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Call to the Lost



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A diminutive children's poupée, its pallid form swaddled within an ivory nightgown fashioned with opaquely enmeshed flounce and Auvergnian styled skirtings, fabrics braced narrowly against her svelte hinged ankles. Chiffon ribbons, now angled against her frolic-marked hull poised in pirouette, of which perched roughly beside the cinereal roots of the tree. Thus, its young proprietor lay her sullied forefinger atop its flank, defiling the textile in earth with a singular swipe of the digit..

Edited by Orphvius
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[!] A note placed upon the ferrum statue it says

"I look to meet speak with you, I need to know more understand more and one knows none can learn much from the common man, allow me this meeting and it might in the farther future become worth while for the both of us"

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