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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Gravity Evocation


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Just my opinion but the lore piece seems a very unoptimized, lots of extremely vague spell descriptions and generally seems Unfun to RP against.

Meteor seems to have listed out alot of my issues on the magic on his comment so I'll not repeat it. 

Wishing you the best of luck for the future lore posts.

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for the "gravatational field" spell you could definitely benefit from specifying what "easier or harder to move around" entails bc it's quite vague in that regard

for example take into consideration people with armor, orcs, people with ORK ZTRENGTH etc. there should be some kind of metric in the lore that people can use to determine how this influences their character in combat, or even something as simple as an increased or decreased block movement count when this spell is used

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I've given my feedback on discord but I'll put in my 2 cents here publicly.


When you first sent me this, I identified it as basically a rewrite of Telekinesis. Seeing the final product, that definitely has not changed, thus I will be handling it as such. Take this not as a criticism (I obviously loved TK) but as an observation. 


Although I commend you for your work and find the way you've handled the progression reasonable, you've included several spells that were originally excluded from TK (notably influencing someone's equipped weapon and what is essentially flight). Considering TK has been shelved due to it being found potentially OP in combat, reintroducing the prior is problematic, putting it lightly.


Aside from that, I find the lore/background a tad lackluster, even if it very closely resembles the actual origins of telekinesis on the server.


I wish you the best and hope this opens the door to a collaborative effort to reintroduce TK to LotC in a way everybody is happy and it's properly regulated, but I can't fully give this version my blessing and request you remove me from the credits.

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I respect the effort you’ve put into this, but as the above comment said, a lot of the spells here were in some way apart of TK, which was shelved for being problematic.


Also I strongly disagree with this being named an “evocation.” If anything, this would make more sense as an alteration magic since gravity is not a tangible thing that can be “evoked” like water, air, fire, etc.

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Clunky, unclear, and full of math. Generally not good for Voidal Magic. Abilities are both too wordy & not explained enough. Spells like weapon weight multiplication or "movement slows by 1/3" are examples of how you are focusing too much on real world variables and not the base language of LotC.


No one really cares "how" much their weapon weighs, but its general "weight class" matters. Boomsteel weapons are extremely heavy, air ensorcelled weapons are light. Once you start strapping math onto these more qualitative features, you transfigure them into quantitative features & approximately no people want to be googling the historical weight of an arming sword times 3 to figure if it would still be useable.


It seems to lack an understanding of gameplay loops, i.e, how the Lore will shape the game that is played & steps into worrying territory with its openness such as:


1) Mages are going to start dropping really heavy objects on people from above them. (Levitate)

2) Opponents have to google my weapon's historical pound weight to fight you. (Flux)

3) People will have to divide movement by [3] (god, why) & consider how this stacks with other effects like Tanglefoot. (Surge)

4) Your emote counts are all over the place. You have [Connect] > [2 Emotes] for huge effects all over the list. (Surge, Orb)

5) Orb is insanely overpowered. You haven't written one counter for it, such as a shield, written if it is dodgeable, or the range.

6) Your capstone spell is vague, with little to no detail on what it actually does. How far away can a "specific field" be? (Grav. Field)

7) Feather-Feet needs more detailing.


All in all, it is a Frankenstein of air evocation & old school telekinesis, lacking a deal of clarity, internal logic, and spell formatting. I would cook this up longer, focus on what effects in the game you want the spells to deliver, and remove a lot of the complex math. 

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Good effort, bad idea.

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