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The Second Son



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A Son of Snakes and Wolves


A Fontesar Legacy Continued 

Issued on the 15th  of Javier’s Justice of the year of 129 D.R.




El Legado Fontesar


Upon this day, The Fifteenth of Javier’s Justice, The word of a Second Fontesar boy had arrived through the streets of La Dorada. A child who had been conceived after being overdue for an entire three weeks. Her Ladyship Ser Cirilla had been under immense stress regarding the most recent abductions by a particularly tormented individual concerned for the safety of their friends and family. Once matters had resolved Her Ladyship, and the young Pablo Fontesar had been resting within the Clinic of Hyspia for three weeks. Anticipation of the new Fontesar’s arrival was sure to set the couple abuzz. 


The gentry house Fontesar is most pleased to announce with recent birth of Lord and Lady Fontesars second born son. A boy with resemblance of his father and screaming lungs just as loud as the Ser Cirilla’s

With great expectations of his soon glory, the boy shall be named:


Señor, Pylar Fernando Sebastian Fontesar

Gloria a DIOS en las Altísimas por el Don de Nuestro Amado Hijo




Her Ladyship, SER Cirilla Fontesar, “The Fang breaker”, Lady-Protector of The Sovereigns, Secretary to The Sovereigns


His Lordship, SEÑOR Dante Fontesar, Witness to the Wolf, First Alcalde of La Dorada


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"A bebe," so remarked Xiomara as she peered upon the missive. "I look forward to how the Fontesars continue to grow as a familia. Now, what would a suiting gift be?. ."

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