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[Event Creature] Pleskana

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The same could be said of the shores of Malinor and the shores south of Karakatua.

If everything is everywhere, then it wouldn't be unique in my opinion, Orcs have specialized wildlife or at least they did in Asulon I'm unsure if they still have. However I wouldn't mind if Malinor and Karakatua had them, I just want them to be accepted myself.

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Large sea animals tend to have world-wide (or at least ocean-wide) distribution.  However, perhaps the Pleskana follows a migratory route in which they gather near the the Yamamoto and Funestock shores during the winters months to feed on large fish.  During the summer they will head north along the montainious coastlines east of Abersi to feed on the thriving fish populations that gather during the summer.  While they can technically range anywhere, the largest concentrations will likely be along the coastlines of eastern Oren, particularly off of Yamamoto and Furnstock in the winter and mountainous coastline near Abersi in the summer.

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I like Dinosnaurases!

((And turtles))

Lets make this happen! I could see absolutely epic events happening here!

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This could make for some great events, I like it.

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