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A Halfling's Life [PK]


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A Halfling's Life







[!] A portrait of Aech, expression devoid of laughter or mischief.


Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock. 


The grandfather clock upon a certain halfling’s wall tick, tick, ticked through the minutes. An amber eyed figure of just two feet gazing upon it’s glass face.


Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock. 


How infuriating. Aech thought to themselves. How long have I been here, staring at the time go by? How long has time been staring at me? 


Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.

Tick- CRASH 



A crystalline dagger embedded into the old clock’s crystal pane, stuck perfectly between the minute and hour hand. . . just before the time hit 12. Aech with his right hand outstretched, golden and amber mists, trickling through their fingers like sand before dissipating back into the aether. 



Perfectly aimed. Perfectly thrown. Perfectly done. He supposed that's what happens when you’ve been alive so long. Practicing endless repetitions. Fighting in countless battles. Then again, she had barely been alive compared to many of her friends. . . Though surely, she’d lived a long life for a halfling.



They studied their hand then, glowing orange eyes watching that glittering aura orbit around her fingers, weaving through the air. Watched as the magic traveled through where her ring and pinky finger used to be. . . How funny it was to think back to how she had lost them. Decades ago, before they were even an eminent. . . Must have been in Krugmar, multiple rexes ago...


His gaze traveled up further his arm, the beads of orange light that pulsed through just beneath their skin. Illuminating a pathway to the many scars he had collected through the years. Burns along her arms from fighting a water elemental. . . Her magegold tattoos that ran like veins across her collarbones. . . Her two missing legs, of course. . . The stab through her hand. . . a large scar across her back from her first brush with the ferrymen… my, wasn’t that eventful.


She recalled that injury, how it had almost been the death of her. Perhaps for a larger descendent, it was one to recover from quickly. But not for she. What a fate that awaited for such a small being, born with a heart of fire. Born to burn, born to fight, born to illuminate. Perhaps that was the day she realized how weak she was. And so began the climb.

Training, learning, fighting, everything in between. Until they stood as they did today. Certainly no longer young, but with power thrumming at their fingertips, they had everything they had ever wanted. Money enough for anyone, gold and all that glitters in amounts a dragon would envy, and power. Strength. Magic


And yet.


How infuriating it was, to have all you wanted! Life was meaningless without something to want, something to chase, something to become! To amble about your days with power so great you could challenge a god, power enough to raze cities! And for what? Never would the chance arise to be part of something more. She could feel it in her bones- her time was coming to an end.

And there was nothing she could do to stop it.


Aech lifted from off their seat, floating through the air towards a nearby mirror. They gave the smallest of smiles, even in such a state of boredom finding amusement in their minor flight. The two atronach legs they had, which allowed them to float about as they did. They had a dire wolf to thank for one, and a siren for the other. So many adventures had she partaken. 

Adventure. Excitement, discovery, knowledge! That’s what she was missing. In their youth, such was commonplace! Everything was a new experience, there was thrill in everything if you looked in the right places. Pranks to be played, chaos to cause, memories to make. . .


He had seen kingdoms rise and fall, perhaps even helped with a few. He had seen enemies die, some by his own hand. He had watched children grow old and die, he had loved, he had lived while many friends had not. But now. . . nothing.

Just the clock. Ticking by.


. . . 




Ah, that's right. They murmur to themselves. The clock is gone. Perhaps. . . it is time that I go too. 




[!] A portrait of a young Aech- full of mirth and joy.


Art credit for the above to @marslol!


And so they sat before the fireplace. A hummingbird of copper and ruby feathers resting upon the mantle, old as a bird could be. “Are you ready to fly, my jewel? One last time?” They uttered out. A booklet of letters sat within their lap, each small letter handwritten with. . . the closest thing to love a sociopath could feel. 


She placed the small bundle of letters beneath the bird’s claws, and off it flew to the aviary. . . For clearly, such a small bird could not fly across Almaris alone. She smiled faintly as it flew off, though she was not sad. Rather. . . relieved. 


She stood from where she sat, and pain suddenly arced its way across her body. A feeling too frequent now. I’ve grown old. Somewhere within her, she knew tonight was the last night.


The tiny halfling curled up in their chair by the fire, staring into the flickering flames. He felt his eyes grow heavy, his breathing slow. She wrapped herself tighter in a thick blanket, fighting the chill that threatened to pierce through her body. Dreamily, they thought of all the people they would see again, soon. . .


Brian. . . Vesryn. . . Octavia. . . Plume. . . Alucard. . . Frisket. . . Her ex-husband, that would be awkward for certain. . .

Countless others, to be sure, that their sleep-addled mind could not remember to iterate. 

Bah, no matter. I’ll be seeing them all soon. 


