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Coat of Arms of Caius Godwin Jrent.


Dear Citizens of Aaun, Dear Friends and Dear Brothers and Sister In-Arms


Today, I once again consider it necessary to return to the tragic events taking place within the Duchy of Adria and the issues regarding the security of our citizens.


Allow me to start with what I have said a few Saints Days back. We are talking about what causes us particular concern and treatment of those who are loyal to His Majesty under the reign of terror of the Neo-Renatian backed Duke of Adria.


It is well known to everyone that His Majesty’s government patiently waited and supported the Duke of Adria in his endeavor to restore the Duchy due to cultural and ancestral ties despite what the opposers said. It eventually turned out that we reached an agreement with those who opposed the restoration and thus the Duchy of Adria was created once again.


It is now my questions to the rebels who continue to oppress the Aaunic citizens within the Duchy;


Where does the disdainful attitude come from towards the United Kingdom of Aaun and our absolute will to let the oppressed citizens live in peace? 


Where does the will of shedding blood come from to separate the Duchy of Adria from the United Kingdom of Aaun?


Why does the Duchy of Adria harbor and worship alongside Godfreyists who are deemed a schismatic entity by the Church?


The answer is clear to us; it is greed that took the power within the rebel leadership and thus made them believe that the Church is something that can be avoided. A grotesque mistake. It was His Holiness who was present at the Duma and supported the election of the new Duke of Adria and voted in favor of Heinrik when it was a genuine idea to bring the Raevir back together into one single Duchy. A genuine idea that has fallen into a pit of snakes. It was the corrupted minds that made the Duke and his government bloodthirsty and are willing to slay those who oppose them.


What I am speaking to all of you in this letter about, concerns not only the Aaun and not only us, but it concerns the entire spiritual alliance of those in Canondom at this very moment to rid Adria of the Godfreyist schismatics who seek to indoctrinate the population into worshiping a false doctrine and exalted.


It is known that the older generation amongst us have fought against the old anathema of the former Holy Orenian Empire, a fight that is now doomed to repeat itself soon if the Canonist realms do not take matters into their own hands. We must not let this schism and rebellion fall back into the old ways where Philip III with the help of his Arichsdorf bandits continued to persecute and kill priests whom were loyal to His Holiness and not allow them to kill those who consider the One and Only True Church of the Canon as the truth.


It was last Saints Month that I was most afraid of losing my kin whom were taken captives by the rebels who were on the verge of executing them - Praise be to GOD that they did not.


We have lost one battle, which should not set the precedent of the entire rebellion. For we are more advanced than those who oppose us. We are capable of military intelligence, operations and anything else that will demoralize the rebels within Adria and will use everything necessary to return the land to the rightful Duma. 


I should also appeal to the Adrian Army who are currently fighting against the Aaunic Army,


Good Friends and Former Brother In-Arms, 


Upon having tied yourself to the Duchy of Adria and being a resident within the County of Veletzia, you are a citizen of Aaun. Do not let the orders of those who follow false ideologies bother you any longer and instead take up arms against the false Duke and his false government. Do what is righteous and take the Duchy of Adria back into the Aaunic fold by any means necessary. 


I once again state and emphasize; All the responsibility of bloodshed will be on the conscience of the current ruling rebel-regime of Adria and will be responsible for its own downfall. And it is your own conscience that guides you towards those who are deemed righteous in overthrowing the anathema and his rebel allies. I am confident that you, the Adrians who are righteous and see the wrong in the Duke's doing, are capable of seeing the one path towards peace.


I trust in you and believe in your strength in doing this.


Good Citizens and Warriors of Aaun


I am absolutely confident that through our political might and superiority over these rebels will help us into letting the Duchy surrender. The Aaunic and Adrian citizens under the rebel-regime will no longer be oppressed and will be liberated under the will of GOD and the One and Only Church of the Canon.


The anathema and his allies will fail and will stand trial for their heinous crimes against humanity and its one true faith. And as GOD is my witness, I will personally swear to force them out of our Kingdom's land and let them rot in exile.


