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Through all, I prevailed

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Memories of Lord Aleksander Wilhelm

from his time spent in the Adrian captivity.

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It was early evening, I was just enjoying my time in Neu Brandthof as is my custom. Bored with the silence, I decided to take a ride into the forest. Convinced of my safety, I mounted my black horse and rode out through the gate towards the other side of the river. My freedom lasted less than five minutes, as just over the bridge I heard a whistle and an Adrian Greycloak stood next to me with a spear in his hand. Naturally, I stopped my horse - I had no armour on and no sword at my belt. That wasn't good enough for that greedy Adrian dog, who shouted to me if I was one of the Minitzers. My explanations were of no use - I was attacked and forced to defend myself. God will be the judge as this impious brigand attacked a young boy of noble birth that clearly did not mean any harm to him nor his comrades. The loss was certain, for after all what could a fourteen-year-old do against an adult soldier? Defeated, I was tied up and put on a horse. My walk of shame began.


I was taken to Velec where, for a long while, my captor could not find anyone to put "this Minitzer spy" in the dungeon. Of course, the local population came to see this "Minitzer spy" that I supposedly was and there were also those righteous people, whom God will save when their time comes, who wanted to free me for it was immoral to hold me captive. In the end what would a young man do, whose only thoughts were of revelry and freedom? - little if I dare to say so myself. Then I was given the honour of looking into the eyes of my grandfather's enemies. Members of House von Draco surrounded me but had no clue of who I was until the time of my questioning came.


A kind-hearted soldier, a man called Renata, stood up for me. He did not want to allow them to do me any harm - before and during the interrogation, and I have promised him that he will be in my prayers. A red-haired priest, Father Walter, also came to see what the commotion was. In my eyes he is probably the rightest of all righteous Adrians. He defended me together with Renata and some woman whose name I didn't really hear until the end of my interrogation. Seeing that I knew nothing nor could I be of any use to anyone - some agitated for my release. This state of matters changed when another man of von Draco's line showed up. He was the one they called "Marshal". Even though he looked very scary to me, he treated me kindly - that is what I thought at least. Oh what a mistake that was, thinking that everyone would treat me like a human being, a living and feeling being deserving of at least a measure of respect. I was kept in the rain, at a table in the courtyard during the interrogation. Only when it stopped pouring and I was completely wet, ready for lung disease and certain death, was I taken to the dungeon.




My real nightmare has begun. I was promised the safety and presence of Father Walter, this Marshal and unfortunately my pushy captor. I had no other choice but to comply. On my way to Velec, during my interrogation and once I was in the dungeon I kept on praying. Praying to God for my quick release and to be in one piece. There were five people in the dungeon with me - Father Walter, my captor, the Marshal and two mercenaries, from the looks of it one was from the south and the other was from Tetsugawa. The southerner entered the cell with me, which was quite strange, but I considered it a safety measure. Once Marshal left to check on something, things started to get weird - I was gagged and one of those mercenaries knocked Father Walter out before dragging him away. My kidnapper was shocked, I thought he knew how it would end. Then someone came, a woman, and everyone except of the man who was in the cell with me left.


I thought that I was safe, but not for long. Two von Draco women appeared at the bars that separated me from them. They kept on insulting me because of my birth. What a dull life a person must have, who pours their aggression over an old family feud onto a young man, bound, soaking wet and with gagged mouth. The anger of her and some other lass of her blood had reached its peak once I did not respond to their insults, but instead prayed to my great grandfathers Venerable Borys Jazloviecki and Venerable Ulrich von Alstreim - true and exemplary Canonists. They were clearly with me. Lady von Draco had no keys to the cell! I laughed in my thoughts but it did not end there as she tried to bash and then lockpick the sturdy iron door. Her last attempt failed and the lock jammed - I was safe, for now. They kept threatening me with death for the next hours, but my faith in God was too strong. I did not listen to their words and threats because I believed in the Lord's defence. When they got tired and left, I fell asleep and woke up in the forest. I was free, truly free. I don't know what happened to Father Walter, to Renata or to other good people who wanted to help me and opposed their superiors. I will pray for you and if God will allow me to repay you for this kindness, I shall do so when this war is over.


God be praised and savage Adrians be damned,

Vigour in Faith.


Through all I prevailed,






It was a fun prison rp, shame it was at midnight but I enjoyed it nonetheless. No hard feelings towards my captors!


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Ser Darius quickly scanned over the account of the Jazloviecki, presumably having been asleep during the short-lived captivity of the man. "What the ****?" He would mutter as he finished reading the missive, which seemed more like a fever dream than a credible account. 

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Witold Jazloviecki read through the document, his jaw slowly dropping as he went through the events. "What he lacks in wits, he surely backs up with luck." He muttered as he reached the end of the parchment. "The Lord God protected you, my brother. You should be thankful for the rest of your life- a life I hope shall never be threatened again by the vile hands of filthly sinners those Adrians are" 

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The aforementioned Lady von Draco chuckled lowly as she skimmed the missive. “Proof?” she inquired to nobody in particular, before wrapping her bruised foot in a bandage. A bruise acquired from attempting to break down a certain sturdy door…

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Waclaw Jazloviecki felt rage bubble inside him upon reading his younger brother's account of his capture. "Those bastards'll pay." He growled. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but they will."

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Renata felt a wave of sadness, as he felt he was useless to protect the poor lad from torture. He didn't know how to pray, but as he's seen people sign the Lorraine Cross with their hand, he did the same while hoping the poor lad was okay.

Edited by CloudMagma
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