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The Hand of God


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    A tiny girl, pale of skin and hair and no older than six, sat upon the edge of a stream. In the distance, there was the faint sound of revelry, and laughter, and the rising of smoke from a campfire. She stared across the babbling brook, its noise a comfort to her, at a pine tree on the other side. Its branches swayed gently in the breeze, and occasionally, they blurred like a smudge of green paint. She squinted a bit, rubbed her eyes, and then decided it was nothing to worry about. She leapt up, turning to run into the tent camp to find someone to pester.


[Ten Years Later]


    Lorina Varoche was alone in the white walled church of Velec. She was on her knees before the altar, palms clasped tight enough to hurt, and the silence of the space was broken by her quiet sobs. For years now, she’d been completely blind. It was utter darkness, with only what she could paint in her mind. Her vision had been fading since for as long as she could remember, getting worse each year, making her world smaller. Finally, at 13, it had gone completely. Through those years, through life's many traumas, she’d found faith. She vehemently believed that God had taken her sight in His wisdom, so that she might better hear His voice. But now, three years into the darkness, she’d struggled to hear Him. The trials and tribulations continued, but she felt her own faith wavering, and it terrified her. All that had comforted her, this knowing that He was there with her, guiding her, felt cool and distant, the flame of faith flickering inside her. 


    Now, she was growing desperate. Her tears spilled forth from sightless eyes, sobs tearing through her as they grew louder. They were cries to nothing, to the silence and cold air of the church around her. The noise bounced off colorful stained glass, meeting her once again in a faint echo. Her breaths came faster, and more shallow, as she began to descend into panic. It was dangerous territory, but in her loneliness she had no one to ground her, nothing to cling to for sanity. Her own mind blurred, some form of mental tunnel vision as the panic rose. Her chest tightened, and it became difficult to breath through the sobs. Her hands unclasped, and she fell forward, palms catching her. Pale, slender fingers dug at the carpet, clawing and desperate. Between breaths came words, quick and panicked. 


“Please, please God, please. Show me the way. Speak to me again. Please, God, I need you now!”


    Her whole body trembled, shaking with the quiet violence of a panic attack. Her mind began to darken, the blood pounding in her ears sounding like angry drum beats, and she felt her muscles weaken. Once, long ago, she’d experienced this, and some little voice in a corner of her mind that wasn’t full panic said ‘Next comes the darkness, and then the flash of light, and when you wake, someone will be holding you. Someone with panic on their face will cry out, ‘Lorina, you’ve had a seizure!’ 


    And with that, the darkness did come, and the flash of bright light in her mind.. And then another, and another. Like fireworks in her skull, the light came, brighter and brighter until it was painful, until it felt like her skull was coming apart. And suddenly, the light bloomed so fiercely that she thought it might be the very gates of the Seven Skies themselves opening up before her.


    And then, nothing. No drum beats, no sobs, no little voices or flashes of light. She was alone again, laying on the musty carpet of the lonely church. Lorina lay there for a moment, the sunlight streaming in through the stained glass meeting her cheek with a faint warmth, before seeming to be chased away by the cool touch of.. What? There was nothing, no hand, no one there to comfort her. And still, she felt that chill palm on her cheek, and the faintest whisper of words.


It’s time to wake up, Lorina.

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