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Gen's Murder Emporium 2.0


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I've escaped them just long enough to make another satire post... I hope they don't find me agai- OH GOD OH ****



Hello friends and other folk (most of you aren't friends, but you know that)

It's been quite a while, but Gen's murder emporium is back up and running at full force!
Perhaps you're for some conflict with your character! Maybe you hate yourself and the only way to find mental peace is by brutally wounding your characters through roleplay and crying over it for five hours on end! Or you possibly could just be bored!
Regardless of the situation, we're here to handle it! Message me at Generic#4386 and we can discuss a world where I beat the everloving shit out of you and/or your character. 

Now you may be wondering, where's the 2.0? What makes this Murder Emporium special? Well, we're not expanding to non-lethal maiming, injury, or battery of mental health! That's right, we'll take an eye, a hand, or even your spiritual sanity! We'll even go as far as to give you a 20% discount on all non-lethal services purchased!



As always, we'll only take your mortal essence, your physical soul, your firstborn child (or second, we don't care. Unless it's the thirdborn- if it's the third, **** you), or five hundred Canadian dollars in cold hard cash! Please... I crave violence... blood fuels me...


Gen's murder emporium is not responsible for any failed assassinations, post-murder pugsying, gamer rage, lack of satisfaction with our services, or dragon queens swooping out of the sky and attacking as a result of you purchasing our products

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4 minutes ago, lemonke said:

What the frik are u doing

Finding new people to cyberbully, obviously

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2 hours ago, RandomRhunes said:

Doing GODAN’s work

What can I say? I'm a woman of the people

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(please help i've been trapped for 15 years)

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As a victim of Gen's first Murder Emporium, I approve this message!

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