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[✗] [Playable CA + Feat Addition] Vargyr

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2 hours ago, Lhindir_ said:

Ok but why does the literal inventor and original writer of the lore not get a TA? 

I dun want it 

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1 hour ago, Jentos said:

I dun want it 

real. I rest my case my king. 

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Mind magma, mince meat, four o clock and still no more mincemeat.


I miss trench warfare, i miss bog monster hunts, I miss the bog monster...

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the flock of lamb awaits a hero in white as the wolves devour the sun

they think he will shame and trick the cronus that would fell our god, but the corpse of our god already rots in his temple

(can a new eden even be built upon the rot of ymir?)


find your horns, wicked deceiver; no ram may stand between the lion and the lamb



good luck folks, I have no more fight in me


I think the true niche and beauty of the lore jentos and I set out with has been blotted, and its purpose reduced… the many arms of vishnu bind you closely


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Well written but like most lore submissions it's just way too long so it's indigestible. Lore on LotC should be accessible and comprehensible to the average player, and novella lore entries don't service that.

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On 5/17/2023 at 2:46 PM, Xarkly said:

Well written but like most lore submissions it's just way too long so it's indigestible. Lore on LotC should be accessible and comprehensible to the average player, and novella lore entries don't service that.


Due to the content of the original lore, I wanted to keep as much of our old feeling and keep to the roots of the original lore whilst making sure that issues that were raised by ST were dealt with appropriately. There's unfortunately no way to "cut down" on the length of the lore, and I feel that the lore's depth would be lost by doing that.


I've tried my best to make it more digestible to the average player by putting everything into spoilers so it isn't one big scrollfest, meaning people can choose to read it from top to bottom if they'd like, but if they just want to see one specific section, whether that's because they're interacting with the Varg regarding that specific mechanic and want to find out more information, or purely because they might only be interested in reading that one specific section for whatever reason, they can.


I'm telling you man, if the forums had the coding in them to allow for people to make a table of contents for their lore, the problem of lore being difficult to read could be made so much easier. Either way, in my opinion, the writing style I've chosen to use for this lore is still very much detailed and rich in it's own kind of complexity, due to the macabre, ebon nature of the subjects detailed, but still on the simpler, easier to understand side so that the lore isn't one big puzzle to decrypt. 

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18 hours ago, Lhindir_ said:

Ok but why does the literal inventor and original writer of the lore not get a TA? 

for the reasons too horrible to explain publically bro you literally posted it

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Moderator Comments:



Respectfully asking for comments including "eating fetuses" and other rather explicit and disturbing content be refrained from. I'm not giving any warnings (yet), but asking respectfully to refrain from it from here on out.


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On 5/16/2023 at 3:15 PM, Mordhaund said:


The Sprint was brought in as a "prototype" to see how people would feel about it, and the complaints regarding the Leap itself being rather lacklustre and thus us requiring a sprinting mechanic have come from other players inside the community. After speaking to a few people and speaking to the community members that wanted this mechanic in the first place, I'm going to remove the 12 block sprint, or at least shift it so that it can only be used a certain amount of times per roleplay encounter (3 emotes)

My suggest isn't to limit the number of times it can be done in an encounter, but instead basing it on distance to the leaping target. As an example, if the Vargr in question wishes to use leap, but cannot travel at least 6 or 8 blocks in the direction of their chosen target, then they cannot use the full 12 blocks and leap combination to engage, whether because they require a certain amount of acceleration or some other arbitrary reason.

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2 hours ago, Sarcof said:

My suggest isn't to limit the number of times it can be done in an encounter, but instead basing it on distance to the leaping target. As an example, if the Vargr in question wishes to use leap, but cannot travel at least 6 or 8 blocks in the direction of their chosen target, then they cannot use the full 12 blocks and leap combination to engage, whether because they require a certain amount of acceleration or some other arbitrary reason.


Both the Leap in itself and sprinting are reduced to only being able to be used a certain number of times in an encounter. I know exactly what you mean, but the sprint and the leap have two different intentions behind them.


The Leap is not meant to necessarily be used as an ability that allows you to cover ground more quickly than other people, but moreso as a surprise attack - you have to prepare, where you stay still, and then leap, an emote which in itself is just covering ground, and then finally emote landing and attacking or defending in that third emote. The amount of ground actually covered in the 12 block leap is identical to the amount of ground you would be able to cover at 4 blocks an emote, since the emote count is 3 emotes, which applies to Vargs in their regular movement, unless they are sprinting. Using the Leap in it's current state requires a bit of thought going into it, and I've intentionally chosen to make it that way since it can only be used twice without any issues pertaining to movement following the action. 


Meanwhile, the sprint, which is now limited to only being able to be used for 3 emotes per RP encounter, is purely meant for covering ground and Vargs cannot attack or defend in the meantime. It's only meant for catching up to people running away from you, for example if you were chasing a mounted cavalryman, you'd be matching him in speed. Other than this, it'd be used for closing big distances on a larger battlefield, and it's purpose is purely for closing distances, unlike the potential attacking power of The Leap. 


I hope this clears up any questions about the intentions behind those two abilities, but if you'd like to talk more about this, DM me your discord and we can chat there.

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Monster rp is cool, please no moar 6hr crp with varg


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This is a dope bit of lore, I would personally RELISH the opportunity to get to experience this in roleplay. Be it being eaten by one or becoming one myself. If i see one silly billy saying that its a furry imma whoop em, Disrespect to my french heritage.

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