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Everything posted by drowknows

  1. @timer @BuilderBagel@ghandi @novoshapo @dmitris @perlaien. I remember the days..

    1. Gandhi


      never forget @juliaso 

    2. makeitsoyoucandeleteaccounts


      Oh Hyspia;

      I really love you,

      You're the Heartland of Sutica to me,

      From Tierra Natal,

      To Nueva Tierra,

      From Hyspania cross to Osanora and between.

    3. Timer


      Cherish those memories

  2. Name: Stinky Sigismund Age: 78 Culture: Savoyard ((Username: Luchitto ((Discord: JULIO#4667
  3. drowknows

    On Grass VIP

    *steps into tavern, reads* luchitto signs the petition :^)
  4. I suggest posting this in the cultures sub-forum [link] Other than that, it's a pretty good piece of writing, the culture somewhat reminds me of those bandits from Zelda BOTW because of the masks.
  5. hey dude. thoughts on amongyus?? ??? ???

  6. Cardinal Pelagius apprehensively twiddled his fingers together as he skimmed thru the investigation post, perking up a slight skiddish comment before placing it back into a bin, "Yes.. shall the traitors be punished..!"
  7. "Oh.." Cardinal Albarosa hurled all the ballots off his desk table, beginning to write letters to each Cardinal personally, "Apparently.. I was wrong! The count was right! Cardinal Jorenus is officially Pontiff." and that was that.
  8. Cardinal Albarosa shuffled through the ballots again after all was said and done, lofting up a brow, "Er.." apparently the ballots were misread - "Three votes for Cardinal Gawain? Three votes for Cardinal Alfred..?" The Cardinal then sent word to each Cardinal of whom took part within the college, "The votes are wrong! It's three votes for Cardinal Gawain, three votes for Cardinal Alfred!" "Due to it being a split vote, the decision now goes to the diet of Bishops! This has never been done before in Canon History!"
  9. The Vice-Chancellor then shuffled through various allots given to him by the college, tallying them. Not long after - he perked up a finger - announcing the votes toward the six Cardinal gathered within the Chambers. "Cardinal Jorenus.." "Cardinal Jorenus.." "Cardinal Providentia.." "Cardinal Jorenus.." "Cardinal Providentia.. "Cardinal Jorenus.." A new Pontiff has been elected by the College of 1802.
  10. THE PONTIFICAL ELECTION THE CARDINAL CONCLAVE of JUDE II The College of Jude II moments prior to the Conclave of 1820. The revenant laymen masses scurried around the immaculate Basilica of the Ascent as if they embodied a flock of lamb faltering before their shepherd in plead of nourishment - they gathered outside the Holy Place in hopes of catching a glimpse of whatever apprises and updates in regard to the current progressional state of the college of Cardinals during their contemplation in whom they may choose to elect as the successor of late High Priest Jude II, at the same time - rallying about in preparation for the upcoming battle to be taken place against the Norland foe. Within the whitewashed walls of the pristine Cathedral’s third floor stationed the six holy men of the college of Jude II, draped in ornate red clerical robe with merely sustain in their eyes - Cardinals determining the ensuing ambition of the Faith of Canon by so electing the future Pontiff. There sat, Robert Cardinal Rochefort, Adelric Cardinal Freising, Gawain Cardinal Provdenetia, Ailred Cardinal Reinmar, and Alfred Cardinal Jorenus - At the front centre seat sat the Vice-Chancellor Pelagius Cardinal Albarosa, preparing the long awaited rendition of the official Conclave Election of 1820 as the red Cardinals considered their final decisions. THE CARDINAL’S SUITE Although the day was merely of the Summer of the Sun’s Smile- the sky was dolefully overcast in a dull tint of gray, the rain still poured upon the entirety of the City of Providence as each drop frolicked upon the various erection parapets - a stark contrast to the days of when the Canonist flocks knew of a High Pontiff to submit under their Holy authority. Moreover, the tone of day was then comparable to the timorous energy lingering about amongst the esteemed college of Cardinals, their faces scoured in a manner of quiver, occasionally whispering to one another as they’d intrigue their silent pontifical desires. The clerical Chamber was tense, solemn, but atmost - Virtuous. Thereafter, it was roughly two days since the Cardinals were summoned by the Vice-Chancellor in wake of his Holiness’s death, although - at this very moment it seemed the time was