I trust in you, the Aaunic citizens and brave warriors to do the same.


And through the same ancient battlecry I say:


Tandem Triumphans.



Caius Godwin Jrent


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"I hear a lot of NONSENSE." Ser Harlingen, a Knight in the service of Adria spoke "The Kingdom of Aaun dared to try and oppress us - and we have slain your traitorous rebel-army! You tried to frame our elected Duke! Sent Demons of Iblees against us."


"The Citizens of Adria have chosen their path! Quit to pretend otherwise, you fools."

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4 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

"I hear a lot of NONSENSE." Ser Harlingen, a Knight in the service of Adria spoke "The Kingdom of Aaun dared to try and oppress us - and we have slain your traitorous rebel-army! You tried to frame our elected Duke! Sent Demons of Iblees against us."


"The Citizens of Adria have chosen their path! Quit to pretend otherwise, you fools."

"Rebel army? How the **** can we rebel against ourselves?" asks a captive, before another boot gets thrown in his face.

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31 minutes ago, ImmortalShadowZ said:

The son of a Dorfer would be confused... "When did the town kill priests?" He would ask himself whilst reading the missive.

A once young farming girl of Arichsdorf, now an old, tired woman, knits by the fire. Her grandson, unrelated to the other Dorfers of yore, somehow manages to read the newest missive to her. She'd stop mid stitch, the rocking of her chair, rhythmic in its creaking slows, then stops all together.


"What'd yew say?" She'd ask, wondering if perhaps her hearing had finally left her.


"They claimin' yous all killed priests in Arichsdorf granny." 


"Dumbass." Tutted the older woman, frailed by the decades as she continued to knit. The fire crackled, shadows danced along the stone walls. "This boy claims to be Jrent does he? Bastard house, full of mentally ill products of incest. They married brother to sister, did you know that? Nasty people, those Horens, not like our good Manfred and Laurentina. This boy, Cassius or what have you, must've gotten in one of the old Moon Rock stashes still hidden in town." She'd say decidedly. 


"Caius, granny." Corrected the boy.


"I said what I said. Dorfers don't forget." She'd scold, pushing herself up from the chair, knitting cast aside. "...Dorfers don't forget." She'd echo a moment later.


"But m'sweater." He'd protest, looking to the discarded wool.


"Can wait. We don't take insults from little men wit' pens an' paper for weapons." Alice retorts at last, pulling away the tapestry that concealed the bee shrine, and, more importantly, her old set of chainmail. 

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"Anotha' inbred politician, completely detached from realiteh." Martijn van Aert broke into a taunting laughter, "What a pity." He stifled through his laughter, casting the propaganda aside.

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2 hours ago, Laeonathan said:

"I hear a lot of NONSENSE." Ser Harlingen, a Knight in the service of Adria spoke "The Kingdom of Aaun dared to try and oppress us - and we have slain your traitorous rebel-army! You tried to frame our elected Duke! Sent Demons of Iblees against us."


"The Citizens of Adria have chosen their path! Quit to pretend otherwise, you fools."





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"Isnt this the fellow who spoke about womens asses to me incessantly along with his father Emil Caius? That was an interesting tavern night, hopefully they dont return." Constantine quipped, then whistling a happy tune.




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"Wer Rastet, Der Rostet!" The Minitzian knight would below.

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7 hours ago, sashimichopped said:

Arichsdorf bandits continued to persecute and kill priests whom were loyal to His Holiness

An elderly Arichsdorfer, former member of the Greycloaks, reads the missive quickly through. - Yet, her eyes do not pass through such a sentence lightly. Her mind is cast back upon those days, decades ago, and yet she does not recall such a thing that had occurred.



She whispers to herself, fingers drumming on the wooden arm of the chair she sits upon. Folding the missive, she walks upstairs meakly and places them into an archive.

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Laurentina wonders if the priest has been smoking too much cactus green to come up with this arichsdorf slander.

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