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Sorcerer's of Hohkmat: Ascension of the Lady-Magisters


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The City-States of Hohkmat

Ascension of the Chamber of Lady-Magisters


For two months the Hakad have played witness to the contest of Sorcerers from across all of Almaris displaying their power, their guile and their talents. From among these power struggles emerged the most powerful magi, left uncontested in their proclamations and undisputed in their demands. Many more magi and young students of the sorcerous path made their intentions known  - and though not named they are noted, and their time to serve the mysteries will be upon them. Many students and teachers were created upon the desert sands and already the great mysteries are advanced.

The following Sorcerers have demanded their seat of power and subjugated the people of Hohkmat to their will - and I affirm that the following cannot be denied their seat, their House elevated to that of a Great Magi House.

I. Lady-Magister Mercury, she who shook the dunes..

II. Lady-Magister Vapatia of Akritos, she who threads the needle.

III. Lady-Magister Valindra Veil-Watcher, she who wields sword and sorcery.


The ascension of the Lady-Magisters is sufficient to now execute the functions of Government of the City-States.

I charge the Lady-Magisters to see to the establishment of a Sorcerous government that enforces the will of the nation, and preserves us from the dangers of the Void - ever watchful and vigilant.

I shall guarantee each of them a single name of their choice to serve as Vizier within the Chamber of Stars, so that the Lady-Magisters' will may be reflected in the mechanism of government.

To Lady-Magister Mercury, she may patronize the Vizier of the Chamber of Wind.
To Lady-Magister Valindra, she may patronize the Vizier of the Chamber of Water.
To Lady-Magister Vapatia of Akritos, she may patronize the Vizier of the Chamber of Earth.
I reserve the appointment of the Vizier of the Chamber of Fire to myself.

Further, I finally charged them to begin the construction of the great Ziggurat of Hohkmat and its academy as well as granting each of them a demesne, a district, to run and to lead as they see fit.

I bind them to my will, and that of the nations,and they are now masters in their own right - an extension of the will of Hohkmat, who speak with full authority as it pertains to their demesne and its occurrence.


Grand-Magister Razad the Fatebinder,
Sorcerer-King of Hohkmat, Hierophant of the Mysteries

(OOC: Interested in our little Mageocracy, we are building the group and are looking to join the server in force in 9.0 - come on down! )


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certain Hybrid paused over one of the titles, her lips curling up in a wide grin. "Look, oem'ii, she is so powerful!" she exclaimed proudly to her newly adopted child and nephew.

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Saelyth cheers for the appointment of Lady-Magister to her new teacher. “I can’t wait to see what she’ll achieve… The wonders I’ve seen Ibi do in such a short amount of time…” She shivers, excited for what the future of Hohkmat holds.

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Farmer Fred the Illustrious Farmer hears of this as he tames Snails and Frogs with his Fire Evocation “I shall take up my place soon!”

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“If only they knew what I saw” A crown princess stars at the missive with a mixture of worry and curiosity 

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"Hokhmat?" The spiritualist mused upon examining the missive, noticing it's striking resistance to Rah'mun language and the spiritual lexicon of Ka'tau. "Who are these pretenders who dare to forsake Heka and the blessings of the Divine Three for the void? They dare to subjugate a sovereign people to pursue their wicked machinations? Nay, these are sorcerers of Keop, master of the void and sower of darkness in our lands. May the Ra'tuhmet's light blind these agents of darkness and wreak havoc in the camps of chaos."


The leopard-skin wearing elf rises from the desert sands he sits upon and looks towards the sun, stretching both of his hands outwards. "Hear me, Ra'tuhmet, these pretenders shall not remain invisible to your light for long!"


The elf then went off to meditate, plan, and strategize.





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An aged Necrolyte squinted at the missive, shaking her head. "Look at these pretenders! They're copying Lurin - everything about it!" She spat, handing the missive to the Mali beside her. "We ought to stamp these fools out before this plague of a realm gets larger. Power grabbers, these lot."



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