Paladins to reunite, but such did not come to pass.


It was in Vailor that Tahariae commanded His followers to leap from high places and He would save us. It was a test of faith to prepare us for His message: the realm was passing through a Great Cycle that must occur, lest the world be consumed by the Destroyer. However, in order for the Realm to be protected, four Harvesters wielding scythes must cut down many innocents. “For it is not out of Moral Good or Holiness that we do these things, but out of Necessity,” sayeth Tahariae unto us. So great was His insistence we trust in Him that two of us briefly lost connection to Him for not leaping quickly enough, but they were forgiven, and His Blessing returned to their hearts.


It was many years later, amidst the assault of the clerics by the Being known as the Undying One, that Tahariae revealed His new commands by speaking through the cleric Ashanaak, choosing him to be His next Prophet.


Such is the history of the actions of the Blessed Aengul of Purity, Tahariae, in our realm. May our actions be a testament to the Glory of Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name.


Hymns/Prayers of Zatanes Avern




Prayer of/for the Wayward


Tahariae, your Glory is that of the Rising Sun.

Dispelling the chill of the night

And the blindness it brings.

Your light brings hope to the heart,

Clarity to the mind, and

Strength to the soul.


With you as my guiding light, I know

My feet will always find the right path

And I also know that with you at my back

No darkness should ever subsume me.

But fear still haunts my heart,

My mind unfurls at the treachery, and

My soul seems to slip away.


I beg you to forgive me of this weakness

I can hardly help myself, so now I also beg

For you to not leave my presence

As I cannot possibly complete this

Treacherous journey on my own.


Alternate finish:

I can hardly help myself, so now I also beg

For you to continue to light my way

And shine so warmly on me



Prayer for the Damned


Iblees was not satisfied with his four curses

Oh, Lord of Light! 

Ibless was not satisfied with four curses to last eternity

Oh, Vehement lord, Iblees broke our very existence


We live in a terrible time where loved ones turn dark

Where those with pure hearts take on tainted hands,

By their own will or not.


Archon of Justice! Iblees corrupted what he was once

Entrusted to preside over.

Do you hear my plight? The cries of us all?

We are seperated between light and dark

Forever to go unreconciled

Whether we desired such or not.


I beg you to guide those who stray near the dark

For they hardly seem to know what division it will bring.

Us creatures of mortality, so swayed by life and death

Cannot possibly coexist with creatures who twist

The already tragic nature of death.


As for those who would willingly betray us?

I pray that you come down on them with fury of a bolt of lightning

With the persistence of the blazing sun

For they deserve no mercy

For the awful things they so willingly do



 Prayer for Justice


Archon of Justice! My Vehement lord!

An atrocity has occurred, a vile act!

Do you see your lamb, my Lord?

Do you see how it has been tainted?


Shine down on them, Father of Righteousness!


With your power of a thousand suns

Scorch the sin from their soul!

Burn the illness from their body!

By your grace they shall have once


That which has been stolen from them.


Reign on my eternal lord!

The Day that nevers ends!

Guide us all away from darkness!



Prayer for the Dawn

As the sun sets on the plane of mortals

I turn my gaze to you, Vigilant Stag

You are one of the few true lights of the world

And it brings me joy knowing that you shine on me at all times.

Through my mortal hands you render

Relief to the righteous and judgement to the wicked.


My heart aches for the lost, Lord of Light

They are afraid of your brilliance and so turn away their gaze

Stumbling through the dark

Tainted by it without ever having actually subsuming the matter.


Make me a beacon for them, so they might see all of your glory.

Strike me should I dare stray from your path and fail all those around me.

Help keep my gaze fixed upon you so I will never forget your face and loose hope.

And may my service always be pleasing to you.





