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Order Of Dannerick


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*Dalejin traveled far and wide across the lands of Anthos, stopping at each available notice board drawing a long, freshly drafted piece of parchment. Carefully unrolling the parchment he nails one to each notice board in the four corners of the parchment. The parchment is pure
white, emblazoned with gold writing.*


((The parchment))

The Order of Dannerick


Code of the Order

  1. All Order members are to protect the weak, uphold justice, and show mercy to the downcast.
  2. No Order member may ever raise a hand against a defenseless citizen of the lands. If an Order member is attacked they are allowed to respond with the appropriate force demanded to ensure their own safety and those around them.
  3. Order members are expected to step in and defend those who have not warranted attacks by others.
  4. No member of the Order may join in on battles or wars between two allies. The Order will remain neutral in these situations, neither picking sides, nor alienating one ally from themselves.
  5. Order members are to show hospitality to those in need. Those who are capable of accommodating themselves may hire the services of the Order.

Rules of the Order

  1. Members of the Order must swear absolute allegiance to the Order. Breaking this vow results in an automatic expulsion from the Order.
  2. Members of the Order must never injure or kill another member unless the member has been declared a traitor upon the agreement of the Triumvirate and a death warrant has been issued.
  3. Members of the Order must never steal from another member. Doing so will result in the automatic and irrevocable expulsion from the Order. Any titles and property will be confiscated by the Order.
  4. Members of the Order must respect and obey commands given by the Champions. Only Silver and Gold members may directly disobey a Champion of a different Chapter. But doing so will result in a council of the Triumvirate to determine the member’s act of disobedience.

The Triumvirate of the Order

The Dragon

Is the Champion of the Wyverns. The highest ranking member of the chapter. It is the Dragon’s duties to oversee the Chapter and its functions. The Dragon handles the guards of the three strongholds of the Order and the patrols of the lands under the Order’s


The Wolf

Is the Champion of the Hawks. The highest ranking member of the chapter. It is the Wolf’s duties to oversee the Chapter and its functions. The Wolf handles the patrols and scouting of the borders of the Order’s lands.  


The Phoenix

Is the Champion of the Ravens. The highest ranking member of the chapter. It is the Phoenix’s duties to oversee the Chapter and its functions. The Phoenix handles the hospitality of the Order. Offering the services of the Order to the residents of the lands
under the Order’s protection. 



Power of the Triumvirate

Each Champion is of equal rank and power within the grand scheme of the Order. Each Champion is a check and balance to one of the others. The Wolf checks the Dragon, but the Wolf is checked by the Phoenix, and the Phoenix by the Dragon. The council of the Triumvirate votes on all critical matters of the Order, requiring a two thirds vote to pass.


Chapters of the Order of Dannerick

Chapter of the Dragon

The Chapter of the Dragon are the infantry and knights of the Order. Their first and foremost duties are the protection of the Order’s lands, and the residents of all the Order’s holds. They serve the Order as guards, and patrolmen.


Chapter of the Dragon's Roster

The Dragon

Dalejin Kal’Tahar

The Wyverns

Elmore Gates- Silver Rank

Lugash- Red Rank

Riker Crosswall- Black Rank

Sebastian Lenblade- Black Rank

Loric Gates- Black Rank

Malikoy Vineperch- Black Rank

Corlark- Black Rank

Residents of the White Keep

            Eleanor- Lady Stewardess of the White Keep

Chapter of the Wolf

The Chapter of the Wolf are the scouts of the Order. They are the first to arrive and the last to leave. They keep watch over the paths of the Order’s march. They scout out the land before the Order, ensuring the foreknowledge of what lies ahead. They serve in the military as both infantry and archers.


Chapter of the Wolf's Roster


The Wolf

Kellen Faolain

The Hawks 

            Verala Estel- Gold Rank

  Leo Oberon

            Lucion Faroth- Black Rank

Residents of the Black Tower


Chapter of the Phoenix

The Chapter of the Phoenix are the healers and ministers of the Order. They serve as the caretakers of the Order. They look to the physical and spiritual needs of the Order. Teaching the doctrines of the Church of Draort, that professes one god. They are skilled in healing and alchemy. In the military they serve as the archers and back lines of the legion.