ripe, the Cardinals already procured their final decisions, and thus - the Pontifical election process finally began at that. The Vice-Chancellor, Cardinal Albarosa, rising from his flaxen seat- proceeded with a pre-written prayer as he cleared his throat; “Heavenly Creator, walk with us as our mediator and judge to endow us with a sound mind and contrite heart in the election of the next Holy Pontiff. Grant, we pray, that by your infinite wisdom and omnipotence that whomever is chosen shall reflect your mercy, compassion, strength, and duty in the exercising of this great Holy Office. This we ask in prayer, in the name of all Aenguls, all saints, and of the universal church, Amen.” Cardinal Albarosa then raised a single finger, signing the Lucien in benediction toward the six Cardinals, signalling in which it was then time to cast their votes - determining his late Holiness, Jude II’s successor. ON BEHALF OF THE CHURCH OF CANON, In Domini Nomen Oramus, Cardinal Albarosa Cardinal Ailred @argonian Cardinal Aeldric @MadOne Cardinal Alfred @rep2k Cardinal Gawain @JoanOfArc Cardinal Pelagius @Julio ツ Cardinal Robert @Tiresiam ((only these ppl could reply to this thread)) ((dm me ur votes on discord too))
  11. SEDE VACANTE: THE SEAT IS VACANT Jude II lies dead surrounded by his Curia and laymen within the Basilica of the Ascent. FROM THE OFFICE of THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Within the emptied desolate halls of the immaculate Basilica of the Ascended Godfrey, ambled along several young acolytes lighting nearby candles with a single flame amongst the corridors of plastered holy place. Each one of their footsteps echoed throughout the tiled Basilica, their heads dipped in solemn - they were both honouring and mourning the death of late High Pontiff, Jude II. His passing striking only sorrow and agony amongst both the laymen masses and pontifical curia. A DECLARATION With the death of his late Holiness, Jude II, the Church of Canon does hereby enter the position of “SEDE VACANTE” otherwise referred to as, “The Seat Being Vacant”. As a pious Canonist flock, we pray to those in both the Seven Skies above alongside with God himself that He may guide our blessed College of Cardinals to carefully and wisely elect the Pontifical successor of whom would soon adorn the laurel of the Pontifex Maximus in obedience to God. May we children of Horen pray in which our following Pontiff who shall administer the Holy Flock with wisdom and selflessness, to not the beneficiaries of himself, to not a single Diocese, to not the indulgence of greed and gluttony - rather - may he be the benevolent shepherd of our flock, to guide the faithful in these times of squabble and conflict, may he be the vassal of God, a light in the darkness of the Iblees. ON BEHALF OF THE CHURCH OF CANON In Domini Nomen Oramus, Cardinal Albarosa
  12. Hey, whenever you have the chance could you attempt to skin these robes for my Elf? It's hard to come across simple adventuring cloaks on skinning websites surprisingly enough, and I admire the way you do dresses/clothing details so I would be happy to get ahold of one of them. So if you ever feel like skinning it, thankyou in advance!
  13. "That nasty bastard! I shall be your death, El Matador!" Said Pedro, the Villian of Hyspia, marginally evel.
  14. Pablo of Hyspia squints his eyes, before throwing the parchment into the rubbage-bin, "This font is so.. tiny.. I can barely read it!"
  15. Cardinal Pelagius & co. moments before writing an apology to Philip of Crestfall. TO THE DUKE OF CRESTFALL: AN APOLOGY Whispers of the apparent scandalous audience between Cardinal Albarosa and Philip of Crestfall spread throughout the hallways of the Agustine Palace, the Cardinal was said to be a wretched and tempered cleric insulting the both Imperial Household the death of the Duke’s late beloved wife. There sat, Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa in his archetypal velvet-cushioned timber flaxen chair in the Papal apartments, surrounded by two Albarosan colleagues including Episcopus Fr. Augustine Cordoba. The Cardinal nibbled on one of his favourite comfort foods; Hyspian Tamales - breaded omelette-like refreshments stuffed in melted cheese to the very tip of the tamale’s crust, alongside with Santegian ‘Cero’ cut ham slices crammed into the savoury snack’s hull. It was a downcast day, the once blue skies were in a light shade of grey, the amount of light bounced upon the divulged greenery was only bare, colourful leafs desperate for the slightest