Vaguely they could process someone entering her home. . . Ah, she got my letter. Good.

Valindra kneeling beside him, holding Aech in her arms. He smiled, as she held his tiny hands in hers. “Thank you.” He whispered. 


In and out of consciousness did they float, every now and then being aware of the tears falling onto their body. . . The mana gem that sat embedded between her collarbones began to flicker, as they used a last bit of magic to dry her dear friend’s tears with a breeze of warm air. Magic pulsed through their body, as for one last time Aech enjoyed the power it gave them. 


Am I selfish? She wondered. To leave so many behind? There are ways to evade death. . . and yet I let it take me with open arms. 


Do I fight to stay alive? Like I always have? 


No, no. . . I deserve a rest.


His eyes closed. 



Ho - ly - shit. 
Aech’s story has been a rollercoaster- but it's been so much fun, and I think I’ve learned a lot from her story. She was my first ever LOTC character- it's crazy how long I’ve played them. Totally not tearing up right now. (I’m very much crying)
I’ve had the offer to make a klone, and while I was tempted I think it's about time I let them go. (for now)

Aech’s story ended in a sad way, I think. They don’t feel anything anymore- a result of both voidal eminence and the many things they went through in their life. A life spent to chase after power and strength, only to develop a god complex! A halfling with a god complex is honestly just hilarious to me.

When I first made Aech, they were a ball of chaos, rage and spite, honestly I miss OG Aech. They were unhinged, ready to fight at any opportunity, the most impulsive little shit ever to be seen. And then somehow they evolved into this character I've been told is rather terrifying- and honestly, pop off.

To those who are to receive a letter from Aech, give me some time to do that because I'll probably procrastinate on it. And I shall swoop by to drop off gifts from Aech as well.

There are way too many people to tag here to do her story justice but I will try. 


@Kanapes @Pancho @mika1278 @Cheese1sgrater @Moribundity @SilvertheGM @Northtitan @MokoMochi @MeteorDragon @Heart_Spam @TeawithFrisket @Sewer_Rat @Fluttershy @SaviourMeme @worldeltaii @DrunkPapaBear @Charbi @Diogen @Puglord @RMW01 @TreeSmoothie @PinkPyro @Neviah @0zark @CombatRolePlay @Tozwad @MapleSunflower @Palastartes 


Much love, much tears, goodbye Aech!!!

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As Prince Kosher Daesmon sat as his desk, a messenger arrived bearing a note. Kosher held the note for a while, studying it's contents before tears began to well in his eyes. In a heartbeat, the messenger was gone and he was taken back to Elysium, before a Kingdom and it's betrayal, before the wars.

"Hi! I'm Kosher!" His younger voice called out, waving towards a short thing with red hair.

As she had turned, orange eyes met his golden ones and thus they were friends. Years and years, betrayals and heartaches, yet their friendship stood the tests of time. 

"Not her... Not like this.."


He fell from the desk, clutching at his chest as he flew into another attack. Medics rushed into the room, helping the fatigued and weak bandit lord.


"He needs another shot!"

Alas, the disgraced Prince's heart sunk and failed, for out of three musketeers, he was the sole one left

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Elliphas upon hearing the news of Aech's passing lets out a sigh. Taking heavy steps to the stairs within his home, as he then moves to climb the ladder into the tower. The elf holding a solemn expression, as he gazed over the open sea. Moisture filling the elf's one-eyed gaze, as he sat there "Van'ayla old llir, until we meet again.." he mutters, as a single tear then fall down the right cheek of the man.

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A dark elven mage sat within his home, staring up at the ceiling as he dared not sleep. His mind raced, thinking back to the moments he'd shared with the halfling and he eventually sighed. "A shame... I won't be seeing you in the stars. If only you'd turned out more like me." Sulieronn spoke to himself.

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A heart wrenching scream rang out through Lurin as a little girl was left without her parent. Juniper collapsed to her knees, shrieking until her voice was hoarse and all that was left were echoing sobs. In a fit of rage, of grief, of fear, Juniper threw something, anything within reach. It was akin to a child throwing a fit over a lost, precious thing... and precious Aech was, to poor Juniper, who was now all alone in her cold, silent world.

In another world, perhaps the after life, a smiling woman welcomed her beloved home. "Thank you, Aech... for keeping our beautiful daughter safe. I missed you," Octavia said, wrapping the halfling she loved oh so much in an embrace.

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Esmeralda lit a candle like she's always done when things felt off . . .

She didn't know what it was exactly but once the news arrived, she let out a quiet laugh in disbelief.


"Aech, you son of a . . . You should still be alive."

She lit up a cigar as she looked out her window, remembering the time when they were medics, rangers, neighbors -

all the above. The 'ame felt sorry for them, holding back her tears.


