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The West Falls


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The West Falls




Although the descendant forces of Krugmar and Celianor slaughtered countless Mori, at the end of the day they were overtaken by the immense forces, though it was not without inflicting many losses upon them. As the people of Celianor were taken away via a boat of Brev, those of Krugmar fled their capital on foot while their Rex took a last stand. 


Once the capitals were clear of all descendant forces a sinister ritual began to occur, and quickly after the rest of the world descended into darkness as the sky above broke away. There was truly no safe space that the Mori could not touch - besides from Savoy. While the rest of the world descended into darkness, those golden sands continued to shine brightly as the sun above was never shrouded.


Those who had lost their lands quickly reclaimed areas within the ruins so that their societies could continue on despite the hard losses. If nothing else, the descendants knew how to survive in rough times.


Despite the new home for some - others had decided to weather the storm… at least for as long as they could, though those left in the north knew they were next.


The Haense Event is scheduled for May 13th, 4:00 PM EST.


Thank you to everyone who participated in the events today, I hope they were enjoyable for the communities displaced. People are beginning to claim areas in Savoy so if you've lost your nation don't be afraid to message me. We have a cart from South Hub to savoy thanks to @Spoopy_Duck and we're giving away plenty of blocks for people to set up with. In the center of the market there's a green SS pillar as well so you can bind to that for ease of travel. Of course let me know if you or your community have any concerns or need anything else.


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The small flock of Talons, proud hunters of the Band of the Crossed Claw, were forced to withdraw from the falling city of Krugmar and seek refuge in the desolate town of Savoy. Limping and wounded, they tended to their injuries with grim determination, knowing that their Oath compelled them to aid their Descendant brethren in the north.

"The Hunt guides us."

A member of the High Flock uttered, as they mended their wounds.



From all the members of the guild: thanks to all the STs who hosted it for the awesome event, it was really fun!


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