ray from the sun. The cold touch of a window seal was warped due to the drowsy and depressive climate, interiors froze in a sympathetic overture of numbing apprehension. This distressing grey scenery was an astute reflection of the besieged Pelagius, nervously reclined within his luxurious decorated flat with the twiddle of his fingers after a long dialogue with the Pontiff himself in response to the Cardinal’s tattled actions within the Providential gardens - pondering on recent events in a manner only a man of bankruptcy would partake. “I am Pelagius Julian de Savin y Gullien, Vice-Chancellor of the Church of Canon, Cardinal within the Curia of both late Pontiff Owyn III and the college of High Pontiff Jude II, Prince-Archbishop of the pompous Archdiocese of Albarosa - A man of noble Stature.. A man of power and influence.. Responsibilities given by Horen himself.. And yet.. I slip - and fall! I let my befuddled conscious heed misdoings in a time of sorrow.. The livelihood of the Church within the plain of Political endeavours lie in my ungovernable hands..” “..Might it be the Pontiff demote me from my position as Vice-Chancellor? Will I be removed from my seat amongst the College of Cardinals? Might I be.. If Deu wills.. Reduced to mere flesh by the hand of an executioner because of my misdeeds..? I swear by the immaculate ghost of Saint Julia herself - I will never dare to sniff the slightest speck of Albarosan Powder - I will never puff the even most inappreciable ash of a bulky Rochefortine cigarette - I will never sip the smallest drop of, San Roberto Tequilla™.. Well.. maybe on the weekends? Nonono..! That is beside the point..” “I may partake in all the personal penance I see fit, although these murmurings in private will never satisfy the Imperial courts outlook on my discrepant actions.. My legacy and ambitions are now in the hands of the Pontiff’s evaluation alongside the Duke of Crestfall himself..” At that very moment, a stout elderly though lowborn Kaedrini butler clothed in a dapper bloodred Imperial tailcoat scuttled into the disconsolate room Cr. Pelagius and company were lounging about, previously in the service of late Cardinal Laurence Pruvia-Albarosa from years prior. The refined Lackey placing three cups of fresh Rochefortine tea top of the reflective centre table, cocking his head toward the Cardinal with a guileful smirk on his shaven face; “Everyone in both the Imperial Courts and the streets of Providence gossip of your sordid complications with the Duke of Crestfall during the day of his wife’s funeral.. Everyone! I feel so terribly sorry for you, your Eminence.. But - alas..” The Butler paused for a sudden moment, before sparking his hands about in a celebratory-like manner.. “I have a cunning plan, your Eminence..” “A cunning plan? As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at the Imperial University?” Said Cardinal Albarosa, perking a brow in the slightest of interest at this pragmatic Rhoswenii man’s words. “Indeed it is so subtly cunning that you can brush your teeth with it, your Eminence. First.. we leave everyone be, putting on cloaks and fleeing to the outskirts of Elvenese.. Then we prepare to send word of our albeit fake, deaths-” Father Agustine interrupted the Lackey’s ramblings of a ‘cunning plan’, pointing a finger in the direction of the door, “If an enraged cannibalistic Ork were to split your head open, the contents of your brain wouldn't be enough to even cover a mere biscuit! Get out!” The Rhoswenii Butler scrambled off from the group of Clerics at that, Cardinal Albarosa merely sipped his cup of Rochefortine high tea, “What a Lunatic.” Said the Cardinal, added by Fr. Augustine, “Agreed. I have never experienced such tomfoolery from a Servant of our status.” Pelagius rebutted, placing the cup of tea down on the cutlery table, “However.. The butler does bring up a good point.. I must come up with some kind of plan, to combat this miniscule scandal surrounding my actions with the Duke.. before the worst proceeds to thieve my positions and prowess that I toiled all those years to build up.” The Cardinal idled there in contemplation for a few moments, thoroughly examining his cards and options. “Well, the Pontiff has said to apologize directly to Philip, although it should be taken in consideration that a formal, candid apology has a lower chance of being recognized by his intermediate family, and therefore another route must be taken to clench this misfortune.” Fr. Augustine set down his cup of tea, “Choose your decisions wisely