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"Krusae Zwy Kongzem!" Cheers Laetitia -- the legitimized daughter of a Sarkozic bastard, and also a well-known resident of Karosgrad -- upon reading the missive. 

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"A MOST WISE AN' RIGHTEOUS CHOICE BY 'IS MAJESTY THE KING!" exclaimed Arthur Gant, devout Haenseman.

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"Yam ashamed of mea Raevir roots when the 'leader' of our culture acts shamelessly in ve eyes of Godan..." Muttered the young Baroness, Alyona, as she pulled along a couch with Malcolm's helping hand. She was currently renovating some of the rooms in Verskaya, making it emulate her likeness more. "Ea will 'ave to pen a letter to Raudraik in Aeldin about this, for he frequents there often."


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The Princess Mariya read through the missive in the comfort of her room, grumbling softly under her breath as she tucked the paper into the drawer at her side. Her focus centered now on the stone dog that watched her as she moved about the room...

"Well Iwa.. Suppose the gifts for Viktor will have to wait." 

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2 minutes ago, ibiou said:

"Yam ashamed of mea Raevir roots when the 'leader' of our culture acts shamelessly in ve eyes of Godan..." Muttered the young Baroness, Alyona, as she pulled along a couch with Malcolm's helping hand. She was currently renovating some of the rooms in Verskaya, making it emulate her likeness more. "Ea will 'ave to pen a letter to Raudraik in Aeldin about this, for he frequents there often."


"Ah am luckeh ah am no' Adrian. Ah would be ashamed tae go anehwhere else after this if ah was." Malcolm Gant grunted in reply to Alyona, dropping the couch in the right place.

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"Cute excuse to be absolute ******* about yet another war. You come as crows? No, you cower like chickens..." Muses a particular white haired 'Thill as he sets about brewing the next batch of potions. With a shake of his head, his attention turns from the cowardice of Haense, back to the protection of Adria. 

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Audo Weiss read over the missive, pondering it quietly for a moment, accompanied by his Zvaervauld Lilac Honey. Perhaps it was a long time ago that he studied Hanseti-Ruskan History, but he undoubtedly loved his country. He was devout, too, but in no world did GOD come before his own king and nation.


A nation he loved independent.


"To indirectly show support for Aaun... are we bolstering it? Perhaps we've become too comfortable in ve decades lacking aggression... but how is our memory as a nation so short as to forget that our long term goals are at odds. All Aaun has done is gain power in the time we've let it grow. If we leave it, aid it even... we will niet be independent forevermore."



After a long bout of silence, a frown cast over his features. "This is niet the mark of a world power. Our claws are dimmed ag we've lost sight of what we must retain."

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