Chapter of the Phoenix's Roster

The Phoenix

Nazwrath Sunsorrow

The Ravens

            Larrs- Silver Rank

Residents of the Green Outpost


The Legion of the Order

The Legion of the Order is a conglomeration of the three Chapters of the Order, under the command of the triumvirate. The Dragon leads the main body of the Legion. Formulating strategic plans of battle and issuing orders in the heat of battle. The Wolf leads the scouting party of the Legion. He organizes the reconnaissance of the Legion’s marching orders and the carrying of messages between the cohorts of the Legion. The Phoenix is in charge of organizing the Legion’s camps, the attaining of supplies for the Legion, and the medical treatment of the Legion. 









Every member of the Order is initiated at the lowest ranking of Black. The rankings from lowest to highest are Black, Red, White, Silver, Gold, and Champion. Advancement from Black to Red can only be given by a member of their chapter of Silver or higher, or any Champion within the Order. Red to White by members of their chapter of Gold, or any Champion. White to Silver can only be awarded by a Champion. Gold is awarded by an agreement of two Champions. As for the rank of Champion, it can only be awarded by a majority consensus of the Order. The requirements are agreement of the two remaining Champions, a two thirds vote of the new Champion’s Chapter, and a one third vote of the remaining members of the Order.



            RP Name:

            Character Bio (short):

            Reason for joining:

            Specific Chapter interested in:

            Do you have a criminal record:

            If so where:

            ((OOC Information))

            MC Name:

            GMT (your time zones):

            Average amount of time spent online:

            Most common time you are on:


((I feel the need to express that The Order of Dannerick is not under the Holy Oren Empire. We have allies among the Oren Empire. But we are separate.))

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Chapter of the Dragon

Dalejin Kal'Tahar- Dragon- ((Dalejin))

Eleanor- Lady Stewardess of the White Keep- ((AmKrules))

Elmore Burimgton Gates II- White Wyvern- ((Burnttoast74))

Lugash- Red Wyvern- ((Priority))

Malikoy Pinerest- Black Wyvern-

Riker Crosswall- Black Wyvern- ((ssej11996))

Sebastian Lenblade- Black Wyvern- ((downtownpony))

Loric Gates- Black Wyvern-

Corlark- Black Wyvern- ((corlark))


Chapter of the Wolf

Kellen Faolain- Wolf- ((shade1121))

Verala Estel- Gold Hawk- ((golden4))

Lucion Faroth- Black Hawk- ((zelthas))

Leo Oberon- Black Hawk-


Chapter of the Phoenix

Nazwrath Sunsorrow- Phoenix- ((tha4threich))

Larrs Agerios- White Raven- ((elsey05))

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*Sunsorrow approves this message with two enthusiastic thumbs up* ((Night-Haven will be know as the Green Keep, for the sake of spoilers.))

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((Holy hell this looks epic, good work man!))

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((I'm here to prove that I don't shut down all guild ideas. This is great! Well thought-out, and thorough. Plenty of detail. Good luck!))



((Holy hell this looks epic, good work man!))

((Thank you both of you. I spent almost two weeks working on organizing the thoughts and ideas before I posted this. We still have a long way to go before it is as organized as I would like it. But it is coming along nicely. Hopefully we will get some new recruits soon and be able to move forward.))

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((Thank you both of you. I spent almost two weeks working on organizing the thoughts and ideas before I posted this. We still have a long way to go before it is as organized as I would like it. But it is coming along nicely. Hopefully we will get some new recruits soon and be able to move forward.))

((Seriously man this is super unique but familiar enough to be loved, thumbs up! If I wasnt leading a guild I would seriously sign up man, this looks hectic!))

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RP Name: [Trader] Elmore Burmington Gates II

Character Bio (short): Elmore is a drunken architect Dwarf, that loves to farm and fight.

Reason for joining: Has been working for the Order for a year, and loves the people.

Specific Chapter interested in: Chapter of the Dragon

Do you have a criminal record: None

If so where: None

((OOC Information))

MC Name: BurntToast74

GMT (your time zones): (CST) United states

Average amount of time spent online: On weekends like 5 hours.

Most common time you are on:6-12 pm


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RP Name:

            Character Bio (short):I am Loric_Gates, a dwarf like non other! I love te'h eat dud and drink ale!"

            Reason for joining: M'eh brother said it would be'h gud for me'h!

            Specific Chapter interested in: Dragon

            Do you have a criminal record: Nae

            If so where: Nae

            ((OOC Information))

            MC Name:Gumphrygates

            GMT (your time zones):  (CST) United states           

Average amount of time spent online: About 1 or 2 hours a day.

