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[Map Update | Preparing for Launch] - 9.0


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Looking great..! From what I've seen this is  one of LoTC's most promising maps. I'm personally interested to see how the main road will be laid out and land is distributed. I REALLY hope y'all make a proper, cheesy video like this one (shout out Alectriciti) to post around online and spread the LoTC gospel - something like this taking off on reddit could attract a ton of new players..



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35 minutes ago, Shmeepicus said:

Ayo @seannie build a village of ten houses, give none of your vassals land and have every member of Aaun fight each other to the death for a home

im building night city and giving all the vassals their own skyscraper Night City Cyberpunk by rocksdanister on DeviantArt

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55 minutes ago, Mio said:

  Lot's of mistakes from prior maps were thoroughly gone over as to not make them once again.

But not making rivers flat so they are navigable by boat...


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It looks so pretty... I am excited to afk run across the whole thing!

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im all for small settlements #startingoutsmall #letsgodude #copeandseethemegabuilders #smallfryriseup #itsokaytostartsmall #we'regrowersnotshowers

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18 minutes ago, Adelemphii said:

im all for small settlements #startingoutsmall #letsgodude #copeandseethemegabuilders #smallfryriseup #itsokaytostartsmall #we'regrowersnotshowers

A huge benefit to starting off modest is that other/new players see the potential for growth and/or refinement, inspiring them to potentially make their mark. Seeing the world and it's settlements evolve also is a huge component of immersion for me.  I understand that starting with nothing can change how people roleplay considerably but there's gotta be a happy medium to starting with a huge city that will only change slightly over the length of the map.


Those hashtags tho.. 😂

Edited by shiftnative
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2 hours ago, Mio said:

 There's some decent elevation but elevation is fine. The only issue is whether it peaks at the top which 99% of the map doesn't. 

The one part at 30 seconds which may be "completely useless" got claimed by a nation to be their capital and maybe takes up less than 0.5% of the map. Lot's of mistakes from prior maps were thoroughly gone over as to not make them once again.


If it takes <0.5% of the map, how large is the map?

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26 minutes ago, rukio said:

where is the cooking plug in tho


don't forget the brewing @The60th

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2 hours ago, Fishy said:

But not making rivers flat so they are navigable by boat...


you can go down stream just not up stream, makes sense to me.


49 minutes ago, Arafel said:


If it takes <0.5% of the map, how large is the map?

no it's just a small area

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2 hours ago, shiftnative said:

something like this taking off on reddit could attract a ton of new players..

Recently one of the videos from the LOTC tiktok account went viral and has garnered close to 200k views. From it we saw a wave of new players that joined, upwards of I'd say close to 30 per day logging on, and multiple submitted applications per-minute, many of which were actually well-written. Not sure if this is something u were aware of but when one of Treshure's videos showcasing LOTC builds got on the front page of r/Minecraft, it got removed for advertising when he very vaguely somewhat implied it was part of an online server in response to a comment. real shame but tiktok has since then saved our loss of noob revenue

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6 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

Recently one of the videos from the LOTC tiktok account went viral and has garnered close to 200k views. From it we saw a wave of new players that joined, upwards of I'd say close to 30 per day logging on, and multiple submitted applications per-minute, many of which were actually well-written. Not sure if this is something u were aware of but when one of Treshure's videos showcasing LOTC builds got on the front page of r/Minecraft, it got removed for advertising when he very vaguely somewhat implied it was part of an online server in response to a comment. real shame but tiktok has since then saved our loss of noob revenue

Love to hear that! LoTC has always lacked promotion..

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Could I request like a two weeks heads up on the map change up cuz I'm definitely scheduling off work so I can see this gorgeous map. 

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Thelgrud wants to move already, me need bigger forest

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