and carefully, your Eminence - for the future of your Clerical career and your Vice-Chancellorship is on the line..” “Aha! I know exactly what to do..” The Cardinal perked up his finger, “A formal letter of apology sent directly to the Duke of Crestfall!” The two Albarosan men of cloth forcibly clapped their hands, nodding in approval of Pelagius’s words, “Excellent!” “How Genius! Not even I can think of that!” And so, Cardinal Albarosa set out toward his study to begin personally writing a letter of sincere apology to the Duke of Crestfall. THE PLEAD FOR FORGIVENESS @BenevolentManacles (The Letter can only be viewed by Philip of Crestfall and his intermediate family.) To the respected, Philip of Crestfall, God tests the will of all men, might it be the simple farmhand tiling to his wheat, or a serene Emperor who administers the vassals of the seven skies in earnest. In this specific circumstance, God has tested me, Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa, Vice-Chancellor of the Church of Canon.. Quite nearly second to the Pontiff himself.. in fact the future of both the Church politically alongside with the well being of the laymen are at my mere fingers, and yet.. I have made a mistake, a careless one at that.. The day I stepped into the Augustine Palace to perform a Funeral Service for your beloved late wife, hours earlier I had previously been lounging about with my colleagues befuddling Rochefort Cigarettes, discussing Clerical inquiries and drafting an array of executive documents, scheduling assemblies with various Albarosan territorial domain that I would have to attend hours following the Funeral. I was in a hurry within our meteoric dialogue - putting into account both the consumption of Cigarettes and indulging in comfort beverages moments prior alongside with my scramble for completing future Diocesan assignments - my appearance before both the Imperial Household and you was distorted, a deficient and embarrassing representation of myself that I now regret. I should have allowed you and your pedigree peacefully continue your lamentation instead.. I made the mistake of rushing your mourning to get the Funeral service over with, in haste. I recognize my fault and sought out individualized penance due to my actions.. I offer the most sincere apology to your household, your late Partner.. may she rest in peace.. and you, the Duke of Crestfall himself. I fear my placement within the Curia is in jeopardy at this very moment, for I have done the exact opposite of what the seat of Vice-Chancellor is entitled to secure, my position within the Church of Canon is to regulate and benefit the Church on a political plain between the major vassals of Canonism, and yet - I have offended one of Canonism’s evidently most vital allies, being that of the contemporary Imperial Household because of my extemporaneous emotionally-charged actions. With that, dear Philip of Crestfall - I once more plead before your graceful revered figure to please.. Accept my sincere apology. Regards, Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa - Vice-Chancellor of the Church of Canon
  16. A Rochefortine man sits in silence within the wheat fields of Redenford as he ponders on this parchment declaring a White Rose revival, "What's up with these wretched Haeners taking up traditions of the Kaedrini of old.. they aren't even related to them?!"
  17. Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa; sits on a silken violet-cushioned chaise-lounge topped by an exotic Kha-skin drugget within an Albarosan Estate off the wheat fields of Redenford, his figure clothed in a luxurious burgundy nightshirt ornamented in pure golden lining as he sucked on a charcoal-binder-wrapped Hyspian Cigar. After sometime of dazed contemplation and hours of deep thought under the influence of addictive Chacao Tabaco, an Albarosan lackey steps foot before Pelagius, placing the newly published bull utop a decorated cabinet. The Cardinal puts a finger onto the document, unfolding its Blessed creases as a slight smile grew on the Santegian Cleric's whitened face, grinning growing ever so more up until he caught a glimbse on the Golden wax seal at the very bottom of the Bull's tip, "Ah.. at last! Four years of waiting.. his Holiness published a Bull."
