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[POV] An Unwanted Reprieve

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Haus Weiss-Vuiller stepped through the doorway into the Throne Hall of Zvaervauld, finally crossing the threshold of safety from that starless, darkened and bleak sky above - and what lurked in the dark below it. He had always wished since he was a little boy that the stars would stay out longer so that he might see them when he woke up, but he had never dreamed they all could be snuffed out so totally. He had long since lost track of when it was 'day' and when it was 'night' - so too had the Mori'Quessir stolen the Sun and the Moon from the world, forcing his irregular sleep schedule to become even more erratic - he recalled waking up at his desk in the clinic, and not remembering when he had fallen asleep, or for how long he had been asleep at all.


He slowly, and somewhat unsteadily, made his way across the carpeted floor towards the inner keep. Spots began to dance across his vision, blocking chunks of his view behind black dots in his field of view. He dismissed the symptom as he trudged along, a small smile flickering over his face - even as the continent teetered on the edge against the Mori'Quessir, the Blonde Weiss dutifully continued his Late Father's war, with him and Verónica Weiss successfully burning a Idol of The Great Owl. Haus felt ecstatic - after years of no leads or victories against his family's enemy, he had been the one to see a Idol burn to ash. He wished Felix Weiss was still Here, so that they could share in that simple achievement at last.


At Haus's mind wandered away daydreaming, he was pulled back to reality by the sinking realization that the Throne Hall around him was growing dimmer. Star-Filled eyes darted around as he tried to pinpoint the source of his dimming vision. The Blonde's heart sank as he felt the strength ebb away from his body, and his knees give way, bringing him down unceremoniously to the thankfully-carpeted floor. As his vision faded away and the spots in his vision threatened to swallow his sight whole, Haus caught a glimpse of a figure on the Vikomit's Throne - Tall, with black hair, a set expression and a glass eye bearing a familiar Coat of Arms. A word silently escaped Haus before his sight darkened, and he fell still.


The servant's soon found the Weiss on the floor, carefully and hurriedly taking him to his room within the Keep. The Vikomit and Vikomit-Consort were soon notified, though none could be certain when the blonde would wake again.



@Frostdrop1 @Bethinwonderland


OOC: I'm off on a long trip and will sadly miss the end of the map which unfortunately happens to be the first map end I've been around for. What are the odds, right?

Anywho, Haus is off for a prolonged nap until I return - Happy End of the World Folks!


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Verónica, having been woken up and told what happened. Penned a letter to Ravn, Haus's wife. She made sure the blonde Weiss was taken care of while within the keep, making sure he went along when the family made their way to Savoy.. Whenever that ended up happening



@TrupplerI'll send you a letter in game


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Stanislaw Weiss feels an itch on the back of his head at the burning of the Owl’s idol. 

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Via Weiss hadn't been home in some time, not truly, her room having been left unused as she found solace elsewhere since her fathers death and even beforehand.

It was the news, though, the one gotten of her brother Haus - that finally brought her home.

She knew he saw all, how he tried to make sure she'd sleep at home again, only for her to sneak away the first moment she got.

Now, as she sat by his bedside, he wasn't able to see it all now.

She couldn't help but wonder, could those in a continued sleep hear her as she speaks?

And so for the first time in forever, Via told her brother everything as he slept, keeping dutifully by his side.

Every mistake. Every misstep. The good. The bad. The ugly.

Her words rasped out, and she'd take care of him, ensuring his legs got proper movement and otherwise - it was no good for a soldiers muscles to atrophy afterall.

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Fabian Kortrevich heard word of his friend's illness through the churn of the Haeseni rumor-mill, and set down his papers with a sigh, staring balefully at a cup of tea with a purse of his lips.


"So, mea friend," he informed the curls of lavender steam, "rest has found vy."


Then, with a wry smile, he rose; drained the last of his cup, and threw the cloak over his shoulder, calling for a page to ready his horse. Lilac fields and superstition had kept him away from visiting the Weiss lands, but the concerning matter of Haus Weiss-Vuiller's condition overruled such worries as the fellow healer-man set out to find the truth of the matter.

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Audo Weiss was solemn at the news. Housed in the keep, Haus would be taken care of to the best ability he could provide - and moved, when the time came, for the walls of Zvaervauld would not hold forever. 

However, the only time he truly spent by his brother was after the initial hearing of the news. A rush led him by his brother's side to peer upon his unconcious form - one no longer the brother he recalled. Schwartz, the dutiful direwolf, for once failed their duty or, perhaps, could not provide what was needed. Between his father's death and what might come to be his brother's, there was no calm. The books and ornaments were strew carelessly across the room, the desk had been overturned and the balcony door left on one hinge as it swayed in the wind. Anyone that investigated would find themselves able to eavesdrop on the rage-laced monologue of the Viscount who could no longer reconcile his duty to his brother with his personal afflictions.

Of all the things Audo suffered, no pain would exceed that which was at the hands of his brother. 

Upon leaving the room, he shut the door and quietly instructed for it to be cleaned and organised. Audo Weiss did not return to Haus' side again.

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