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Written by the Herzog of the Landtag

fin the year of our Lord 1908

Further Edited and Propsed by the Vizekanzler of the Herrenhaus
in the year of our Lord 1920






Since the founding of the Tribes of Minitz, they have held an important part in the cultural and social dynamics of our Duchy. Yet, it has come to the attention of the Herzog that their current form does reflect such. It is thus the wish of the Herzog to propose before the Sacred Landtag of our realm that the Tribes of Minitz be elevated to become the “Noble Tribes of Minitz”, thus joining the ranks of petty nobility, and becoming proper vassals of our Duchy.


Thus, the Tribes of Minitz shall achieve the rank of petty nobility, but this will be done in tandem with our traditional Reinmaren customs. They shall not call themselves “Lords” and “Ladies”, for their standing represents the tribal society of our Duchy. Instead, let them call themselves the Noble Chiefs of the realm, and let the petty nobility of Minitz be established as the class of the “Noble Tribesmen”


First proposed by Herzog Leon I, yet never seeing full integration into the written word of the Kanun, this proposal comes to the Landtag reworked. With aims to both elevate the status of the Tribes of Minitz and their Chieftains in correspondence to the word of our Sacred Kanun, the Vizekanzler of the Herrenhaus now proposes a simpler, yet equal





Thus is it proposed that all forms of the term “Tribe” in the FOURTH Book of the Kanun be REWRITTEN AS “Noble Tribe”.


Thus is it proposed that all forms of the term “Chieftain” in the FOURTH Book of the Kanun be REWRITTEN AS “Noble Chieftain”.






Thus is it proposed that Section SIX of the FIRST Chapter in the FOURTH Book of the Kanun:


  1. The tribes of Minitz shall adopt a second name, which they shall call those who are:

    1. The trueborn ilk of a tribesman, until they too undergo the rituals and trials to join the tribe of their fathers.

    2. The foreign spouses of the tribesmen, whether they be of the hillfort or of other tribe, who similarly are not to become part of the tribe through marriage in accordance to this Kanun, but will instead adopt the second name of the tribe.

    3. The tribesman who has undergone our Ritual of Blood, and has shown gait and desire to join the tribe. They shall hold the second name until they undergo the trials of their grandfathers and of the tribe successfully.

    4. All tribesmen of the tribe, upon their induction shall be given the customary gift of a Reinmaren cap and a cloak. They shall wear this ancestral garb in the Moots, as Theoderic has done.




  1. The egalitarian nature of the Reinmaren tribesman does place him in equal standing with all his peers, for his profession and his work is essential to all matters communal and collective. Yet, the customs of the Feudal man have taught our people the importance of one lordly group who must guide the rest. The Kanun does recognize this caste as the “Noble Bloodlines” of the Minitzian tribes. These noble bloodlines shall be differentiated by the rest through the differences in their Tribe’s name.

    1. Each tribesman will adopt the name of the tribe as their own. Let the tribesman of Stroheim call himself Stroheim, and the Chieftain of tribe Theonus call himself a Theonus.

    2. As per Waldenic practices, the tribesmen of Noble bloodlines shall adopt the preposition “von” (meaning “from”, or “of”. Used by many Waldenian bloodlines to indicate noble status.) before the name of their Tribe. Thus, the Chieftain of Katzak, noble by blood, shall style himself as “von Katzak” instead.

      1. Let this not be confused with the same preposition “von” of “von Minitz” used by newly oathed tribesmen who have yet to swear themselves to a tribe. These lot the Kanun recognizes as Common Tribesmen.

      2. The tribesmen of Common Bloodlines shall not use the noble “von” but they may add their family name after the Tribes name. Thus, let the Katzak tribesman of the ad Landren bloodline style himself as “Katzak ad Landren.

    3. The Noble Tribesmen shall be deemed so through both blood and merit. The noble preposition “von” they shall only hold if they have undergone the Trials of the Stallion and the trial of the tribe, becoming both Reinmaren and a member of the tribe through merit. Only when they have thus proven themselves, they may take the Noble name as their own, and, until they do so, only the Tribal name they shall call theirs.

    4. The spouse who within a canonist church marries a Noble tribesman shall become one with them in the eyes of GOTT. Let the Law of the Kanun respect such, and allow them to hold the Noble Name of the tribe. Their marriage, however, shall only bind them to their spouse, and not to the tribe, lest to it they are so conjoined through trials and merit. The Tribal Name they shall not hold lest a member of the tribe become like all other Reinmaren.





Thus is it proposed that Sections TWO and THREE of the FOURTH Chapter in the FOURTH Book of the Kanun:


  1. The Chieftain of the tribe is elevated through two ways of the Reinmaren;

    1. Through a moot and between all tribesmen: If a tribe holds no Chief, the Lawspeaker or the Herzog shall call a tribal moot, wherein each and every member of the tribe is eligible to be voted as its Chieftain.

    2. Through honorary seniority: wherein the most senior of the tribesmen shall hold the Chief’s cap, in accordance with their tribal standing from the THIRD Book of the Kanun. If it so that more than one tribesman is eligible for such, the tribe as a whole shall vote between them.