  18. Full Name of Man - Otis de Rosius Date of Birth of Man - x Name of Woman - Claude de Frand Date of Birth of Woman - x Location of Ceremony - Basilica of the Ascent, Providence Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1813 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa Full Name of Man - Petyr Bishop Date of Birth of Man - 1773 Name of Woman - Mariya Sofia Drăghicescu Date of Birth of Woman - 1791 Location of Ceremony - Karsograd Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1815 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa
  19. THE TOUR OF THE ARCHBISHOPRIC OF NESCIA In Accordance to his Eminence, Cardinal Pelagius Albarosa - 1815 Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa & Co. discussing their uneventful outing in the Archbishopric of Nescia. It was then a lukewarm day in the Diocese of Rochefort, the year was 1813; Cardinal Pelagius sat on his dearest oakwood armchair within a miniscule yet decorated Dolorosan Estate common room - sipping on a fine glass of San Roberto Tequilla™ brought by two foriegn lackeys. Separated by a grandeur Qalesheen lion skin laid utop the reflective flaxen floor, on the other wing of the chambers sat Episcopus Hernando Cordobe & Fr. Agustine, accompanied by four or so Albarosan Clerics adorned in Cardinal red & velvet. “Agh.. Our tour of Nescia was such a bore!” Cr. Pelagius exclaimed as he placed his finished glass of Tequilla utop an end table, awaiting for the servantry to replenish the beverage, “I, could have been on a cultured Rhoswenii hunt in the burrow or dining on the finest Lobster in Esbec whilst treating myself to a plate of those briny Pruvian Saltines.. Damn!.. Damn! Instead, I must dirty my Clerical robes in that.. Damned joke of a wasteland known as Nescia..” “It wasn't that bad as you may portray it, your Eminence.” Fr. Augustine rose from his seat at that, “Putting aside the mentioning of that lunatic cobalus who just so happened to be wearing an Orderly set of Ex. Owyn plate.. I quite enjoyed the outing.” “All proceedings could have been more eventful if only that dubious Duchess of Eastcliffe would have showed up.” Episcopus Hernando mumbled while he snatched a colossal jug of San Roberto Tequilla™ for the road. Cr. Pelagius raised his finger in agreement at the Bishop’s statement, seizing himself the opportunity to sample additional Tequilla beverages. “Damning & complaining will be of no benefit for myself.. Perhaps I may take my frustration out in writing? A record of events pertaining to our preliminary ventures? It will inform the public & devoted laity about the common Albarosan expedition!” Cr. Pelagius proposed with the raise of his glass, “A cunning & all knowing idea, your Eminence!” “Absolutely perfect, that would do just finely, your Eminence!” “Not even I can think of that!” Praised Episcoupus Hernando, Fr. Augustine, & obituary Albarosan clerics lounging about the room, albeit the courtiers had no say in Pelagius’s decision, “Wonderful!” The Cardinal said as he clapped his hands, summoning a Dolorosan attendee for further instruction, “I will commission a scribe to write the tale of events of our Tour of Nescia then.” THE ARRIVAL The Tour of Nescia began within the whitewashed Barnoy of Osanora, hosted by the Episcopous of Cordobe & Fr. Augustine. The day was brightened with sunlight, rays of lumination bounced across the minor grains of sands surrounding Osanora & further the region of Nescia as a fair Carriage drawn by a pair of White stallions & an Imperialized Wonk tailcoach went forth above the Khadarsi Oasis's dust roadways - adorned in pure golden lining & the symbol of an Albarose ingrained at its door’s flank, sat the Primer Prince-Archbishop of Albarosa himself: Vice-Chancellor Cardinal Pelagius Guillén of the Church of Canon, garbed in the casual Violet Rochefortine clerical attire. “I haven’t been to the Archbishopric of Nescia since the foundation of the Bishopric of Hyspia in 1800..” Said the distinguished Pelagius Cardinalis Albarosa to one of the accompanied Courtiers within the Carriage as he discerned his dry surroundings in an aristocratic manner, “At times I might wish to never return to this feces hole, though - as the College of Cordobe commissions it is only necessary to conduct an appearance to my vassalage.” The convey only continued its travel to the City of Osanora. Finally, the almost regal hackney ceased its journey at the corroded Red Gates of Osanora, relieving the opulent Albarosan Prince of his travel before striding over to the golden Church of St. Catalina, accompanied by three or so Albarosan attendees & two Canonist sentries garbed in the Dolorosan whites. Cardinal Pelagius & his entourage was then greeted by Bishop Hernando & Father Agustine inside the Osanoran chapel, backed by four newly