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12th of Sigismund’s End, 1924 IC | 12th of the Deep Cold, 128 SA







It has been eighteen long years since the passage of the Resolution of 1906, nearly a generation since the decision was made to disband the Northern Geographical Society into the Celestial Trust.


In the time since then, the Trust has endeavored to support scholastic and cultural endeavors throughout the continent of Almaris. However, the recent victories of the Mori over the descendant races and the latest declaration by the Brotherhood of Brev have given us cause for grave concern.


By order of the Grand Trustee, the vast collection which the Celestial Trust has been made guardian over shall be secured for transport and steps shall be undertaken to prepare to arise to the challenge of exploring a New Frontier.


It is for these reasons, and in the belief that action is required to rise to the challenge ahead, that we, the Chief of the Wittenbach Clan and the Grand Trustee of the Celestial Trust, have agreed upon the following resolution.








I.) By the will of the Chief of the Wittenbach Clan and the Grand Trustee of the Celestial Trust, the mantle of the Northern Geographical Society (NGS) shall be restored.


II.) The Celestial Trust, once known as the “Society’s Circle,” is to be restored as the governing body of the Northern Geographical Society under its existing name and mantle.


a.) All former duties of the Society’s Circle shall be transferred to the members of the Celestial Trust.


b.) The Celestial Trust shall retain the ability to engage in scholastic and cultural exploits as its own entity.


c.) Any Circle member still yet living prior to the Resolution of 1906, and willing to actively continue contributing to the Society’s restoration, may petition the President of the NGS to claim the title of Celestial Trustee.


d.) Celestial Trustees that have been provisionally named by the Grand Trustee in the last nineteen years are to be formally inducted following the restoration of an environment of safety and the execution of whatever plan the Brotherhood of Brev may presently have in mind.


III.) Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach is to be restored as the President of the NGS, being the last to have been duly elected by a majority of the Society’s governing board.


a.) The President of the NGS is to orchestrate the transportation of all artifacts, books, and ledgers kept by the NGS and the Celestial Trust in preparation for the evacuation planned by the Brotherhood of Brev.


b.) Furthermore, the President of the NGS is to be tasked with finding, or creating, a new home for a Flagship Museum of a quality that rivals our institutions of old, in addition to other museum branches that will spread the light of descendant knowledge across the continent.


c.) Full executive power over the Society shall be restored to the President to carry out the endeavor which lays ahead.


d.) Finally, the President shall be given the right to name new Celestial Trustees pursuant to the holding of a Society meeting and a majority vote by all Trustees present.



IV.) James Vursur is to be designated as the Vice President of the NGS at the behest of the President, to assist her in the colossal mission ahead.


a.) The Vice President of the NGS shall be second only to the President and be invested with all powers therein to assist her.


b.) He shall also wield executive power over the Society in line with past precedent, likewise being subject to the President’s review.



V.) The former Charter of the NGS is to be reinstated, with the following stipulations:


a.) All mentions of the Society’s Circle within the charter are to be amended to refer to the Celestial Trust to reflect the proclamations made in the Resolution of San Luciano.


b.) The process of Circle Referendum shall be renamed to Celestial Referendum.


c.) Article II, Section D, Subsection i, Point 2 shall be repealed.


d.) Any and all further amendments to the Charter must follow the constitutional procedures outlined within it.



VI.) The President and Vice President shall be empowered to recruit new members to the Society as is necessary to explore the New Frontier and defend the vast volume of descendant knowledge which our members safeguard.


a.) Additionally, they shall be empowered to do whatever is necessary to defend the collection of the Celestial Trust and ensure its survival as per the protocols outlined fleeing to lands afar.





The decision to restore the Northern Geographical Society is not one that we have taken lightly. Yet, many of the reasons for our dissolution are now null. A new continent ostensibly awaits us beyond the carnage that lies outside of the walls of San Luciano, and we will rise to the challenge of exploring it.


We shall therefore travel unto New Frontiers in the pursuit of our Society’s mission, that we might both preserve and expand the knowledge over which we steward. And furthermore, in these dark and trying types, we would offer to any disparate members of either the Society or Trust that are yet to be reunited with us the following words of comfort.


For as long as a dream remains in the hearts of those who believe in it, it can never be destroyed. As such, the light of descendant kindness and knowledge shall continue to persevere, should we only continue to have faith in ourselves.







Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach

President of the Northern Geographical Society


James Vursur

Vice President of the Northern Geographical Society


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We're so back!
All our plans are right on track
All our relics have been vaulted
And our library is packed!


Old memoirs, maps of Stars
Tales of dangers most bizarre
Tomes of most obscure conjectures
All the boldest great adventures!


Come to read, or explore
We have only open doors
Our society has always been the best!
So drop on in and visit,
See our hell exhibit,


We're so back! 
We're so back! 
We're so back!



edit: hopefully everyone gets this is Be Our Guest

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"Nice!" Says a member of the Celestial Trust. 

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An old Adunian scholar nods approvingly, somewhere.  "Nice."

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Across the vast ocean walls stood an elfess with a soft muse, palm acquiring a glass of wine as she enjoyed the exotic flavors of the foreign brew. "Perhaps it is time I returned home once more, after these Mori have been dealt with." Spoke the Izalith, nostrils flaring as she nodded to her husband across the table. "Ready yourself for these upcoming years. We shall be devoting ourselves entirely to the Society."

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"By the sacred groves of Academe; knowledge has returned to the land!" Cries Horace Napier, Dean of the Royal Balian Academy.

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An exhausted Headmistress dashes through the frigid, world-ending snow as she struggles to stash all her precious things. She only ever stops to read this curiously familiar missive.

"Oh! Finally a new flame to fuel."

Inny keeps heading towards the shoreline.

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From a nearby tropical shoreline, a philanthropic man peers up from some parchment - on which were scribbled the designs for new dwelling spaces and the signatures of other, doubtlessly wealthy benefactors. "I can't believe they're back.."

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