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[Event Creatures] Wild Life And Monsters Of Anthos


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Wildlife and Monsters of Anthos

Upon arrival to Anthos, the would-be settlers of the new land were introduced to a slew of native creatures, the following is petty documentation of their findings.

Orenian Wildlife




A rather comedic looking creature, the cockatrice is found to have the
body and wings of a drake, with the head and legs of the common rooster.
The creature is noted to stand as tall as a small hut, with the body
length to match. Strangely enough, the beast maintains an uncomedic deep
roar over the expected high-pitched squawk.


Further inspection and interaction with the cockatrice has revealed a small
pouch beneath the beak of the cockatrice. When enraged, the cockatrice
inhales deeply, the pouch expanding and pulsating momentarily, before
exhaling an ash-like smog.


Should the smog come in contact with an individual, he/she will be cursed with a strange spell.


This curse, now referred to as, “Stoning,” has been noted to thoroughly turn
a victim to stone, with no known method of returning flesh to their
cursed body.


The beast has talons roughly as sharp as the common fighting blade, the
strength expected of a massive beast, and the bodily scales maintain the
quality of common iron.




The creature is found to reside within vast cave systems, and dense
forests. Typically near civilization hubs, but remaining out of sight.
Perhaps to feed on unsuspecting cattle, or lone travelers.


Typically the Den, or nest, of a cockatrice is lined with various straw-like
plants, or fibers and is dotted with the bones of victims.






A truly repulsing creature, they possess large claws protruding from their toes and fingers, as well as a sharp beak.


They might be mistaken for an ugly woman if it weren’t for the two large
wings sprouting from their backs and the sharp beak, Harpies also have a
lethal screech, which appears in the dreams of those foolish enough to
stumble upon their lair.


If one were to walk through the poorer back alleys of Salvus, they would
hear the orphans sing a popular melody, which is very related to this


"Harpy, Harpy see them fly, drop the children from the sky, when the younglings
misbehave, escorts children to their grave. Never back-talk, never lie,
or they'll drop you from the sky!"



Harpies prefer mountainous areas, full of rocky ledges where they can build

nests and swoop down on unsuspecting travellers, the trench known as
brigands pass once had a large nest of Harpies, until the White Rose
moved in.



Some find zombies repulsing, others find spiders more so, but the Harpy is

doubtlessly the most disgusting of the lesser demons, they have humanoid
legs and arms, though large raven-like wings sprout from their backs.
There are different types of Harpies, which shall not be noted, a
recurring trait seems to be kleptomania.


Harpies possess a sort of oil that escapes their pores when going into combat,
it is believed to be linked to the glands located beneath the beak.


Malinor Wildlife


Leaf Apes




Strange Wolf-like creatures that reside among Malinor’s various trees. The
creatures are often quite thin, have very short patchy hair and
communicate in a series of high-pitched chortles and howls. The
creatures are seen to move in large packs, moving between trees, jumping
branch to branch, and have been noted to utilize crude tools.



Heavily forested lands of Malinor, though they live among the uninhabited
forests, simply observing the roads for lone travelers or unfortunate


The Tiny creatures are extremely fast and aggressive. It’s extremely common
for the creatures to attack the necks of it’s prey, aiming to either
bleed or strangle it’s prey. Should this fail, it’s common for the
creatures to bite and claw at exposed flesh. In the extremely unlikely
event that the creatures find no other method to attack their opponents,
they often attack with sticks or rocks in an attempt to disable prey.


The teeth, claws, and “Tools,” used by these creatures are generally
inefficient and are only a minor threat. Instead, their massive numbers
compensate for their lackluster strength.


Strangely enough, striking the creatures with common steel only causes blunted
damage. For an unknown reason, common Iron or Steel do not penetrate or
break the skin of these creatures.


The creature is roughly the size of the standard dog, though considerably thinner, almost sickly in it’s nature.


