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[Prophecy] The Crippling of Flight


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An Ancient -- too ancient -- Dame had hunkered back into her quarters deep in the catacombs, picking off the scraps of gore and soot-stained patches from her robes. On the wall ahead of her was a homemade altar, sigils strewn about it and revolting, caked on blood soaking its stone, pooling onto the floor below in deep red puddles.

H3Rf90_8RY0MKS3L3mD5T-UTCRE0rovQgRd80NF1p-6JsZtR9B3q31F3JlLNFkAH0ue9BGdUpoJml5HVMK_yj97eDfeqF2k6xHA7_gGq_rzqkXV6aFCCGY0cxds28WjVCTGZJUCxm2Mzd0d1vzx4Vj8t_MkQTG7YpHwm_kQjlBllai2ftBC7i7Zb9vTMyQ S6XUr0FWtUdHPHqrqWC_Zz_J9A8YGgAYGDaKV-ytva39yLdF5Em2RFLQ4GGNb_s4jhhBi8AGZQoVbH5B-3k4MT5r_P6NaoclLuyMwJiGsYxaFU5UTJI9V54rPDjdZLThM6XIghrHNLzXByLK5tZd4IcpxDgO9uuN9jECbMQNl5b97bElnhV49Jn06jbHpg



"H . . . hail Iblees! Hail Hydra! Hail Lubba! Hh . . . hail . . . hail . . ."

the enfeebled necrolyte muttered, falling to her knees. She fell back and her head hit the stone with a sickening crunch, at last dropped into an uneasy rest plagued by visions and nightmares.

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A shaken shaman makes the long walk home. Thoughts of Mori long left the mind. Focused only upon the great eye, from the vision. And a great eye herself and two other shamans had visited. Left with no solid answers. The shamans scramble for time and knowledge. Was it true? Did the great eye betray them for power? For knowledge? The bridge to the Moz was gone, left only with troubling rumors. She could only hope were false. 


Else, it would be upon them to seal, trap, and kill a spirit. 

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The realms of men, a Monk summarised, were too focused on worldly matters. Such will be their downfall at the hands of whichever deific foe acted quickly enough.

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prophecies aren't real the red lidless eye isn't there just take your meds babe 


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Kybal'Akaal recoiled, stumbling backwards breathing deeply as he received the vision, knowing well the context of it, he had to wonder, was his Clan dead, did they fail?

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Ghoraza's hands still smolder and drip with embers, made flame by the gore and entrails it now studied.


The orc rarely sleeped, and now the creature had been drawn up into the machinations of something greater.


Twisted circles lattice around the orc and enchanted entrails, forming more rituals to higher powers.


"The wheel will be halted by our hand."

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Bogdâg'Lak awoke from his slumber, still experiencing great nightmares of what happened to his dear friend. His gaze fell down upon his blue palms, terrified he was. Terrified, that there are creatures, and power of which he witnessed the other day. He felt small, tiny. As if he was but a tadpole in a great swamp. He then understood, that he had more to learn, for LAKLUL and Bogdâg's own strenght, will not be able to save him in times like this.

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Deep beneath the eastern clay, the minotaur stirred in the cavernous depths. A trail of smoke rose up from its snout as it recalled that glorious battle. A prideful demon laid low by its own arrogance. Draz-Kulzattar the fool. Draz-Kulzattar the imp. It would not matter. The Eye of Providence were upon them.


"Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul."

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Darkness would be its part, its crimson ichor all but spent as defeat was at hand. Dark red steam rose from between the metal plating, segments of its spine trying to hold its faltering body up... The master had failed... The master had failed... Raw hatred gushed through its veins while this thought plagued its mind.


Short pain. Then... Nothing. 

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Obok Metaldrinks woke up in his apartment, breathing heavily as sweat ran down his skin, the vivid images still fresh in his mind he muttered to himself.

W'at t'e 'ell 'ave i gotten myself into?!

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Slith awoke within their bed, gasping for air as their eyes darted around their room- logical thinking replaced with the single sentence, if only for a while.

In the coming moments, he calmed. Their body flopped back down upon their bed, staring up towards the ceiling. They slowly muttered the phrase to themself, the one that had so deeply been seared into his mind before finally getting out of bed.

"...Oi need some fockin explanations..."

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A devil awoke seized by a cold sweat. Mircalla reached a clawed hand out to a glass of water by the bedside. These visions seemed to be more frequent as the continent spiraled into madness. The infernally tainted thing's mind turned over the final phrase, "Corpse crafters... Bat?" she'd mutter to herself, slipping into a set of armor.

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Madoc'Lur would wake up in bed, with sweat running down his forehead, as he continued to relive the event that had just transpired, as it was embedded in the Uruks memory. "Zo, it ahm tik for da Uluamirzgai to return...." He mumbles to himself, as he stares at the ceiling for a moment, reaching for his pipe and smoking it.

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A Witch shot up from beneath the cowl of her bed, slamming her skull against the treated wood of the rough frame. It had become habit for her to take rest beneath the shade of her nest, the stark comfort of dust mites and darkness kept her company whilst she dreamt of her late husbands’ demise; but not tonight. Tonight she dragged herself up from the sweat soaked sheets, the pounding in her ears not enough to overbear the queasy feeling in her gut. After heaving over the sink and wrenching for the second round she’d place a bare hand against her infernal tainted spine. The faded tender pink of the script a welcoming reminder of the child she was to bare in a few years time..

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