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Faith, Fire, and Sword!





During the opening phase of the Robertine Crusade the Margrave of Beleth, August Valentin was granted the promise of a great track of land for his service in leading the armies of the Crusade to victory on numerous occasions. During the winter days of 19 AOD, Helen, the matron of the family passed unexpectedly shortly followed by the ‘flaming sphere incident’ wherein August was taken in a flash of fire to the Seven Skies during a meeting at the Holy See. These passings left the young Yohaan Maximillian in the hands of Pontiff Fleeper I as the ‘ward of Lemon Hill.’


The people of Beleth who had come from both east and west; highlanders and heartlanders had intermingled such to create their own individual identities; that which had come to be called ‘Wessr.’ The Wessr had forged a new life in the silent valley under the strong leadership of August, however with his abrupt departure the Darkspawn which had invaded the nearby duchy of Ubuntu wreaked havoc upon the town of Rosental and left it in ruin, leaving the Wessr with no home.


Over the next several years in an attempt to secure the lands promised to his late father Yohaan managed the logistics of the Holy See, proving his value to the council and attempting to garner the land outlined in the Crusader Council of 18 AOD from his cousins in Petra. This proved unfruitful as a diplomatic resolution could not be garnered from either party; having been led on for some years the boy resolved to colonize the Black Hills; a dangerous and mountainous region of the Midlands not friendly to colonization. To ease the process Yohaan utilized the small number of Kusalks which he had gathered from the cities and countryside of Braevos and formed an alliance with the Norlander to supply the much-needed material for the settlement.


Within three months the party had found a mount overlooking a forested valley and lake, they named the lake Maltula and founded upon the black hill the castle-hamlet ‘Nurembach.’





Nurembach, the capital of Wessrik, constructed on a flat plains plateau overlooking the lake Maltula was built firstly for defense. The hamlet of Nurembach built with solid stone and brick with gravel and shell fillings was topped with terracotta brick tiling giving a distinct appearance. The construction of the settlement was done much in the style of olde with specific detailings and attention to beautification while retaining its purpose as a defensive structure. 




Citizens of Wessrik are not just encouraged but required to be baptized in the Holy Mother Church. The State-Sanctioned Religion of Wessrik was Owynist Canonism; with the moral ideal of Wessrik’s service to God through military duty.


Worship at mass was required when called, when there was a lack of clergy to conduct such affairs the Dragon’s Tithe was paid yearly to the Mother Church; wherein a good portion of the land’s sheep were shepherded across the river Dvyvi to The Holy Mother Church where they would be brought before the Holy Altar and sacrificed.




With such close proximity to both Heartlandic and Highlander states as well as the Royal Family of Wessrik bearing blood of both kin groups the clothing of Wessrik bears the hallmarks of both groups rather distinctly.



As for most of the year, the plains of Wessrik are temperate/chilly the male population has taken to wearing large overcoats which drape to the knees known as The Kontusz. This outerwar functions rather well to keep its wearer warm without restricting movement too much or getting caught upon objects, being a comfortable and practical alternative to cloaks of the Highlander cultures.



The Pas is a traditional sash worn by the males within Wessr society; they are often colorful and patterned sashes that are tied about the waist under the belt. They act as status symbols with the material and patterning of the clothing being highly important. 



The Basma is the traditional head-covering worn by the females of Wessr society. They are often bright and colorful reds, blues, and greens; with black head coverings being worn only during Church service as a show of humility. The head coverings range in pattern and material but are a great pride to the women of Wessr and are the subject of much conversation.


Haftowana Koszula is the traditional white vestment of the Wessr people worn by both men and women, their thickness ranges widely as some are made of lighter materials for the summer months and heavier materials for the winter months.



Due to Owynist military laws, the male population of Wessrik is required at all times to wear either cavalry or infantry Sabre on their right hip; because of this, the militarized population has taken to dressing their Sabre’s sheaths in vibrant patternings, inlaying them in gold and silver.




The most sacred item within the culinary culture of Wessrik is of no surprise, the Onion. Nurembach being based in the Eastern Midlands with wheat crop failures has a hefty reliance on the potato and the onion and the cabbage. Most dishes served in Wessrik are served with these three produce within or on the side. 


A boiled dumpling filled with mashed potato, onion, and a variety of other ingredients depending on the preference. This dish is often served with sour cream, though there are also dessert pierogies. This is the staple of the Wessrik menu. 



A tasty sausage made from the swine of the Midlands, blessed and made Kosher by priests before consumption!



A schnitzel made of thinly breaded veal cutlet. Yum, baby cow!


Goulash is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices.



Special chocolate made only within Nurembach, the formula for the making of Nurembach Chocolate is a well-guarded state secret.



Bier produced in Nurembach is subject to the Nurembach Purity Law. The only ingredients permitted in Bier production within the country are water, barley, and hops. The addition of any other ingredients is punishable by death.




Music plays an important part in the Wessr culture, from festivals to simple nights spent at the local taverns of Nurembach, music is part of every event.


