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City Charter of Valfleur - 1915


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City Charter of Valfleur


Penned by Ms. Edith Hope 




Born out of the remnants of the Harvest Confederacy, The Commonwealth of the Petra stands as the sole Knightly Republic in Almaris. In the brief history of the Commonwealth of Petra its citizens have been tried and tested many times by war, and difficult times. In the face of such adversity they have maintained their principles, it is with them in mind that we dedicate this document to the People of the Commonwealth of the Petra






The City Government of Valfleur


I - The City Assembly 


I.I - The City Assembly shall be composed of three Assemblymen, two of whom shall be elected from among the general populace of Valfleur and one shall be appointed by the Archduchess of the Petra. 

II.II - The City Assembly shall have a term of six years, after which they must seek re-election in a popular vote election after which the top two candidates shall take office. The course of the election will be nominations that shall last a single month after which candidates shall be granted three months of campaigning, which shall include a debate organized by the Registrar of Valfleur, and then the Election shall take place.

I.III - The City Assembly duties shall be the passage of laws pertaining to the City of Valfleur, approval of a municipal government that shall be created by the Lord Mayor, aiding the Lord Mayor in planning of festivities and serving on committees to aid the Citizenry of Valfleur. 


II - Lord Mayor of Valfleur

II.I - In order to be elected to the Office of Lord Mayor one shall be nominated to the race. After nominations conclude there shall be a debate held between the Mayoral candidates in public, and finally the election shall be held.

II.II - The Lord Mayor shall be elected by a popular vote from the populace. In the event that no candidate receives fifty percent of the vote a runoff election shall occur between the  two winners of the last round.

II.III - Tasks that are delegated to the Lord Mayor shall include festivities, delegation of committees to the Assembly, appointing a capable Deputy Lord Mayor who shall lead the City Assembly on behalf of the Lord Mayor and to create a municipal government to be approved by the City Assembly.

I.IV - There shall be  set term limits on the Office of Lord Mayor . Who shall serve no more than two terms in office totaling no more than twelve years. In the event the Deputy Mayor ascends to the office of Lord Mayor they will serve the remainder of the Lord Mayors term and have the choice to seek a single term of their own. 


III - The Registrar of Valfleur


I.I - The Registrar is given the task of running the elections of the City Assembly, Lord Mayor Elections, moderating Campaign Debates, and calling the City Assembly to order for a session. The Registrar shall be appointed by the Archduchess of Petra to a life-term or until resignation. 

I.II - The duties assigned to the Registrar of Valfleur shall be purely neutral oversight of the City Government and its elections to ensure that the City of Valfleur remains incorruptible.

I.III - As the de-facto Overseer of the City of Valfleur the Registrar shall take a seat within the Roundtable of the Petra to represent the City with a non-voting position.



Bylaws of the City Assembly


I - The Order of a Session
I.I - Once the City Assembly has convened and the Deputy Mayor has been introduced, they shall take the dais and declare a Point of Order for the session in which bills may be brought forth, and voted upon. 

I.II - A meeting shall be adjourned when an Assemblyman calls for the adjournment of the session in which the Deputy Mayor shall then allow the motion to come to an immediate vote.


Issued and proclaimed,

HER GRACE, Renilde I, By the Grace of GOD, Archduchess of the Petra, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Marchioness of the East March, Hero of the Petra

HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Laurens Henri “The Unwavering” Halcourt d’Artois,

Chanzlé of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquis of Clermont and Warden of the West, Baron of Artois, Lieutenant-General of the Petrine Regiment, Knight of the Sovereign Order of the Petrine Laurel, Hero of the Petra



Her EXCELLENCY, Ms. Edith Hope,

Registrar of the City of Valfleur, Matriarch of House Hope


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