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  1. Wilvardson


    Thanks you so much ! Thanks to Lord Of The Craft, Can’t wait to start ? !
  2. Wilvardson


    Ok, I changed it again. I can add that I know what is meta gaming, I try to explain it in a sentence but I’m not good at that in english. I try previously to translate my “definition” from french. Hope this one will be good. I can add that Metagaming is kind of cheating when we figure out the intention of a player or game master. Taking “surprising” decision in the intention to cheat the game. In some word is to mix IRL with RP to get better issue in the game.
  3. Wilvardson


    Hello, Thanks you for feed back ! I finally edited my applications. I hope it’s fine now.
  4. Wilvardson


    Wilvardson is a 30 years old peasant from an unknown Highlanders lineage. His parent disappear when he was 1 years old. He doesn’t have any memory of his family, only a neckless that have belong to his father. It’s as well his only belonging. After his mysterious parent disparition he have been raise by the Krestvarg family. The Krestvarg was terrible people who forced him to work, and neverd wanted to tell him the story of his parent disparition. They always called him with his family name “Wilvardson” and the only benefit in herited of the Krestvarg was the ability of working hard and a strong body. At 20 years old he escape from this terrible farm in the country side of Haense and went out and start to work for different farmer, charpenter in Ves, lumber in the east of the Baltas River and sheep nursing in a big part of the Highland kingdom. After a journey of 10 years, he end up in the city Reza as a carpenter. On this last job he manage by accident to put his master working plans into fire. He get immediately fired and had to run away from the city to don’t get in trouble. It is now time for him to keep it quiet in the capital. He took the road to the country side, looking for a job in a farm who will need his force. In a way his clumsyness has alway put him in this kind of trouble. Maybe he will finally settle down somewhere and found a beautifull wife, but like with his hand he is clumsy with woman too … (Post Scriptum : I’m not a native english speaker, excuse me for my english.)
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