Tahariae, Ellari’Orthill Sohaer’ehya ay’Oarhil

Khel iyl taliyna atal lentere,

lae/hae erne elsul’lye ito yallra

ut’iyl aelcruarn’onn.


kae ay’iyl hiylun’lluman adontere,

iyul nae iyl’cruan lae’onn/hae’onn myumiere.

erneh lae/hae sul’ito yallra’yem,

orwynan’ehya iyl’ito maelura.

tuva lomian iyl’onn llytin y’kaean’leh lye ignera.


kae lae/hae nae’leh orsullian suliera madontere

ciwer’ehya, iyul Ahrilan Ellari lae/hae ito narne,

 il’orviran ay’Khel maeluera




Tahariae, Lady of Purity and Archon of Justice

Darkness has assaulted mine eyes and threatened my kin

I cannot allow this aberration to dwell among the pure

For it is vile in every way


I petition you to lend me your strength to vanquish this foe

To  abolish their hold on the realm

Usher the light forth to it’s rightful territory

And again shine warmly on the worthy

Erase all evidence of this affront against all descendants


I pray they also see you in all your glory

And fearfully tremble knowing that the Vehement Lady

Is vigilant in Her watch against the darkness



Orwaleh Ullr’sae


orsulieran Ellaurir’leh Sul,

heya kaean ern nae’ohn lenterae?

kaean’leh taliynan lomerae, iyul’onn nae’leh iheiuhii 

Erneh vaedrara.


kae nae adontere, Elannilir’Thill

Iyl adil taliyna ahera

erneh’ehya lae/hae leyun’onn ornarn

 nae’leh sul’ito suliera


erneh nae’leh sul tuva taliiyna 

divuceral lumra’sae.

iyl hiylun ceru fyuan’ehya lentera

iyul lae/hae erneh

tuvan’ito orcruan divun narna.


Healing Sickness


Ever vigilant Lard of Light,

How could we ever be like you?

Our bodies falter from things you can simply

Waft away with a breath


I beg you, Shepherd of the Pure

Bless this frail mortal body

Show them the grace of being

In your brilliant light


Let your light permeate every piece

Of weakened flesh

Restore it to working function

So this lamb may once again

Bound across fields unfettered




Purging curses


Tahariae, your brilliance is that of the dawn

That breaks the dreaded night.

In your light the descendants walk unhindered by

The vile things that Iblees spawned.


Your mighty horns strike darkness upon each of their points

Tearing through them like stars in the night sky

With a mighty stamp of your hooves

The righteous path is carved before us


If Aeriel grants us our final wish,

Xan safety in his arms,

Then you are the leader amongst us.




Light torch?...


Tahariae, Bringer of light

I walk in uncertainty and know not my path

I need your guidance to discern a safe route

For I can only see with my mortal eyes


I petition thee to lend me your brilliant light

To illuminate the way

Guide others and myself to the destination

And feel certain while traveling

Make the road abundantly clear as if in the day


I pray that others see you in all your glory

And walk with certainty knowing that the Vehement Lady

Is vigilant in Her watch against darkness





Tahariae, Lady of Purity and Archon of Justice

Darkness has made impure the body of this innocent

They can no longer dwell in the light with others

Because of this vile wound


I petition on behalf of this woeful soul

That you take this injury from them

Allow them to dwell in the light once more

And enjoy all the pleasures such has

Erase all evidence of this affront against all descendants


I pray they also see you in all your glory

And rest easy knowing that the Vehement Lady

Is vigilant in Her watch against the darkness





Historical Reports



Arend Wick - Father of hulda. Disowned her and threatened to kill her. Black or brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Necromancer. I believe he wears a black and yellow band around his helmet when armored. Lich.


Karyssmov Faroe- He is apparently the brother of Arend and now practices a so called demon magic. I have witnessed him running around with a young man with brown hair and attitude similar to Karrysmov. Karrsymov has also taken wearing a white bandana over his face, a shame the fool did not think to change his name.


Ludwig Wick- Apparently the son of Coltaine. Dark gray hair, dark brown eyes. Necromancer and voidal user.


Ranholf - A darkstalker associate of the Wicks. Same armor as Oryx, but apparently iron. He appears to wear a red coif around his neck


Oryx- Possibly a darkstalker associate of the Wicks. Same armor as Ranholf, but is dark


Coltain Wick- The girl describes him as having a weird black armor. After witnessing a confrontation I now know this armor is of the horned one I would often see running about it. Apparently he will also have black hair, “weird face”, and dark brown eyes, I suspect this may be the result of an illusion or draught.