These creatures build Nests, made of various hides and leaves, typically
producing litters of 8 or more young. Reproductive cycle lasts roughly 4


“Ihnsil Taliame”

Spear Vine


These plants look to be the common Venus Fly-trap, though with roots clearly
exposed and forming a bit of a bush around the central pod.


The plant seems to have a will of it’s own and moves without clear motive,
slowly wandering aimlessly about the forests of Malinor.



Densely forested areas within the borders of Malinor. The creatures are nomadic
in nature, seeing them outside of Malinor, or around civilization is
exceptionally common.



The vines of the creature are abnormally thick and tough, they’ve been
noted to impale an unarmored figure with ease. The prey fed to the
central pod. When ingesting Food, the creature remains entirely
inactive. Generally unresponsive to the exterior world, even when
clearly attacked with efforts to claim it’s life.


Upon closer inspection, the creature seems to be a collection of creatures,
working within a hivemind environment, the central pod directing the
creature entirely.


The Central pod is surprisingly thin and frail, lack of effort to protect
the mind of the oganism is. strange to say the least. Further
 observations would be needed to get a better understanding of the


The digestive acids of the central pod weaken considerably over time,
suggesting the constant need to produce acid from the central pod.


When left unhindered, the creature has been known to grow sizes rivaling that of the common tree.


Dwarven Wildlife

Due to the harsh Climates of the Dwarven lands, Native Wildlife is scarce.


“Cave Leech”


Of all the unfortunate beasts to come across, this winged beast is the
most horrid, putrid, and generally repulsive creature to meet within the
depths of a cave. The creature looks remarkably like a naked bat with
an extended neck and featureless face. Where a nose and eyes perhaps
once stood, a large drooling maw now consumes the face of this beast.


Due to it’s highly aggressive and repulsive nature, the creature is widely
avoided and genuine investigation on a live subject is nearly


The Creature is seen to walk upon 2 legs, with wings. Suggesting the
ability to fly, but there have been no confirmed instances of such.


The Creature simply craves a massive darkspace. Due to preferences, the
creature resides within the icy northern reaches, and is known to plague
the cave systems of the Dwarven lands.


The thick stretchy hide of the repulsive creature is a natural flame-retardant.


The teeth of this creature have been known to cleave Iron as if paper, and
removal of a limb when coming into contact with this creature is
excessively common.


This creature clings to the ceiling of vast cave systems, simply awaiting
opportunity to fall onto it’s prey, typically aiming to behead
immediately. Due to it’s nest, the high-pitched screech emitted from
this creature’s maw is deafening, literally. Often resulting in loss of
hearing for several days.


Once dead, the creature is noted to drain the carcass of it’s victim.


The creature is noted to be roughly the size of an adult Orc, with a wingspan of roughly 5 feet.


Orcish Wildlife


“Duhnah Skhelll”

Sand Tortoise



The common Tortoise, though abnormally large and noted to be abnormally territorial.


The Sand Tortoise, commonly referred to as the, “Duhnah Skhelll,” due to
it’s ability to blend and camouflage within the harsh environment that
is the, “War Uzg,” is a territorial and reclusive hunter. It’s favored
method of hunting is a form of ambush. The Dune Shell creates a massive
crater, and lays flat, only the upper portions of it’s head and shell
fully exposed. Even when directly next to the creature, it’s shell and
head are remarkably similar to that of it’s surroundings, genuinely
appearing to be yet another sand dune, with a small cave mouth and
various assorted rocks dotting it’s approach.


When prey comes within reach, the creature lurches forth in a surprisingly
fast motion, typically snapping at it’s prey’s legs in an attempt to
disable effective escape. Once the prey is disabled, the Tortoise will
often move to simply crush it’s unfortunate victim. It’s been noted for
the Tortoise to simply walk over the victim, breaking bone and entirely
disabling the creature. Once the prey is entirely disabled, the creature
will move to swallow the victim whole, exhibiting the traits of a
snake, unhinging it’s jaw and swallowing the prey slowly.