The musical traditions of Wessrik date back to the Midlander Tradition of Warrior Poetry with founder Radmir of House Montalt, a noble family within Wessrik. Additional inspirations for the people’s musical culture come from both their time spent in proximity to the Khanate, the rather uncouth swing of the Norn, and the non-secular worship music of The Holy Mother Church.


Music in Wessrik is often either folk song, anthem, or ballad. Though Polka too remains a stable of the people. The music within Nurembach is vibrant and can be heard playing from early morning to late night.





Each year a tithe is paid to the Holy Mother Church known as the “Dragon Tithe,” a flock of sheep numbering in the hundreds in paraded about the streets of Nurembach before following the trail to the Dragon’s Bridge before passing into the lands of the Pontificate and being sacrifice before the Holy Altar.



There are a variety of dances within Wessrik; traditional steppe dances are preformed at weddings, and Mountain Marches accompany Wessfest.



Wessfest is the celebration of the founding of Wessrik in the Autumn of 24 Age of Dragons. During the celebration, vast amounts of pure Bier and Vodka are handed out freely and the harvest is brought to bare for feasting before the coming of Winter on the steppe. The tradition includes many aspects of Maliween such as dressing up as kind spirits to frighten off the evils of the world. Wessfest lasts many weeks and is the final celebration of the year before Krugsmas.



Krugsmas is the traditional celebration of most Horenic peoples, during Winter it is said that Brother Krug descends from the sky on his sleigh led by Lur Wolves which guide the way for him to deliver much-needed meats and tools for surviving the harsh winters on the plains. A time of giving, and a time of remembering what a Wessriker should be most grateful for; faith, family, and country.




The levied armed forces of Wessrik, known as the Host form the bulk of military defense for the Northern and Western marches. Made of average citizens the Host’s duty is to keep properly prepared armaments in the event of a levy. The Host is made of most able-bodied civilians of fighting age. Under threat of Court Marshal and exile, the Host acts as guardforce, firefighters, and engineers whenever necessary. While the Host is not always required to act in the way of an organized military like the Draguns, they are required to answer to the demands of any Official position within the armed forces.


The Wessrikan Host are required to own breastplates, helms, state-issued pikes, javelins, shields, and infantry sabre. While not required to bare all armaments at once, the citizen of Wessrik which is conscripted into the Host is always to bare the sabre.


The formal standing military of Wessrik, the Huzars are modeled after the Caracoles of Westmark. Every Huzar bares the cavalry-suited plate armor of the Corps as well as a set pair of “Huzar’s Wings” which rest upon their saddles. Preventing rustlers from lassoing them off their steed and causing a great noise during a charge which sounds as if a Dragon was descending upon any foe they meet in battle. The Huzar are required to carry with them at all times hand-crossbows (shortbows) for the caracole, javelins in the event of a skirmish, lances for the charge, cavalry sabre, and a spare horse.


The Draguns, or The Huzars are expected to act in a gentlemanlike manner, always be ready for battle, serve as commanders in the Host, and defend the Honor of the citizens and the country of Wessrik.


The Kusalk is an unofficial role within the Host and sometimes Huzars. The Kusalk acts as a scout, a colonist, and a light cavalrymen. Seen as frontiersmen within Wessrik the Kusalk’s have a culture of their own; independence, faith, and loyalty to the plains as well as the Marshal of the Host. The Kusalk is an experienced colonist with special rights and privileges so long as they remain loyal to Wesrik and to the Faith.






The Rada is the formal meeting of the Wessr, a call to all Wessr riders to speak on a topic that requires a vote. During the Rada, all Wessr have the right to speak and votes are consensus-based as opposed to majority-based. The Rada meets regularly to discuss topics of interest, taxation, imports and exports, and targets to raid. A Rada can be called anywhere and at any time but must have a quorum present. 



The Krol bends to the will of the Rada and respects their decisions lest they find themselves at odds with the populace. This is part of the ‘Golden Liberties’ of the Wessr. However, during times of War the Krol is the ultimate authority and their actions will be judged by the Rada upon the conclusion of the conflict.



An official and notarized Rada is known as the Sejm-Rada, to Radafy a treaty or declare war there must be a Sejm-Rada wherein consensus is reached upon the legislation. During this time those who hold authority as a Deputy of the Sejm-Rada, and the Krol are sequestered in the Sejm until they reach a decision upon the topic for which the Sejm-Rada was called. If a Deputy of the Sejm-Rada dissents from the rest of the group and is not outnumbered 3 to 1 they may veto the proposition, this is called the ‘Golden Liberty.’




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"The Noble Flepir resides in Wessrik," said Rhak'Dom, Rex of Lurak, The Gortslayer himself. "We shall assist him."

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Lilliandriel scanned over the missive. The Robertine Crusade had been a pivotal point in her life. Fighting alongside Caurost, with many valah. It exposed her to greater cultures, and the knowledge that even human soldiers were dangerous. Her nose scrunched, hearing of the news that land promised was denied. 

"They helped us come to rid the East of our enemies. It is only fair the young Prince has his share. Let them not forget their promises."

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"Changing Bier is punishable by death?" The wood elf put the missive down and pondered briefly. "I should try some."

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