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Endless amounts of work halted as a battle torn woman robbed of many nights sleep received a letter, one which she held within hands soon to tighten to fists. A deep sigh fell from the woman's maw, another she had knew yet not seen for so many years passing on. "Rest well, old friend." And thus, she placed aside work and letters alike before departing- her path set for the home of her dear niece. 

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“I’m here, Aech…”  Valindra's voice cut through the ambiance of Aech’s home, almost entirely devoid of its usual coldness. The elfess sat dutifully by the side of her dear friend, providing warmth and comfort in their last moments. “I promised I’d be here… You don’t deserve to go through this alone.”  

Time seemed to stand still in the final moments of Aech for the woman that accompanied her, beyond the broken clock. It was too soon to say goodbye, yet she could not fight time like many of her foes. She could not kill time, suppress it… 


In that moment, all she could do was provide comfort to her dying friend, until her soul had departed. 

An eerie silence followed from the pale elf of disaster, so often outspoken, broken only by her quiet sobs once everyone had departed. Her head hung and her hand gripped onto her lifeless friend’s. 

And then, for the first time, she prayed.


Not to Aerial, not to the inferi of Moz Strimoza, but to he who had accepted her when the world had turned its back on her. Llahir. 

Aech was a kindred spirit, a mage with a passion for chaos and trickery. The pair had spent many moons sowing plots of deception and tomfoolery, often with high levels of success. Maybe she would end up in the big casino in the sky, and maybe they would meet again.

But for time being, Valindra’s true bond was to the mortal plane, and she craved a means to settle her pain. Longevity was a cruel master.


Leaning down, the ‘aheral, usually showing great distaste for shows of affection, placed her arms around her departed friend in one final embrace before releasing her.


“Rest well, dear llir… Tell Ruina I said hello.”


The untimely demise of another close friend had shaken Valindra to the very core, and now she sought out a means to cope with a grief she’d not felt in over fifty years.



Aech was a wonderful character and it was an absolute joy to have a character involved in her story. It’s sad to see her go (curse you, halfling lifespan) but this was written beautifully and gives some much-needed closure to a great persona. 

I look forward to playing out Valindra’s resounding grief. Her presence will certainly not be forgotten by neither Val nor I.


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From the skies above a Old hyspian woman looked down upon the Firery musketeer lad she once knew, small chuckles left her as she remembered the times she had with Aechs, from his beginning in the back water village of Golden rye, to humming a lullaby with her voice as she cared the halfling


Somethings to her have to pass on, continuing to watch over her old friends and Allie’s, as she witnessed time taking them.


However she did not see her friend in the skies with her, she seems to be saddened but happy that aechs has his rest


 “Duerme en pas amiga…”


Man how I did not expect this, Aechs Know the reason that I always call you such was because this character of yours was memorable as ****. From the beginning to the end l, I always am excited to see the firefly that you have become. Even if our times are short in rp, I always enjoyed your presence as they always uplifted me. I’m happy to have been in your characters life!






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“Ah... Her... I pitty the woman, the wastes are a horrid place to end up in. Hopefully your right in where they ended up” Spoke an ethereal voice that was zoned out in a dark tavern for the longest time. The news spilling free as he saw his Pale friends sad expression. “Impressive mage from the little I saw. May she have a proper rest anywhere but the wastes. From what you say of them. They deserve it.”


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Remon had tried, tested the woman, pushed against her resolve - and she had crumbled. But it was a telling thing, that even upon discovering his true intentions, that Aech argued for mercy; not because he deserved it, but because she deserved it.

A tormented soul wept, and waited.

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Slith paused as the news eventualy reached him, their helmet staring forwards aimlessly in thought.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes into dozens.

Eventually, the man slowly nodded as they released a calm sigh.


Edited by SlitheryC1
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48 minutes ago, SlitheryC1 said:

Slith paused as the news eventualy reached him, their helmet staring forwards aimlessly in thought.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes into dozens.

Eventually, the man slowly nodded as they released a calm sigh.





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Alona Heartstring struggle in saving face out in the open. Despite knowing that in the end most of her lliran will die, the ginger mali'aheral cried within her husbands arms once she reach the the confines of their home. They would spend hours retelling stories of the clinic and funny mishaps at the rangers. All of the memories would be spoke upon; good and some consider bad in decades past but the elfess has long forgive him. A particular moment she would recall, the last time they were able to see the red headed halfling cannon ball. A laughter would burst in the midst of her tears at the thought when both Togrim and Aech thought each other were dead. And now silence, the elfess simply spoke in a soft cheery voice "May they rest and have peace eternally in the after life and in our memories."

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11 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

Slith paused as the news eventualy reached him, their helmet staring forwards aimlessly in thought.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes into dozens.

Eventually, the man slowly nodded as they released a calm sigh.


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