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Felix was leant against his door by the river in some tropical paradise in the Seven Skies. He smiled fondly at all of the memories of Sebastian Bishop, that crazy, wild-eyed Waldenian. "Vy were as quick with a joke as vy were with a punch to the face, vy old bastard." He spoke to himself as a smile broke upon the features of his face further still. Yet, Sebastian was without a doubt one of the finest soldiers Felix ever had the pleasure of both commanding and serving under.

Sebastian was rock-solid in his resolve, all the way to his soul. Felix never knew him to question, disobey an order or make little snide remarks. He just did his duty. Even when he was in command, he didn't prance about like some fat, useless whelp lording over everyone as he had known a few disgraceful officers to do. No. He was still that same soldier. He'd never send a man into a situation that he wasn't willing to go in, he never, ever dishonored the trust of his men and he was throughout his entire career above all things: His comrade.


And now Felix hoped that the old man would finally find peace in this new life of eternal sunshine and ever-overflowing barrels of scotch, whiskey and the good old Black. Felix, a fellow old man, certainly knew he had.


Though, even in this new life, he had not drank. He made a promise.

"...Krusae zwy Kongzem. Rest well, brother." He stood, and saluted the sky above.



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Audo Weiss laid back in his dingy tent as he peered up at the roof of it. Suicidal, the old man had been: suicidal to stay back while others made their retreat. And yet, he was far from the only grizzled warrior he'd known to want to die fighting.

And although he did still fear much when on the field, Audo was beginning to see the draw. These men had a legacy already; they wanted to go out with a BANG.

Even in the unbearable Savoy heat, his knightly armour covered him, helmet and all. Beneath it, he smiled faintly even if the grief and tug from the loss of his father, uncle, comatose brother and his own brush with death was dragging on his mind.  
"Rest well, old bastard. Vy deserve it." He had been a fine Lord Marshal to learn under - one who had revitalised the army - and had been the man to finally give him a chance. 

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