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The Second Notif of Dama de Honor for Anne von Leopold

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By order of Princess Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata

a Notif of Dama de Honor has been issued for

Senorita Anne von Leopold




After the recent completion of the first trial issued for one such Anne von Leopold for her entrance into the position of Dama de Honor for Princess Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata, the second trial is to be issued today henceforth.

While the first trial sought out just how well the prospective Dama de Honor knew the woman they are serving, the second is to gain an understanding as to their scholarly knowledge of the Hyspian people so they may best serve their Princess.

The second trial is this;

Pen a missive of a scholarly nature on something within the Hyspian Culture.

The rules are this, it may be written on anything within the culture.

You may have assistance, within reason.

It must be published once done for the public to see.

Should you accept this second trial, come in person to state your intentions.


May DIOS guide you!

Viva Hyspia!




Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia


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