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The Owl's Summons


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"Blind." Comments The High Princess "This is not war, this is survival."

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On taupe colored wings, an owl circles the once City of Stars - Eyes of cold black surveying from a safe enough distance. However, if one were to look closely, they'd glimpse that this owl seemed strange.. Dark shadows plagued its shape, weaving between its feathers as it soared through the air. A squint was sent towards the scorch marks at the edges of the Hollow before the avian simply released a brief sigh. It flew back towards the treeline, its mind whirling.. 

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The Scorpion Druid reads the missive aloud to her daughter at her side, leaned back against a tree within the grass. With each word her lips seemed to twist further and further into a scowl until she had read the entirety to the other. A moment of silence would hang, before the elder druidess folded the letter carefully- her body lulling down until she rested atop of younger druids lap.

"So the Mani we summoned has been found and returned- How frustrating that we could not have been there to help retrieve her.  It is not as if we did not try- but.. have we truly done nothing? How is the battle and fall of Amaethea and Norland nothing? The javelin through my leg and the death I almost faced searching for the Owl? What about Lynx's sacrifice?  Since when is that doing nothing? Is there- Is there even a point to this all, Snowflake? If all this work does not show we are doing something-.. Forgive me I'm.. just so tired.."

With a soft sigh, the druidess merely rolled her body further into a small ball, resting atop of her child- allowing the frustration only to grow and fester at a far faster rate..

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