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[!] A missive would find itself in the mailboxes of all Lords, Ladies and Commoners in the realm.


A Drink for All!



Issued by

Lord Felix of House Weiss

Naf zwy 4th hag i Jula ag Piov i 471 E.S.





[A Novkursain brewer tasting a freshly brewed pint of mead!]


There have been many brewers, craftsmen and journeymen over the centuries who have come to our great kongzem in an effort to create what we could call “the finest of drinks to grace the world”. We must first then consider what greatness is.


In House Weiss, greatness in terms of drink comes from its availability to the people, and the wonderful times it would bring to all newcomers and longtime residents of our great city of Karosgrad. Many drinks are widely available indeed, and save for a select few such drinks are more fit to be used to wash one’s cutlery than to be drunk. This is to be no more.


We have endeavored to create a drink that would bring a smile upon the mightiest of emperors and the lowest of layfolk alike. We have called this drink: “Zvaervauld Gold”.


The process of making mead is labor-intensive, with the hardest of God’s workers laboring to create such a tasty drink: Bees. These creatures forage Zvaervauld’s lilac fields by the thousands labor day and night to fashion the finest and sweetest of all things: Honey! A miracle substance which maintains its sweetness even if left in the sun for days or stored in ice, it can not tarnish or spoil. Such honey is then carefully collected by our finest apiarists and taken to be stored in large barrels within our brewery.

The honey is then put into a still with the measurements being two parts water, one part honey. We mix both constantly as to ensure above all things that the fermentation process is equal and consistent. Whilst it takes only seven days, we prefer to allow the drink to ferment for nine as to taper off the abundant sweetness in favor of a slightly higher alcoholic content. 


The mead is then poured into our custom-made embossed glasses bearing both our sigil and name, the cork dipped in red wax and left to rest in cool basement cellars all around Zvaervauld. 


The taste of Zvaervauld Gold is unique in that the poor soils surrounding Novkursain are highly acidic, and thus are poor for bumper crops but breed highly vibrant lilac flowers. The honey that the bees create upon our lands carries this distinctly floral and airy aroma even unto the mead of which we have created today. The taste has been sharply refined, as to not be too sweet but carry no remnants of acids, yet it is light and aromatic. The smell of our drink may perhaps remind one of freshly cut grass and summer flowers, with an aftertaste of blissful honey and sweet berry wine. 


The color of each bottle may vary ever-so-slightly, with some bottles being more dark and amber in color whilst some may be a rich golden color. This is because not all honey is made exactly the same in each hive, with darker bottles encompassing more of a sweet and powerful taste given that said hive was located in a spot which gets more sun throughout the day. The lighter colored varieties will doubtlessly encompass a more soft and fruity taste as these bees preferred the shade when making their hives. 


We are confident that our drink provided by our hard working bees and artisans will satisfy all who partake in it. We intend to keep the price low, so our Gold can be enjoyed by all. You can taste this drink the day this missive has been given at the Drunken Marian drinking contest! We hope to see you all there!


Taste the Greatness! [TM]







Lord Felix Weiss, Armiger of His Majesty’s Brotherhood and Kossir ag i Levkursain                                                                                 rUlZU6o4xQNF29tMNbr0y8MQAgaFbJgs4HXPkMfoNtgfewPOqCVShFc7OgoRYxqQH7gHsrSBFZpEIASLYEuXszVYx4Nf7h-AxisIC6_piWd-pow36sTWEQYR6VJdZrQ4nwZeUVlSmFaU5fA3Fx1iR44

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Audo Weiss smiled at his father getting in on the honey product bizz. He folded his hands behind his back as he stepped through the busy-buzzin'  brewery that was setting about fermenting barrels of Zvaervauld Gold out of their Zvaervauld Lilac Honey™. 

Perhaps he'd just brush aside that he'd taste-tested this product for him... Under mild pressure.

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One Brendell Colborn cannot wait to try some Zvaervauld Gold™ and support his family friends! 

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Via Weiss found her way forward, back plastered against the wall as the near quiet - something to be fixed - thud of boots sounded. One glance left and one glance right didn't show anyone nearby, and so she stepped forth to grab a bottle of Zvaervauld Gold TM for just a sip! A hand soon lands at her shoulder, and she slowly turns with a grin and an excuse ready on the tongue!

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