The Sand Tortoise is only found within the War Uzg lands of Anthos. It’s
found in secluded lands, typically on the outskirts of settlements. It’s
unclear of how the creature remains hydrated, as it is not seen
consuming cacti, and prefers to avoid any bodies of water.


The Creature is a staggering Size, roughly equivalent to a small gatehouse,
or nobleman’s manor and it’s not uncommon for the creatures to be
mistaken for mobile islands.


The shell of the Sand Tortoise is noted to have qualities surpassing that
of the finest steel, and is roughly as thicker than a grown man’s
forearm. Preferred method of breaching remains unknown.  However, upon
discovery of a deceased Sand Tortoise, it’s noted that the shell has
grown weak and brittle, making it entirely useless for combat
adaptation, suggesting the shell is in some form an organic material,
much like teeth. When the host dies, the shell dries out, the color
diminishes and becomes weak and frail.


The Jaw of the Sand Tortoise is known to bend and crack Iron, as if made of
wood. Close fighting with the creature is not advised, avoidance is
strongly suggested.


The bodily scales of the Sand Tortoise are noted to maintain the quality of common Iron, and are quite dense.







Straadoth’s are typically nocturnal in nature, they slither and slide across dunes,
sometimes travelling in pairs. The beast emerges from it’s sleep at
night, coughing up some bile and then slinking off into the night, the
beast does this to mark safe spots and also mating places.


Orcish hunters often looks for these beasts for the skin, which is very
resistant to the elements, the teeth of the Straadoth are like needles,
they are numerous but easily broken, meant for ripping the prey apart
instead of chewing, the Straadoth has no claws, but instead humanoid
hands which it can grip things with. The beast also possesses a
dart-like tongue, which shoots out to impale its victims.


But the Straadoth’s real asset is it’s tail, thick and long, which it uses to whip things with.


The Straadoth is usually 4 feet tall and 12 feet long, with muscular limbs,

the good thing about the Straadoth, is it can only see moving things,
as it has no eyes and can feel the vibrations of footsteps through the
sand, it can only survive in the sand as it constantly shifts and moves,
if someone were to take the Straadoth away from it’s habitat, it would

Excerpt from an explorer’s journal:

“I saw the dunes rise, my wagon shook and a long hiss was heard, a red
spike suddenly pierced through my cavern and blood soaked the wall, I
looked out of the hatch to see both the drivers were dead, with  large
holes in their chests and most of their bones picked clean.”




Sandy biomes only, thick sandy dunes are where it functions, anything lesser
would result in starvation, blindness and eventually death.



The Straadoth takes whatever color of it’s environment is, making it
excellent at blending in, it’s attack style is quick, vicious and
brutal, with no care if it hurts itself in the process, it will shoot
it’s tongue out at the opponent, grip his horse and throw it at him,
whip him with the tail or create a large cloud of sand by smacking it’s
tail repeatedly against the ground.


Universal Wildlife




The beast is humanoid in appearance, and is not to be mistaken with a zombie.

Vodniks lurk around coastal towns and villages with deep lakes or rivers, they
are revived bodies of men or women that have met their demise by
drowning, what makes a Vodnik is actually the parasites that lurk in the
water, they use the body as a host and grow..


Their hair is slimy and green, as is the ends of their arms and legs, they
leave trails similar to a snail’s and make gurgled howls when it is a
full moon, they possess a toxin which sedates their prey, which they
then drag into the water to feast upon.

Excerpt from a text on marine creatures:


"These are scoundrels who ended their wicked lives in the water. Drowned alive
or thrown into deep watery ravines, they turn into vengeful creatures
which stalk the inhabitants of fishing settlements, dragging
unsuspecting bathers off into the depths."




Deep lakes, Rivers, Coastal Sea and Ponds.




The Vodnik is slow and weak, but in the water, the creature is at its best.

