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Sir Emir, one of the King's close peers gave one final salute to the founder of the United Kingdom as he stated "May your legacy live long within our hearts within many generations to come. You have given me a second chance in life when I felt I have lost everything. May you find eternal peace in the seven

skies." as he lit a candle for a whole year, in honor of Charlie the First.


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The Princess Royal sat quietly within her new Quarters, after she had finally been forced from her grandfathers rooms. Tears flowing from her eyes , she clutched the Tartan that Charlie had given to her tightly as she stared at the missive,  He was the only one she could share her adventures with and not be scolded for she was his little Dragon that could not be tamed.

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Aleksander Jazloviecki sighed heavily at the news. The boy could not understand that the man he called his King was gone, the Bonnie Prince was no more. Even though in that sorrow he managed to smile and say "Goodbye Royal Charlie..." He then fell to his knees and began to pray as sincere tears streamed down his cheeks.



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“I remember bandaging his face whilst we fought against Cloudbreaker, odd while he was older than me strange that I outlived him. GODAN be with you now, King Charlie.” A raevir lord said before he signed the cross after reading the missive. 

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Mikhail Jazloviecki would stay at night in the church, praying for King Charles' soul and his safe passage to seven skies

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Konstantin von Augusten would shake his head upon hearing of the news "Scheisse... Ich will keep the royal family und my new liege in mein prayers" he muttered.

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In his lowly room, the Lord of Alba stared into nothing, his eyes devoid of anything.

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"Gott erlöse Karl den König, unser'n guten König Karl."


says Stanimar, so he doesn't get forum warning points for an anonymous RP comment, as if it matters.

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John wept for the grandfather he had always idolised, gone to solemnly light a candle in his honor. 

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The Lord Regent of Minitz signed the Lorraine as the missive reached him. "The könig is dead, long live the könig.." He mumbled to himself, gone to light a candle in the church of Neu Brandthof thereafter in the deceased king's honor.

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Anna of Alstion took a nondescript middle pew whilst attending yet another mass within the church of Minitz, thundering rain just now beginning its bellowing descent upon the Heartlands. Tears seemed to the woman, now, entirely useless, and perhaps it was her own detrimental sadness to blame, though nonetheless every dismal circumstance felt like a stab at her soul. The soul of which came from her father’s very own.


The father of whom she adored, the father with a dream to unite the heartlander people, to serve humanity, the father who cared for unification and cultural advances. And how humble he was, Anna thought in silence, herself and her two children only illuminated by a nearby candle as the realm darkened beneath the drab downpour — how humble he was, and how kind.


“All rise for prayer.” remarks a clergyman, drawing Anna to her feet. And as he went on, the world around Anna reduced to no more than a buzz or hum. Father, she spoke to the skies, you were truly an honourable man. What shall I do now, father? What should I do?


“I’m living in a world of delusion, and my bones are not strong enough to get me out.” Anna hushes under a breath, eyes stuck toward the holy service unwaveringly.

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Louis Owyn Haverlock lit a candle for his fallen Kinsman and late-liege, shedding a tear as he made preparations to swear loyalty to the new Monarch.

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Oijin spits on ground, "Dishonorable man. Should've committed seppuku. Free Tetsugawa!"

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Though in his youth his temper often clashed with his father's, resulting in his self-imposed exile in the South, James did always admire Charles's tenacity and longevity, and even throughout his tenure as the Crown Prince he almost expected to be outlived by him.

When the day of the King's demise finally came, James was not ready - overcome with grief, he fell silent and withdrew to mourn in privacy, his duties as the new King delayed if only for a fleeting moment.



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