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  1. Godseeker


    Set was born in 1718 on the outskirts of Adelburg and was raised by his uncle early in his life after both of his parents died. As Set was too young to spend any of his parents finances on his own, all of the family fortune would be left to his uncle who gambled and drank all of it away in several years, leaving Set to grow up in terrible conditions and poverty. Set was very interested in academics, however since his uncle couldn’t afford proper education, he would be forced to work from a young age and – if his uncle didn’t borrow any of his money - scrounge up any books he could find from local resellers for inflated prices. Although of his uncle was a Canonist who would constantly preach to him, Set was near convinced that everyone – except for him – was bowing down to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Through endless piles of history books he’s read, he formed his own opinion. He thought the Arch-Daemon Iblees was someone more deserving of his faith than anyone else, admiring Iblees for attempting to return the world into it’s original state. The vast nothingness seemed more calm, more peaceful as it was always meant to be. Set felt that this is how it was all supposed to be. That whatever the Creator is was just a force ruining perfection – something that Iblees was attempting to revert. In pursuit of more knowledge about Iblees and the Void, he would do odd jobs such as thievery and smuggling to afford any books to further his faith. Although by this point decently educated for a very well paying and honest work, he admired something about the dishonesty and disloyalty in what he was doing. Some of the jobs, however, he preferred a lot more than others. Through some twisted sense of self rightousness, he thought that killing was a favor. He thought that if someones going to bring them back to the nothingness, why not him? Out of his own personal enjoyment, he would find great joy in going on sprees of jobs that had comissioned someones death – no matter the pay. More so than that though, he was still focused on any knowledge about the Void he could get. He’d continue viewing Iblees as the true God for years, believing himself to be his most loyal follower. His delusions were further expanded when he directly correlated the date of the first Voidal tear in Korvassa with his date of birth, viewing it as a symbol that Iblees saw him as his chosen follower, he’d create a mask made out of pure gold to symbolize their delusional connection.
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