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A seaside depiction of Minitz from afar, following the successful attack




          As dusk settled in, a warhorse emblazoned with the colors of House von Draco galloped towards the Duchy of Minitz. Atop this steed sat two seasoned warriors: Sofya von Draco and her grandson, Reinolt von Draco. From atop the “unbreachable” walls of Minitz, a conspirator stood ready to relay information.


"Rally the men.”


          And so, that very same horse returned from whence it came, its riders hastily assembling a force of approximately 2,000 men. With Valentin van Aert, Sir Lucien de Rouen, and the aforementioned Draco warriors at the vanguard, the detachment rode out, headed for their destination. A second unnamed associate stationed himself at the citizen doors, briskly escorting the Adrian forces inside, one by one. As the Adrians charged inside, civilians’ screams resounded throughout the city. Amidst agonizing cries, some fled, while the less fortunate found their escape impeded by the invaders. No effort was made to thwart the raiders. The city was already lost.


          Once the captives were rounded up, the Adrian soldiers diverted their attention to the Moothalle. The brigade watched in awe as Valentin van Aert and Sir Lucien de Rouen set their volatile blades alight. Simultaneously, their weapons plunged into the support beams of the wooden structure. It did not take long for the building to collapse, in its stead, leaving naught but a crispy ruin.


          Without harming a single Minitz man, woman, or child, the Adrian forces departed, riding off into the sunset.  









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"This war is already won." muttered sagely one of the many soldiers who had rallied for the raid on Minitz. "Where were their knights and guardsmen anyway..?" she then questioned to herself as she finished reading the missive.

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Together with Sir Lucien, the Duke of Blackvale sets the Moothalle ablaze, he takes a few steps back, taking in the sight.

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Siegfried Barclay rushes to bring the news to the Herzog of Minitz, Brandt Barclay



Why did President Bush react so calmly when told about the Sept. 11  terrorist attacks?


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Sir Lucien of the Blackwald would sheathe the volatile blade, scuffing out the flames as he began to exit the premise with Valentin.

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Father Petyr reads of the missive where the Adrian forces boasted of their victory. He notices some inconsistencies within the wording of the missive, particularly the claim that nobody from Minitz was harmed yet uses the phrase "agonising screams", "the less fortunate found their escape impeded", and the mention of rounding up captives. He finds it quite clear that something is not right, and it does seem very likely that at least a few people were harmed. Furthermore, he ponders the "volatile blades" that were mentioned. He considers that perhaps these may be artifacts originating from Azdrazi magic... though he also thinks it possible that it could be some sort of alchemy he is unfamiliar with. Regardless, he considers it unusual and takes to great thought whether he should begin penning a letter. At the very least, Petyr looks through his vast collection of books until he eventually finds his copy of the Azdrazi Edition of the Bestia Conlectia. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for all possibilities.

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"These Minitzers should seek new Lords. What Lord aids not his subjects." The aging Blackvale soldier pondered, watching the plumes of smoke rise from a distance.

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An honorable Von Draco, clad in the steel bestowed upon him from the other exalted warriors of the human family, mused idly as he studied, judged, and tasted the flames that flicked from the burning building - Returning shortly to Adria triumphally 

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Markward Orino's peaceful slumber was disturbed as he heard rumble and echoing footsteps from above his dorm, he stared at the celling for a brief minute before deciding to go back to bed.




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