            Most common time you are on: 6pm-12pm

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*Dalejin checks the fliers and finds two recruits, having already met Elmore he tucks the slip of parchment into a pocket and then quickly writes a response to Loric*
"Hail Master Gates,


I am pleased to hear you will be joining us at the White Keep. When you arrive present this slip to one of the guards stationed at the gate and they will grant you entrance. Your request to join the Chapter of the Dragon has been accepted and you will be assessed shortly after your arrival. I look forward to meeting you in person.


Safe travels and may the Creator keep you,

Dalejin Kal'Tahar"

*the letter bears they symbol of a golden dragon*

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 RP Name: Corlark

            Character Bio (short):  Very loving, and charming young man.

            Reason for joining: Feels that he needs to make something of hims. Believes that his purpose is to help people, and to care for those who cannot care for themselves.

            Specific Chapter interested in: Dragon.

            Do you have a criminal record: No.

            If so where:

            ((OOC Information))

            MC Name: Corlark

            GMT (your time zones): EST.

            Average amount of time spent online: Couple hours a day, unless I'm engaged in RP.

            Most common time you are on: 2:45 til whenever, weekdays. Weekends are usually random for me.

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*Dalejin finds a new note waiting for him at the White Keep upon his return and opens it seeing the letter from the new recruit. After quickly reading over the short note he takes the letter up to his study where he keeps fresh parchment and quills with ink ready. Sitting down at his desk he scribes a short response*
"Dear Corlark,

I am writing to inform you that I have received the letter expressing your interest of enlisting with the Order of Dannerick under the Chapter of the Dragon. I am Dalejin Kal'Tahar, the Dragon. I was pleased to receive your request and I am even gladder to inform you that upon review of your credentials you have been accepted into the Chapter of the Dragon. You will report to either me, or Elmore Gates if I am not available. Either of us will help you get situated at the White Keep and started in your duties as a Wyvern.


Grace and peace upon you from the Creator,

Dalejin Kal'Tahar"

*the letter bears the insignia of a gold dragon*

((I am currently preparing to head out of town. But you may contact burnttoast74, Elmore, regarding your acceptance into the Order.))

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*Dalejin sits down at the small spruce wood desk in his room. The wood had been gathered and crafted into the desk by the White Raven Larrs, a close friend of Dalejin's and he valued the desk even if it was rather small for his needs. But for the time it would suffice. Dalejin moves several papers to a shelf above the desk settling back into the high backed chair and preparing the address to the Order.*

"To all members within the Order of Dannerick,


Terms of Engagement Act I


This creed is to announce a new position taken upon by order of the Dragon, Champion of the Order of Dannerick. All person within the Order are to refrain from taking part in any preplanned battles. This is to ensure the neutrality of the Order of Dannerick in political struggles, and to maintain the purity of the Order of Dannerick's name as a force for righteousness. Any person of the Order who is proven to have taken part in an unsanctioned battle by the Dragon will face immediate expulsion from the Order and must face trial by the Council of the Order for readmission to the Order. Any and all possessions, lands, or titles bestowed upon said person by the Order will be stripped of them and returned to the Order.


Permission to take part in any battle will be granted by the Dragon, and will be passed onto the members of the Order ranking gold and silver.


Dalejin Kal'Tahar

The Dragon of the Chapter of the Dragon

Champion of the Order of Dannerick

Commander of the Legion of the Order."

*The creed bears the symbol of a gold dragon. Dalejin stands up and moves to the door of his room, outside of which waits a member of the Chapter of the Wolf. Dalejin hands the piece of parchment to the man with the commands to have it taken to the scribes where it will be copied and posted throughout the three holds of the Order.*

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       RP Name: Lorem

            Character Bio (short): An average height, old elf. Lorem possesses great skill in the art of mining and has recently taken up mining as a job and hobby.

            Reason for joining: To protect and serve under Goldenhawk, captain of the archers.

            Specific Chapter interested in: Chapter of the Dragon

            Do you have a criminal record: None

            If so where: -

            ((OOC Information))

            MC Name: Itsspiffy

            GMT (your time zones): Central

            Average amount of time spent online: 1-3 hours a day

            Most common time you are on: 4-9pm (Central)

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((You've been accepted. You will report to Verala. I will add you to the locks on the Keep.))

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