oathed Canonist Knights of the Order of Ex. Owyn commissioned by Fr. Augustine, including those of: H.S. Mathews, H.S. Chiote, H.S. Altamirano, & H.S. Timothy. After a saints hour or two of customary banter within Osanora, the ensemble of Albarosan Clerics & faithful trudged through the coastal deserts of the Khadarsi dunes - making their way to the Duchy vassal state of Eastcliffe, beginning the first tour of Nescia. EASTCLIFFE Cardinal Pelagius & his Albarosan company’s first location of interest was the mountainside Duchy of Eastcliffe (the Title of Duchy being of question due to the territory holding no Countdoms), a prominent though negligible settlement of vassalage belonging to the maritime Trade Nation of Sutica. Escorted by the aforementioned Holy Sir: Timothy - a Sutican native to the foriegn terrain - the envoy finally stood before the Gates of Eastcliffe. When entering the settlement, the contraband noticed the alleyways & market squares were absolutely deserted, the only sound one could discern is merely their own footsteps & the exhaling of their breath - not a single soul could be heard nor seen throughout Eastcliffe - an observation that would become ever so more prevalent broadly around Sutican territories for reasons unknown. The Episcoupos of Cordobe inquired of the group to enter the Duchess’s residence atop the rocky depression of Eastcliffe seeking audience with the Duchess, and so - the Albarosan delegation clambered their way up the mountain by hand - unfortunately whilst scouting the territory, Cr. Pelagius’s orderly sentries did not come across any roads or pathways leading up to the Ducal-Castle, & so the envoy was forced to climb the mountain concertedly mounted utop Hyspian Alpacas. After around three hours of scaling the mount - crossing rushing waters & steep rockworks - the Albarosan expedition finally set foot on the Eastcliffian Keep. Equally as empty as the settlement centre; entering the tiled courtyard it was completely avoid of any courtiers or attendees, not even a single horse within the stables beside it - which lead the clerics to question if this ghastly ‘Duchy’ was even populated entirely. Entering the stronghold’s interior, the walls were completely plain & the floors decorated with simply wooden planks - a lackluster amount of decorations or courtly embellishments fit for a administrative position. The disgruntled Cardinal & co. adjured the previously mentioned unconventional H.S. Timothy to send a bird to the Duchess indicating the clergymen’s request of audience; waiting several hours for a response from the duchess, of whom was apparently meddling in an assembly of Sutican vassals, a fact figured by the clergymen only suceeding the Tour of Nescia - the party decided to outright take their leave, fabricating a quote scribed by Cr. Pelagius on their way back to Osanora; “Like the majority of Sutican territories & states, Eastcliffe is no different.. deserted townscapes, unnourished farmland, inelegant courts of whom do not care to treat their guests.. The list only goes on. It seems the Duchy was in better hands whilst under the rule of the Hartcolds, for it is nothing more but an insignificant landholding in the unscrupulous ‘Trade Nation’ of Sutica.. I am ashamed to even call the territory a sepal within the great Albarose.” Thus, once ordering a short recess at St. Catalina's Church in the White Hyspian Barony of Osanora, the Albarosan delegation began to venture to Nescia’s capital; Sutica - to finally end the expeditional ordeal. SUTICA In contrast to the trek of Eastcliffe, venturing to Nescia’s capital wasn't as horrid & sluggish - offering a quaint & homely undermountain road leading the party to Sutica, accompanied by bright sun-washed seas & greenery. Standing before the marine-metropolis gates, it was noted by the Albarosan Fr. Henry said that Sutica’s walls were outlandishly discerned by the common man’s eye, various engraved designs & complex stonework fitted by aimless materials such as stripped oak & cobalt - deeming it an unattractive architectural fortification by the Albarosan commissary. At last, entering the oceanic trade capital - the clerical delegation stomped their red fitted boots into the capital, Ex. Owyn enlists marching about in a regular formation as if they belonged to a regal parade, as two acolytes made way for the men; shouting titles & scrumptiously blowing trumpets. Yet, as previously observed in the Duchy of Eastcliffe - the streets were absolutely avoid of a single life form, a lack of merchants