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To Heinrik Sarkozic

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"You could not have been more wiser, dear Charlie." She uttered to her husband over dinner as her eyes perused the contents of the publication, her complexion shifted with growing beam. "We must win this, for our balmy retreats to Velec are depending on." The aging woman chuckled loudly, her laughter echoing throughout the halls. 

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"Damn he mad," Renilde uttered over the rim of her wine glass, struck by the conviction of the Aaunic King. "I must meet with this Regent of Adria and sign on with the 'Writ of Avoidance' like Haense. I wouldn't want to be caught up in Charlie's wrath." With a shudder, the Archduchess clinked her glass to her long-time drinking partner's own, sipping, then continuing. "Will you set that meeting up, Laurens? I will draft the writ in the meantime!"



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"There is only one regret I have for this all, it is that I did not act sooner at the beginnings of heinrik's evil..." the Roach sighed as he thought of his once friend, his once best friend.

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Jan Jazloviecki frowned as he thought of his friendship with Heinrik "Friends to foes within a year. How quick does one's attitude change." The Count then took a moment to think "It matters not, for our soldiers will march through that cursed Duchy and our Dragon Banners will flutter in the wind once more. We'll win or die with Charlie" He sighed heavily before pinning the King's statement to Warsovian noticeboard

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The Minitzer nodded reading the missive, "For friends to grow apart, tis saddening, for a man to stab in the back his fellow kameraden? Revolting."


Yvian, then glanced at the posters before him, giving each a stern nod of approval as he then contemplated, "I hope Stefan is alright... his food was always quite tasty."



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Princess Elena could feel those burns from Balian. . .and this time it wasn’t the desert sun. 

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Suzana glowered in pensiveness, studying the silent quell of smoke and fire that grew in the distance, a fire routed to where the new Adrians had torched the fort that protected the heartland capital from the fiends at slaughter. 

"E still, jest a game of men's honor that kills a folk and their culture - y wonder sto looms for moy now. Will it be foolish glory, or death sans justice? Yam tired of the wait. Y have no more tears to give."

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"Ave Aaun. Ave King Charles. Ave my Alstion Kinsmen." said Louis Owyn Haverlock as he sat within his keep 'Joannesfort', planning its reconstruction following the end of the Adrian War.

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"This is a lot of talk for someone that can't hold his own Kingdom without the help of foreigners!" Ser Darius yelled from outside the gate of Vienne, though his critique would fall on deaf ears as the Aaunite capital remained in ruined and deserted.

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Franz Arthur Sarkozic, a once cousin of Heinrik de Sarkozy, prays for the Adrian people.

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Waclaw Jazloviecki smiled as he read the rebuke of Heinrik. “Beyond Based.” He nodded, using a phrase still (somehow) popular with the youth.

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Ottomar von Alstreim sighed, gone to trace the Lorraine.

"Verily, that ungrateful and conniving swine of Sarkozic knows no honor. Perhaps one day he shall repent."

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"Wee Heinrik is sure to pay for his crimes that he has committed against the Aaunic people, together with his band of mercenaries and heretics. The vile coward does not dare to surrender himself, even when it is the best decision that he could make for his people. He is what in Waldenian is a feigling, in Daelish, a maorach; I can not even describe in one word in two different languages what sort of imbecile this Duke truly is. He is surely a hypocrite as he promised to be a better Duke then his predecessors, bloody bastard. May he indeed rot in hell for leaving his people behind and instead make them suffer under his rule. Vile tyrant. He will surely be slain by someone in battle and BY GOD I would be more then happy to kill him myself." Caius Godwin Alstion remarked as he sharpened his weapons for the battles to come, remarking to various friends in Minitz uttering quite some fury in his second language; that being Waldenian. "Er ist wirklich ein schwächling, widerlicher rebellenabschaum!"

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Henry of Aaun really wished he had his new sword right now, so he could make a awesome comment about it and have the voices in his head raise his karma.

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