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[PK] The End of A Sailor


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A Final Farewell





I write this in hopes to make amends with the people of Aaun, and my own family of the house Alstion. I formally revoke and renounce any claim I, or my children might ever have in the throne of Aaun. With my most sincere apology to my father, The Prince of Alstion, Charles I, I didn't mean to ever cause issues or turbulence for you or your nation, I am sorry. And with my most sincere apology to my brother, The Lord of Alba, James Leopold, I am sorry for ever tormenting or speaking against your claim to throne, you are the rightful heir to the nation of Aaun, this is something I cannot and will not change.


My return has been appreciated by few, and to those few I say thank you, but the sea calls me back. I hope that any tension or worry of my return is swiftly settled and resolved, as my presence will no longer be something to worry of, nor will the chances or possibility of my line sitting on the throne of Aaun. Please do not treat my children differently because of the flaws in my actions and words, let them walk among you all like you would any other, they are innocent, and should be treated like such.


This being the last time I am heard publicly, I will have it be known as my wish.


Robert Owyn, my second son, you will be raised by your elder brother, Caius.

To you I leave my circlet of platinum, and tartan, I hope you wear these both with pride.


Caius Godwin, my first son, I leave you with the responsibility of raising Robert.

And to you also I leave the navy, all ships, and my glaive of lunarite.


I pray in my absence you both will take great care and importance of the health and safety of your mother, Lucia, as well as both of your sisters, Alexandria and Lyanna.


All other valuables of mine will be left in storage until Robert Owyn comes of age to lead this family of ours, only then will he decide what happens to these items, and to whom they belong.


With this I bid you all farewell, Aaun will live forever in me. TANDEM TRIUMPHANS.



Prince Emil Caius of Aaun







Shortly after writing and sending out copies of this letter around the lands of Aaun, Emil would drag behind him a chest of all his belongings, a note atop it "For Caius". The Prince making his way out of the city of Florentine, he would find a tree just by the river, a comfortable little spot. There is where Emil would look to the water and smile, a stray tear rolling down his cheek as he hummed the anthem of his recently formed navy. After a few moments of thinking back on his life, it would be done, Emil Caius would take his own life under that tree, laying there with a smile on his face.





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A literal skeleton feigns crying for his favorite aaunic prince atop the hull of his boat. With a handful of rope the undead tugged, unfurling a sail as the wind swept the vessel from the coast. Off he was to ransack the silly bourgeoisie ship with a handsome soon-to-be hostage in tow.


“Argh kekekeke”





Best of luck Gavyn, and congrats on leaving the best!!! FRP server. Now let’s go play CSGO 2.0


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An aged Nauzican and Margrave-Emeritus of Velen, Leopold von Reuss sighs upon reading the missive, he signed the Lorraine, "A troubled man you were Emil, despite our begrudged past especially your involvement with my daughter.. I hope that you fight peace amongst GOTT and those who have passed on." he looked to the skies above, "I from this day forward acknowledge Caius Godwin as my true grandson and not just some bastard. I shall aid him in life with whatever he needs for it is the least I can do." @sashimichopped



Best of luck to you in life gavyn, wherever it might take you @gavyn


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Caius Godwin Alstion, wandered about the river of Florentine - in the distance, he sees a purpure tartan; a cloth often used by his kin. He approached the purpure tartan and saw his father, lying dead with a smile on his face, at the same time; he saw the box placed with various weaponry in it. "At least you died with a smile on your face, father." He stated before moving to pick up the corpse of his father and bring it to the the nearest Church.

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1 hour ago, Security_ said:


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Best of luck Gavyn, and congrats on leaving the best!!! FRP server. Now let’s go play CSGO 2.0



smoke physics terrify me and my little rodent brain will not be able to process it or use it practically


43 minutes ago, Optimus420 said:


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Best of luck to you in life gavyn, wherever it might take you @gavyn



many thanks man, and same to you. especially with ivanovich, i know youll do well on the server. o7


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"Above all, I wanted a brother - not an admiral, nor, God forbid, a rival," muttered Prince James, steeling his resolve for the upcoming funeral service before withdrawing to mourn his brother on his own terms. Despite their differences, the older man earnestly loved all his siblings, including Emil.



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Yvian offered a solemn salute to the prince "GOTT Mit Uns, may your soul find rest within the seven skies, your spirit for the maritime shan't be forgotten in vain." 




Wish you the best o7


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