occupying the multitude of shop stalls, nor any residents & pedestrians wandering about the cobbled streets. The Albarosans merely dismissed their observation, after all it was only an apparent pattern that each & every Sutican territory had an insufficient population. And so, the clerical ensemble ventured on throughout the empty streets & avenues for some time - studying Sutica’s architectural techniques & decor as they made their way to the cobalt jungle’s town centre, in earnest to possibly seek an audience with the trade King himself. The entrance to the Sutican Soverign’s court was open, allowing for the Albarosans to freely set foot in the stronghold’s interior without any suspected conflict. The first article of complaint the Clergymen came across within the keep was an impromptu white lined ‘chapel’ - though corrected by Fr. Agustine as a ‘wedding station’ seeing Sutica’s apparent hatred towards Canonist institutions - of which utterly disgusted the secretarial visitors. Evidently commercial King Mika was amid a conference amongst his tutelage vassals upstairs - figured by the delegates the clercis decided to bide their time seated on the interior Chapel pews, dwindling with their fingers & mingling about in boredom as they endlessly waited for the vassalage meeting to end - until eventually the Trade King caught word of the Canonist’s presence, shouting from beneath the azure tiled floors for the Clergymen to depart from his residence, referring to them as ‘kids’ & threatening the clerics with a warrant of arrest. This sequence of events disturbed & assparated Cr. Pelagius’s outlook on the Sutican leadership, writing a quote of his thoughts pertaining to the affair; “We enter the palatial complex of the self proclaimed ‘Trade King’ to merely greet & offer a gesture of kindness with the man.. Yet.. he is no being fit for the title of King, treating his esteemed guests as if they were an assortment of undesired peasantish hordes - lacking the slightest of hospitality as one should, referring to my ounterage & myself as a Child.. How can one have the audacity to label the thunderously cunning & superabundantly wealthy Prince-Archbishop of the Albarosa Archdiocese myself as an adolescent.. My party only wished to salute the man. Not only this however, for the Sutican Sovereign threatened us with an arrest.. By what jurisdiction? What was this handful of Clerics & myself doing that in which broken any laws? Were my Helvetti red wellies too ‘drippy’ as the youth call them? Was it my robes too fashionable for your cheap court? We were merely foriegn delegates seeking an audience with the King. To this incident I disgrace the Sutican block & only wish the worst of their heedless misdeeds.” CONCLUSION Due to the ultimatum of arrest & possibly death by the tyrannical undiplomatic elf styling himself as the King of the Tradeways - the Clerical party left the trade capital for Osanora to ultimately conclude their Tour of Nescia. Cardinal Pelagius additionally himself inquired a final commentarial quote as his last words before leaving the Nescian territory; “I wish to never return to the shithole known as Nescia. A land of endless grains of sand, empty town centres of territories donning false titles governed by Mali’kers for no apparent reason, & ill-mannered Monarchs lacking a single drop of hospitality. Sidenote I would have much preferred touring the wondrous Fakhr Oasis off the borders of the Archdiocese or even enducting a mission to the Elvenese state, yet.. I had to fritter away in the dirtheap known as Sutica. Without a doubt however, looking past the hardships & depravities of Nescia, I did infact gain an understanding of a certain quality whilst suffering with my fellow clergymen.. And that is; Brotherhood.” NOTE: This document was published for the public masses in the year 1815, two years after the Tour of Nescia took place - due to courtly scribes being preoccupied with Albarosan Powder which inturn produced a perennial time constraint. During the period of time; several Hyspian & Nescian Clergymen were martyred in safeguarding the Pontiff in recent events pertaining to his capture by anarchist brigands - the list includes the newly ordained Father Alfonso Altimirano & the Bishop of Cordobe himself, Hernando of Hyspia. With that said; this publication is dedicated to the lost souls of the Attack on the Pontificate by the command of Cr. Pelagius. May they rest well in the seven skies. IN MEMORY OF BISHOP HERNANDO-CORDOBE.
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