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The Great Book of Oaths



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    Begun in this One-hundred and Fiftieth Year of the Second Age, the record hereafter shall serve to mark and enumerate those oaths faithfully undertaken by the Númenedain, be they Adunian by blood, or Middleman or of the kin of Malin. Even should our Kingdom fail to endure, may our people and our oaths be everlasting, and so therefore may this record, by GOD’s Grace, endure for a thousand years and more.


– Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, 

Queen of the Númenedain


    Listed here are those oaths which followed the First Swearing of the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, but predate this chronicle, or those which have been added to remedy clerical error. May they be remembered always.


IN THE YEAR 131 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 14th day of the Grand Harvest, Uriel Pendraic and Caraneth Aryantë Pendraic swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Cardinal Antonius. The former took the name Númenatâr, and the House Pendraic was newly styled as House Arthalion.


IN THE YEAR 132 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 8th of Malin’s Welcome, Emigliana O’Rourke and Edwyn Stafyr swore the Oaths of Matrimony.


IN THE YEAR 135 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 20th day of Malin’s Welcome, Eldacar Marsyr, Dele Seregon and Saoren Seregon swore the Oaths of Chivalry.


IN THE YEAR 135 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 20th day of Malin’s Welcome, Nicholas Aetos swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor and the White Court. He took the name Amarthurin.


IN THE YEAR 137 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 16th day of Malin’s Welcome, Dele Seregon and Saoren Seregon swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor and Belekar Starbreaker. Dele took the name Calienë. Saoren took the name Elerrîon.


IN THE YEAR 137 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 5th day of The Grand Harvest, Eredain Glennmaer and Kamilla Stafyr swore the Oaths of Matrimony.


IN THE YEAR 142 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 6th day of Sun’s Smile, Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion swore the Oaths of Chivalry.


IN THE YEAR 142 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 16th day of The Amber Cold, Matianak Helvig swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He took the name Barandir.


IN THE YEAR 144 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 14th day of Malin’s Welcome, Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr anew in the witness of High Pontiff Sixtus V. Thereafter, she was crowned Queen of the Númenedain.


IN THE YEAR 145 OF THE SECOND AGE, on the 17th day of The Amber Cold, Ser Adrielle Thassion and Ser Alwyn Glennmaer swore the Oaths of Matrimony.


IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Elentirien swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë.


IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Alteon of Garenbrig swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He took the name Berior.


ON UNCERTAIN DATES, the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr was sworn by:

Emigliana O’Rourke, in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor. She took the name Maerîl.

Valandil, in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor. He took the epithet Beriaeglir.

Vesta, in witness of Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor. She took the name Cireth.


    Hereafter are listed all oaths undertaken by the Númenedain, after the day of THE 15TH OF THE SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 150 OF THE SECOND AGE, upon which the first ink was placed upon the pages of this document.



   On this day of THE 16TH OF SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 150 OF THE SECOND AGE, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë swore in witness of Mother Frinna Glennmaer and Bishop Callahan to uphold the dutiful, timely and truthful attendance of this chronicle.



Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion


   On this day of THE 23RD OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 151 OF THE SECOND AGE, Ellisar Aevaris swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court.



Ellisar Aevaris


   On this day of THE 23RD OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 151 OF THE SECOND AGE, Ellisar Aevaris swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He took the Epithet Angrenor.



   On this day of THE 23RD OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 151 OF THE SECOND AGE, Edwyn O’Rourke swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He took the name Amathal.

Amathal O’Rourke



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   On this day of THE 17TH OF THE GRAND HARVEST, IN THE YEAR 152 OF THE SECOND AGE, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and Sir Peter Stroheim swore the Oaths of Matrimony.



   On this day of THE 11TH OF SUN'S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 152 OF THE SECOND AGE, Sir Peter Stroheim swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He took the epithet Arasuil.

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   On this day of THE 13TH OF MALIN'S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 153 OF THE SECOND AGE, Amathal O’Rourke swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court.



   On this day of THE 13TH OF MALIN'S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 153 OF THE SECOND AGE, Halbard of the House of Hadeth swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He was given the epithet Edendil.

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   On this day of THE 18TH OF THE FIRST SEED, IN THE YEAR 155 OF THE SECOND AGE, Rupurt of Nurthrazhaim swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court. He was given the name Calador.

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On this day of THE 15TH OF SNOW'S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 166 OF THE SECOND AGE, Idris of the House Glennmaer swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Númenost the Fair. He was given the name Berior.

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On this day of THE 16TH OF THE SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 166 OF THE SECOND AGE, Berior of the House Glennmaer swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Father Galadain Glennmaer

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On this day of THE 15TH OF THE GRAND HARVEST, IN THE YEAR 167 OF THE SECOND AGE, Markus Sarkozic swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He has foregone taking an Adunic name.



On this day of THE 15TH OF THE GRAND HARVEST, IN THE YEAR 167 OF THE SECOND AGE, Markus Sarkozic swore an oath of loyalty and fealty to the House Arthalionath, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë.

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On this day of THE 14TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 167 OF THE SECOND AGE, Mathilde Augusta swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. She took the name Brenoril.



On this day of THE 14TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 167 OF THE SECOND AGE, Marcellus Eglanior swore swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë. He took the name Belegorn.

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On this day of THE 12TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 172 OF THE SECOND AGE, Aranuir Arthalion swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court.

On this day of THE 12TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 172 OF THE SECOND AGE, Aranuir Arthalion swore the oaths of chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court.



On this day of THE 12TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 172 OF THE SECOND AGE, Arathor Arthalion swore swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court.

On this day of THE 12TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 172 OF THE SECOND AGE, Arathor Arthalion swore the oaths of chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the White Court.



On this day of THE 13TH OF THE SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 173 OF THE SECOND AGE, Azrubel Arthalion swore the oaths of chivalry, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë.

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On this day of THE 8TH OF SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 178 OF THE SECOND AGE, Camulos Ersutu swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. He took the name Goldaer Brúnor.


On this day of THE 11TH OF SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 178 OF THE SECOND AGE, Raug swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. He took the name Ruthron.


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On this day of THE 13TH OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 180 OF THE SECOND AGE, Morwen Idhreniel swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the epithet Aerdaethil.


On this day of THE 11TH OF MALIN’S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 180 OF THE SECOND AGE, Eriantiel Arthalion swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the epithet Esteleth.


On this day of THE 11TH OF MALIN’S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 180 OF THE SECOND AGE, Rossiel Marsyr swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the epithet Noenien.

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On this day of THE 9TH OF THE AMBER COLD, IN THE YEAR 181 OF THE SECOND AGE, Torben Uallas swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. He took the name Angdrethor.

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On this day of THE 10TH OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Naoise O’Rourke swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the name Faeleth.


On this day of THE 10TH OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Victor Rorin swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. He took the name Tharanhir.

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On this day of THE 7TH OF THE FIRST SEED, IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Raug Ruthron swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Ser Amathal O’Rourke and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost.


On this day of THE 15TH OF THE FIRST SEED, IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Eriantiel Arthalion swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of  Lord Glyndwr Glennmaer and the gathered populace of Garenbrig.


On this day of THE 5TH OF SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Lemyariel Marsyr swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost.


On this day of THE 9TH OF SUN’S SMILE, IN THE YEAR 182 OF THE SECOND AGE, Maerîl O’Rourke swore the Oaths of Chivalry, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost.


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