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  1. TDOG


    Sienna was born around the time of the previous fall of Haelun’or. Her parents took her to live with what remained of the high elf population, becoming nomads as a result of the catastrophe. Following this Sienna was reared in the small Mali’Thill refugee settlement for much of her young oem’nii life. It was here that she learned to interact with various different races. Learning common on top of her elven. Around the age of 30 she went on her own path, seeking knowledge and helping others as she went. Content with simply traveling and seeing the world in it’s glory. This style of life continued for her without little change for well over 200 years. Until she learned of the now rebuilt city of Haelun’or. Which she promptly set out for, having never lived in a true nation of High elves this was a far more welcomed change.
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