Dark haired woman- Supposedly knows nothing of the undead buisness, wife of Arend wick. Uses electrical evocation. I am uncertain of what her sensibilities lie, she may simply be trying to stick to her man or may also be trying to cover up the Wicks.


The daughter of Arend Wick, Hulda, gave me this information on her former family. Supposedly the inquisition is protecting her, but given how open a secret this information is I doubt the inquisition will do a thing. Hulda and her mother may attempt to contact me in Sutica for protection.

Immediately after receiving this information I left to continue snooping about Haense in disguise, but could not enter the city due to two parties blocking the way. Apparently a Rhys was seeking the death of Ranholf for his dark nature which caused quite a stir, the supporters of the impure and the Wicks present were presumably killed in the ensuing fight. Hulda and I both tried to talk sense into her mother, but she refused to really acknowledge the evil of her family after this. Hulda attempted to pull her father out, but apparently he had locked himself in the basement. It is also of note that the darkstalker baring a purple cloak was there and exchanging unkind words with Coltaine.

Haense for the most part appears to be lost to Tahariae’s light. During the conflict I witnessed, the undead nature of many of the Wicks were slewn about with abandon, but few seemed to truly take issue. I am uncertain if this because of situation similar to Sutica where the government is refusing to cooperate or if the populace are genuinely for the most part complacent. I will be attempting to contact Hulda or her mother in the case that the Wicks were indeed being cast out for their dark nature.



A Wedding Tradition



The ceremony will involve the cleric starting off with a prayer to invoke Tahariae’s judgment upon the union, the binding of the couples’ hands with cloth that coordinate with the four clerical magic colors, and then recitation of vows after the cleric once again reminds the couple of tahariae’s demands to honor their word and be just to each other.

    The prayer that is used should be clear on how Tahariae is being invoked to ensure the sincerity of the words spoken and that should the vows broken, Tahariae casts his judgment on the who broke them. I will be writing up a prayer for eases sake, but if anyone wants their own prayer to use that is fine so long as it serves the earlier mentioned purpose.

     The couple will then cross their wrists and join their hands in mimicry of the infinity symbol to represent the eternal bond  .Then four cords colored white, gold, blue, and silver will then be tied around the hands of the couple which will represent in respect to their order; their devotion to the marriage, their love for each other, the willingness to uphold their vows no matter what,lastly the commitment to serve each other in an equal and fair relationship. The couple will recite their vows and then the cleric will remind that Tahariae’s judgment will fall upon whomever does not uphold the word they have given. Afterwards the cleric will permit them to kiss for the first time as a married couple. As an added touch, clerics present might cast their light then touch the couple as they walk from the altar.


Other Writings of Zatanes Avern




I will start this off by saying that I am an admitted pacifist. I despise violence. I do not think any good at all can come from violence in any way or if “good” does come from violence then it must be in a selfish sense. This might seem like a poor trait in a devotee of Tahariae, aengul of purity and justice, but in careful consideration of his word I believe that it is perfectly fine to be a pacifist and is actually encouraged by Tahariae.


“Guide and protect the Descendants of the Four against the Impure. “- Braxis Silverblade


“Go forth, and become true Clerics among the Descendants: scholars, protectors, and leaders, to guide the Innocent with words, justice, and wisdom.” - The second command as revealed to the prophet Ashanaak by Tahariae


Clerics, in regards to the descendants, are not called to be judges or executioners, but to be a guiding light. Where there hastily drawn swords, clerics are the mediators. Where ignorant words are hurled, clerics provide words to provoke understanding. Where chaos reigns, clerics introduces justice and all it’s joy.

A violent or warseeking cleric would indeed seem to be an affront to Tahariae’s vision when considering how all the woes, commands, and tenants encourage us to be exemplars amid the descendants. Clerics are not so much as allowed to swear or use any crude language, so how could a warseeker truly be considered one of Tahariae’s devout? A violent person uses violent language that wounds. A violent person possesses violent behavior that terrifies others. A violent person has violent thoughts that lead to violent actions. A violent person possesses a violent heart that leaves them susceptible to the influences of Iblees and all the dark forces.

