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The Fields of Grey


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The battle was going to be horrifying. That, the old soldier knew for sure. In his lifetime, Wiktor Jazloviecki has seen enough to make him able to predict that from the atmosphere alone. And even so, it exceeded anything he could have ever expected. 




He rallied together at the Herzogtum of Minitz along with his Lechian brethren, adorned in the armour of the Hetman of Eagle’s Watch. He listened as soldiers and warriors chatted around him- some prayed, some jested, some discussed- but all appeared well-prepared for the upcoming clash. 

Upon hearing orders shouted left and right, he made his way up on the wall, gone to inspect the horizon. There, he met his nephews- Waclaw and Aleksander Jazloviecki. As he was talking with them, many men and women, the proud defenders of Minitz, flooded the walls and Wiktor was sure the collision of the vicious and dreadful Mori and the honourable descendants was upon him. He unsheathed his sword and readied himself to oppose the horrors. 


The locusts came first- twisted, sky-faring spawns of Iblees. The Minitzer protectors loaded their bolts into their crossbows, stones into their trebuchets, and shortly after, the black night sky was filled with hundreds of projectiles, many of which found their targets.

On the ground, eldritch arachnoids came in like an avalanche, crushing into the walls with horrible vigour. 


And, the worst of all- from the Minitz lake, bubbles appeared on the surface. Not very long after, a massive orb of energy and dark magic showed itself at the sight of the defenders. Soon, it started to hover over to the Duchy. The vile creation started to rip the city apart, tearing it piece by piece. 


Retreat to the gates!” The orders were clear, and Wiktor, with the rest of the soldiers moved from the walls to defend the main gate, which has fallen under the attack of a horde of Dreadknights. 


The plate-clad undead beings stood armed in front of the gate, their lifeless eyes laid on the descendants. As the protectors of Minitz stood prepared right at the bars of the gate, the Duke gave the order to open it- luring the battalion of Dreadknights in. Once they stood under the now-lifted gate bars, the Duke commanded for the gate mechanism to be activated. The bars crashed down, impaling through all who stood under them, that being, in the favour of the defenders, a great portion of the Dreadknight force. 


Another order was shouted- ignite the buildings that stand nearest to the gate. With the order being accomplished, Duke Brandt instructed to open the gates, letting the Dreadknights in. The two armies collided, and a storm of steel began. 

The battle was fierce, and Wiktor tried to cut through as many as he could. As the numbers thinned, he noticed that red colour cascaded down his side, and soon enough, he started to lose conscience.


The world started to spin as he felt his strength slip away, his legs now being barely able to carry the weight of his body. He tried to resist, to strike one more time, but could very scarcely raise his sword- and in a brief moment, he only felt a cold breeze and complete silence. Closing his eyes, he then departed to eternal rest.



Damn, our good old bald pillock is finally dead. Thank you all so much for the 60+ weeks of roleplay that Wiktor offered to me, especially @Olox_, and all of his three lovely jazlos, @Mykeiand his ancient August, @ratlordmagicwith his yankeeism (:D), @Travellerfor daily doses of Blackpool culture, @PufferfishTrash for some emotionally full roleplay, @Travistyfor the heartful support. Thank you so much and see you on Witold! 


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In the ruins of old Merryweather, the Aaunic Prince set down his memorial candles. Henry's reserves were starting to run out, as yet another joined the evergrowing dance of the flames..

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Aleksander Jazloviecki rubbed his temples as the body of defeated Wiktor was brought to the refugee camp "GOD took you when he saw fit. Your struggle has come to an end dearest uncle. Now you are with our ancestors and our Bonnie King Charlie. Rest in peace..." Said the young lord and after that walked to the nearby chapel in order to pray for the soul of his late relative



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Yet again, another life was lost. A pale hand took it upon herself to scratch out Wiktor on the painting that hung onto her wall, to where less than half a dozen of the figures remained. Like ghosts, still would they linger glooming over her forevermore... and to which she could only reminisce a young Wiktor in the days of yore.

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In the Merryweather Refugee Camp, Count Waclaw Jazloviecki lit a candle for his late uncle. The Mori had taken so much- his pride, his homeland, and now his family. But beyond that, what he could never forgive was that the Mori’s lust for destruction and conquest meant he couldn’t even properly say goodbye to his Uncle. The young soldier got to his feet. “They will pay.” He promised through gritted teeth.

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Viktor Ratispora let out a saddened sigh within Mini Minitz as he pondered back upon Wiktor's words prior to the siege, muttering softly. "Dravo Wiktor, Dravo.."

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Isavella von Theonus bowed her head, and poured out a drink to the fallen after hearing the news.  





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