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Carolus Colborns' Coming of Age


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Published from the Viscounty of Venzia






It is with good will that I, Carolus Ivan Colborn, announce the completion of my Coming-of-Age trials that were bestowed upon me by the Patriarch - Baldrum Carr Ingvar Colborn, and the Grand Elder - Adrian Erik Colborn. I began my trials at the age of 14, and was expected to choose one of several Colborn Patron Ancestors of whom my trials were catered towards. Instead, I chose four Patron Ancestors; one for each aspect I desired to excel in as I became an adult.


Saint Carolus “the Founder” of Carrenhall - for his Loyalty and Sacrifice to both His family, and to House Barbanov in the days of Athera. If it weren’t for Saint Carolus, the seed of the White Tree could not have bloomed.


Jesper “the Sickly” Colborn - for his Perseverance through sickness that aided in him becoming a beacon of hope for all Colborns who lost their way after the Dukes’ War. If not for Jesper, the House of Colborn would have fallen apart, and my ancestral kin would have lost their way.


Cassian “the Ledger Keeper” Colborn - for his commitment to the book and quill, and his ideals of Reform. If it were not for Cassian, many Colborns would believe it was only necessary to wield a blade and fight on the battlefields. He illuminated a path through the courts of Haense, and dedicated his brain and skill with a quill to the Koeng and his government. 


Matias “the Twice-Dead” Colborn - for his undying fight against Evil, against which he fought adamantly in the realm of Atlas for the protection of not just his kin, nor just his nation, but all Descendants of the lands. If not for Matias, our nation would have no footing against the Vaeyl-foe that could likely lead them to victory. 


It is these four Patron Ancestors of House ColbornIt - all of which I hold to the highest pedigree of Respect and Admiration -  that I wished to guide me on my journey as I grew from a boy to a proud Scyfling man. The Patriarch and Grand Elder thus tasked me for my trials as follows:


  • To transcribe historical documents of  my maternal house - Colborn


  • To transcribe historical documents of my paternal house - Ashford de Savoie


  • To journey with the BSK or Order of the Crow on a mission against darkspawn or a grand beast of my choosing


I have worked for the past four years to do what was required of me. Of the documents I transcribed for House Colborn; they will join our family’s library in Vorenburg, and some will be donated to the library of Karosgrad. Of the documents I transcribed for House Ashford de Savoie; they will join both the library in Vorenburg, and my father’s library in Peremont, and some will be donated to the library of Karosgrad.


As for my final task; although I did not join either the BSK or the Order of the Crow on a mission to hunt beasts or darkspawn, I have reported to King Georg I directly on matters regarding recent attacks from foreign forces on Haeseni soil. I have procured an important creature from said force, who will be presented to the Koeng in due time. I have met with His Majesty before on this matter, and I am pleased that he trusts my judgement on the matter, and how to handle this creature.


Even after my trials have completed, I will still seek out the BSK and the Order of the Crow in hopes of joining them on future missions against the darkspawn and unruly beasts of the realm. That is a mission I will always have in life.






His Lordship, Carolus Ivan Colborn, Heir of House Colborn, Heir to the Viscounty of Venzia,

 Barony of Bethelenen, and Lordship of Vorenburg


Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of The Book, Scribe of the House of Colborn,

 Mother of Carolus


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As a young Brendell Colborn reads up on his cousin's coming of age trial, he feels a nervous twinge in his gut. He himself has just turned fourteen, and would be speaking with the Patriarch and the Grand Elder soon. "Eam sure et will be... fine. But vat if et ist nejt?"

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