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    Bretta Silvertongue
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  1. NoxiusPrimus


    She was born to Illyd and Garson in a small, remote home in the middle of Graiswald Forest. It was just outside of Haense. The three Highlanders lived here happily. Garson, her father, taught her how to farm, fish, and care for animals. Her mother would tell her countless tales of brave warriors fighting dangerous creatures. Bretta’s dream then began to grow. Her dream was to become one of those warriors. She had few friends, only one was incredibly important to her. Moreid, a highelf. They spent all of their childhood together. But, as she reached maturity and left her parents for the open world, everything seemed to go wrong. Friends she had made seemed to drift away, by death or by abandonment. This caused Bretta to sink into drinking. But, three people came along and changed this. The calm deerling Rhine, the brave halfling Priza, and the childhood friend Moreid. Together they formed a group, a group that would help achieve Bretta’s dream.
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