A very recent example of such downfall and misunderstanding comes from the disgraced Karyssmov Faroe. Karyssmov started off as a fine cleric who did well in keeping the impure at bay, but he slowly fell into the trappings of such. He devoted his life to the violent aspect of a cleric and soon became engrossed by his own power. He thought himself above the woes, commands, and tenants as seen by his outright stating his disregard for them and breaking multitudes of precepts in each. He began to think himself worthy to judge what was impure and pure, so dark beings began to convert even those within the city. Eventually he fell to such a state this his overly aggressive behavior began to chase away the citizens he was sworn to protect as both a cleric and Lord Protector of Sutica. Remember the example of Karyssmov the Woefully Blind and now disgraced.


“Go forth, and in My Blessed Name, use any means necessary to bring Purity to the Taint and Darkness that has become the world. The realm must return to how it once was, when the Four once ruled in Peace and Taint had not yet manifested. Through the suffering My Mission shall bring you, remember that it is not out of Moral Good that you must do these things, but out of Necessity.” - The eight command as revealed to the prophet Ashanaak by Tahariae


“Woe to those who let the Impure, the Beings of Darkness and Evil, and the Descendants who bring harm to the Innocents, walk free when they cross thy path.” - The fourth Woe as revealed to the Prophet Ashanaak by Tahariae

Here is where contradictions begin to swirl around the heart and mind. Clerics are called to bear no violent action whatsoever against the descendents and to even discourage such, but scripture does suggest a ruthless nature against the impure. It is important to note that in the eighth command, Tahariae tells us our goal is return the world to what it once was. This implies any dark creature or magic to essentially be a disease to the world, no matter what “good” they may possess.

Even without Tahariae’s word the divide between pure and impure is seen, they simply cannot coexist in any situation. Now, I will concede that there have been documented cases where dark mages and creatures have been peaceable at all times to particular individuals, but one can always find traces of their vile work elsewhere if not at their place of dwelling. It is intrinsic to their nature that some descendant, some innocent somewhere must suffer for the continued power of the impure.

The eradication, please take note of my word choice, of the impure is simply a necessity as by Tahariae’s own words. This is not a matter of passion for that would suggest a battle of ideologies, but a matter of simple survival and must be treated as such. You do not allow for your mind to be clouded by emotion when clinging to your life, you examine every detail from a neutral point then seize the best plan. You do not kill for fun or enjoyment when clinging to your life, you treat every victory as one more day allowed on this plane. You  also do not tout your victories as if they somehow make you greater, you understand how you achieved the victory and simply carry the lesson with you to the next battle.


“Go forth, and spread not just my Light among the Descendants, but My Words and the Truth of My Glory.” - The first command as revealed to the prophet Ashanaak by Tahariae


In conclusion, violent is something to be avoided and violence is something that cannot be avoided in Tahariae’s eyes. To the descendants, clerics are examples of what they can be if they strive hard enough to pursue the light. To the impure, clerics are the dreaded and frightfully swift judgement of their sins.



Mia De Silvarois once advised me to suspect darkness in everyone I meet and stated that I was much too trusting. I found myself conflicted with both statements. It is true, I am too trusting, but I think to suspect darkness in everyone is to cloud true sight. I have found that it is with a completely neutral perspective that I have been able to discern the solution of many conflicts.

With a neutral perspective one is able to discern all facts of the situation; who, what, why, and how. With this information one is able to formulate the course of action that is truly the best for the situation. For example, you come across two youths during an argument. First, discern why each of them is angry. Secondly, understand why they would be angry about such a thing. Lastly, with their individual motivations in mind seek to settle the argument or give them a thorough tongue lashing if the argument is over something trivial.

With a neutral perspective, you are also able to avoid the trappings that emotions provide. You pick out the facts and so can only see the facts, the course of action. Such behavior prevents accusations of side-picking, poor judgement, and the overall betterment of relations.










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For a moment, a former dark-haired practitioner of Lightning evocation sweated, though upon reading further into it, she exhaled a sigh of relief, realizing that the description did not fully match that of her own.

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