  2. The chosen method through which the Chieftain of a tribe is ascended shall be decided upon the tribe’s founding, and can only be changed once every ten years, requiring both a moot vote between the tribesmen and the permission of either the Lawspeaker or the Herzog, so that it may be permissible under the eyes of Kanun, and our rites.




  1. The Noble Chieftain of the tribe is elevated through two ways of the Reinmaren;

    1. Through Noble Election: the Noble Chieftains of the tribes shall enjoy the privilege to only allow their own ilk and blood to rule their tribe. Under the Noble Elective law, only the Siblings, Children and Grandchildren of a Chieftain may be elected for the role of the Chieftain, given that they have undergone the trials of the Reinmaren and joined the tribes as Noble Tribesmen.

    2. Through Tribal Election: the Noble Tribes which this law choose as their own shall allow any within their tribe the opportunity of ascent to Noble Tribesmen. These Noble Tribesmen are not bound by blood forever, akin the flowers of the field, which change when the wind of death blows. Instead, any tribesmen shall be eligible for taking the mantle and burdens of the Noble Chieftain, as long as they are elected by a majority of their tribe.

  2. The chosen law through which the Chieftain of a tribe is ascended shall be decided upon the tribe’s founding, and can only be changed once every twenty years, requiring both a moot vote between the tribesmen and the permission of either the Lawspeaker or the Herzog, so that it may be permissible under the eyes of Kanun, and our rites.






Thus is it proposed that an EIGHTH Chapter is added in the FOURTH Book of the Kanun:




  1. A Noble Tribe cannot be so without its Noble ilk, its esteemed tribesmen, who themselves have proven worthy through not only blood, but merit. Thus, the Noble Tribesmen of Minitz, the Children or Grandchildren of a Chieftain shall only become such after joining the tribe as per its trials and customs.

  2. It is the blood shared with a Noble Chieftain that may allow a tribesman to call himself noble. And, it is the laws of the tribe that dictate who is deemed worthy of becoming a Chieftain. Thus, those who call themselves Noble Tribesmen shall be dictated by the Election Law of the Chieftain. 

    1. The Tribe that the Noble Elective law has adapted shall deem its Chief’s Children, Grandchildren, and Spouse as Noble Tribesmen and Tribeswomen, for they are the only ones who may inherit the wooden throne of their predecessor.

    2. The Tribe that the Tribal Elective law has adapted shall deem only its Chief’s Children and Spouse as Noble Tribesmen and Tribeswomen, for this tribe has chosen no bloodline that shall always stand higher than another.

  3. Marriage is the bond that binds the tribesman to the tribeswoman. Yet, marriage not only brings two people together, it is what binds tribe with tribe. The bond of marriage is the resolution of the blood debt, of feuds and revenge, of the binding of the Noble Tribes. Thus, it is only the bond between the noble tribesman and woman that, before the eyes of the Kanun, settles the blood feud of the Noble Tribe. Let no Reinmaren Chieftain be humiliated when for peace his daughter he offers, and the other Tribe gives him the new tribesman who owns no merit. So says the Kanun.

  4. The Noble merit shall come to those who the blood of the great Chieftains hold, and who their worth have shown. Let the noble tribesmen of the realm be recognized for their honor and pure blood. Their word shall be respected more by their brothers and sisters, and their Schwur shall hold more power within Moots and Trials.

  5. The Noble tribesman, despite coming from noble blood, shall live to remember that they come of Reinmaren ilk, from the blood of Theoderic and Gelimar, leaders of Tribes, not of Baronies and of Kingdoms. Yet as the Chieftaincy does give the Chieftain power over his tribesman, he shall own the land upon which he shall build his Tribe’s hall. No Noble tribesman shall be addressed or style themselves as ‘Lord’. Let the noble ilk of Reinmar adapt the title of “Thegn”, first used by our ancestors as they shifted into the Feudal ways of man. Their land they shall call a “Thanage”, and as their “Thaneships” they will be addressed.




Thus voted the Sons and Daughters of Minitz:



Herzog Brandt Ritter Barclay

Lord Ludolf Ritter Barclay

Chieftain Karl Ritter von Theonus

Chieftain Robert Ritter von Stroheim

Chieftain Ludrik von Katzak

Tribesman Lorenz von Minitz

Tribesman Tibalt Katzak

Tribesman Markward von Minitz

Tribeman Cisyn von Minitz

Tribeswoman Eloisee Veiel

Tribesman Kasper Katzak

Tribesman Ulrich von Minitz

Tribesman Saxton Stroheim

Tribesman Yvian Ritter Galken

Tribesman Burlous von Minitz












His Excellency, Ludrik von Katzak

Chieftain of Katzak, Thegn of Riverrock, Vizekanzler of Minitz, Lord of Arms of the Band of Banners




His Grace, Leon Brandt Barclay Herzog von Minitz KRE, GMSTSR 

Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, High Chief of the Reinmaren





His Grace, Brandt Wilheim Barclay Herzog von Minitz GMSTSR, KBS 

Duke of Minitz, Margrave of Vanderfell, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, Chief of Minitzian the Reinmaren, Lord Vandalore



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