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23rd of Horens Calling, 1916




After leaving our former lands, it did not take long for us to arrive in the area of old which used to be plagued with never ending turmoil and war. It was my first time seeing it with my own eyes, before that - only stories and miserable landscape paintings. First we discovered the sight of Acre - long and abandoned farmlands and wooden houses that were left without a Baron, despite my grandfather's valiant efforts to defend them. We then passed the overgrown city of Vienne, whose the bells and choirs had resounded throughout the continent, but now remains completely silent with only vegetation populating the cobble streets. Most people had cause for resentment toward Frederick because of what he did to Acre, yet despite his control, the city was never devoid of inhabitants. Eventually we made our way far down only to find that the south is once again populated by great men from across all heartlands. Before entering Velec, we made sure to stop by the ruins of where once stood the city of Haverlock - a place where our grandparents engaged in ferocious battles on opposite sides. Momentarily after our arrival I had a long conference with the Duke of Adria as we strolled around the historical lands and ruins of what once was. Here, below the soil, lies most of the soldiers who fell during the long Orenian war as the area was an active battleground for decades. The conversation enlightened me with a clear understanding that both of our visions are very much alike and the Duke's honesty is commendable. With that, I vowed to raise the House von Draco banner for Adria in time of need and stand beside its humble citizens should disorder return to the southern heartlands again. We shall rebuild and continue to prevail together.



Reinolt von Draco

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Helena wandered through the streets of the city, reminiscing on legacy’s past and all of what she had been told, stopping every so often to take it all in. She braced herself for this new chapter and whatever may lie ahead, the missive gripped tightly in her hand, with wild confidence in her kin.

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