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Bedrock VIP
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521 Legendary

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    Flying too high.
  • Interests
    Staring into the abyss.

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  1. Yayyy trans right ^~^
  2. I swear I can quite whenever I want. -Alchemy Potion Pack Writers +1
  3. Nice lore, but it won’t stop me from deforesting Druid groves.
  4. Admins have been on point lately.
  5. LOTC was nice escapism, but I can be myself in public now so its not really fun anymore. Trans Rights, and Love you ******* <3. This is my final message, goodbye. (Life got shitty again, and need escapism >_<)
  6. Glade


    we will miss you
  7. The former thill scoffed at the paper, remarking "Never has the decadence of Haelun'or been put in such succinct language."
  8. Please don't post these sort of things in this sub, either do so in MISC, or discuss the idea in a discord server. This is for COMPLETED lore posts only. If your looking for something similar to this read up on this lore: It is related to energy redirection with mana, but no lightning.
  9. Even though I feel like I am selling my soul to the Devil could you make: ”Blonde elf man with goatee and golden skeleton arm wearing a bard hat, and medieval glasses.” Try to get the most stylish one Semi realistic style, but if it struggles to get the arm right then anime.
  10. Art is dead, long live Art.
  11. Seems underwhelming. The interaction which gems have with ectoplasm opens up a tone of potential routes for non-combat roleplay, but this is not explored. Since it conflicts with most magics maybe make it a 2 slot magic and add more ways of exploring the concept. I like the concept overall however; gives of some very sweet stormlight vibes!
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