It can swim at unbelievable speeds and hear the faintest of footsteps on
the land, the beast also possesses a sedative in its saliva, which it
uses to drown the prey. The Vodnik also possesses the ability to ignore
bad injuries, one could cut off all it’s limbs and it would still try
and attack its prey, it also doesn’t weaken when it bleeds, is poisoned
or tossed off cliffs.


The Vodnik, as agile and aware as it may be, is completely blind, it relies completely on feeling, smell and its hearing.


The Vodnik is quite scrawny, like a decomposing corpse, though it possesses
abnormally large claws and teeth like knives, which it has several sets


Upon death, the Vodnik does something very odd, it hacks up it’s insides and
the parasites that lived within crawl back into the water to find
another host corpse, and create another Vodnik.


“Winged Screamer”

Giant Raven


A massive Raven. The reason for it’s mutation is unknown. Perhaps
exposure to mana, or simple adjustment to the wildlife within Anthos.


Much like all ravens, the creature is a Near Black, Dark Blue. It’s Beak and
Talons a jet black. The creatures typically stand at 10 feet with a
wing span exceeding 12 feet.



This creature is nomadic, typically living atop mountains for a mating cycle before moving on.



The creatures Talons could easily render a bit of low quality Iron useless,
though the creature prefers to simply scoop it’s prey before allowing
it to plunge to the grounds below.


The Beak of the Bird is capable of crack platemail, though only with repeated efforts.


The Giant Raven emits a loud scream than can easily be heard for miles
around, often said to echo throughout the lands, earning it the
nickname, “Winged Screamer.”


The Creature typically feeds on cattle or lone adventurers, preferring to make short work of it’s meals.


When it’s nest is approached, the Raven goes into an enraged frenzy,
attempting to knock it’s attack from the mountain, if not with it’s
talons, the winds produced by the flap of it’s massive wings.


((On a side not, a separate page has been handed out to Ptah (Lore Master) which includes Counter measures/Weaknesses of the beasts, and how an ET/GM/Admin could RP out the monster. Please thank TgTemplar, Sode1 and other a few others for the time they put into the Lore, they deserve it. Please come to me if you're looking for the other info or if you wish to have an RP event scheduled.))


Warning: All of these creatures cannot be tamed by Magic or be tamed in general, attempts at control via magic and taming will result in failure, the creatures often turning on those making efforts. 

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In regards t the leaf apes, would a maul or other hammers be effective? Since anything under the skin would likely be shattered into little bits.

(Would be fancier, but on iPad)

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Why does the Cave Leech remind me of Gigginox from MHtri?

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Format updated, and thank you very much! The reason we thought of this was for more Monster RP since there isn't that much lately and it could lead to some nice things.


As said before, we kept the other technical information on the Google doc so players wouldn't be able to Meta-game weakness's and such. Though if an ET or so on ask for it, i'll happily hand it over so you can host an event.

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Format updated, and thank you very much! The reason we thought of this was for more Monster RP since there isn't that much lately and it could lead to some nice things.


As said before, we kept the other technical information on the Google doc so players wouldn't be able to Meta-game weakness's and such. Though if an ET or so on ask for it, i'll happily hand it over so you can host an event.



Perfect, thank you for letting us know! ^^ I am sure the team would be psyched to do some events with these. 

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Hey man, it's great to see some lore on this!!! Is there any way to add these Halfling fauna to the list? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/71848-halfling-30-flora-fauna-idea-thread/

I'll be sure to RP seeing these guys around. :)

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Looks Good :megustacreepy:



But in all seriousness, in the event this is implemented, I hope entertaining events spring up across Anthos.

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Hey man, it's great to see some lore on this!!! Is there any way to add these Halfling fauna to the list? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/71848-halfling-30-flora-fauna-idea-thread/

I'll be sure to RP seeing these guys around. :)


I think he wants to keep this thread for creatures.

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Yes, the original intention of this lore is event monsters that are native to Anthos Lands. Mini-events to kill a bit of the calm.

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My apologies, the title says 'Wild-Life', so I thought that meant all creatures were welcome. Now that I look, they're all violent! :P

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