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    Godwin, Jaroslaw, Ahaiku, Niccolo
  • Character Race
    Human, Human, Wood Elf, Mixed

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  1. "Of all the ridiculous..." The Bard rolls his eyes as he reads over this missive, the halo above his head dimming and flickering lightly. "A city of bards, a city of peace, a city of gentle repose! None here have been swilling with the darkspawn, and none further have any intention of aligning themselves with this belligerent 'Harrower' fellow." A scoff can be heard before the missive is tossed into the flames. "Impressive, though... that Celia'nor would be most willing to set aside its own relations to the darkness in order to point the gnarled, curled finger at us. Impressive, but pathetic."
  2. Only a bard could do this
  3. Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Aztran) Spirit Name: Glarzdan, The Spirit of Sunrays Spirit Totem: An eight-pointed, circular star Spirit Appearance: A man entirely made out of moving light, with a large head that swirls in an orange-hue. Alignment: Neutral Good Discovery: Found on a Spirit Walk by Godwin Maiheiuh and Sera Gylldene. Discovered during an attempt to commune with Aztran
  4. A lonesome, handsome, cherished bard by the name of Godwin Maiheiuh takes up the missive in hand after finding it clinging to life at a nearby pond. A quick work of straightening and the paper is read without much difficulty. Within the echoing halls of the Amethyst Amphitheater, laughter can be heard. Cackling, snorting, uproarious laughter... those who pass by may be disturbed by such a raucous and brazen display of nervousness. "I theorized once..." The bard squeaks out between fits of giggling, "But perhaps love is blind..." A murmurous chuckle can be heard pinging off the nearby amethyst crystals that line the halls of the amphitheater... creating small murmurs of laughter themselves. "O' Overlord... my Overlord... in the dark I cannot be..."
  5. Godwin is perturbed. Poppiya was kind... very kind. Every time he had spoken to her, which amounted to thrice, he left feeling better about himself. Even when questioned about her circumstances, she approach such issues with aplomb. She was one of the few people in the world that was more than willing to give him a chance when he was young and foolhardy. He only wishes that she had done the same for herself.
  6. Jaroslaw sighs as he reads the missive... his feeble mind hoping to grasp at this... he will search.
  7. A shift in the winds is felt as a proud bard smiles, "Huh..." He hums as a genuine smile plants itself on his face...
  8. The human who was present was none other than Godwin, the Poet of Portoregne, and the Maehr's favourite student (singular). The emotions he felt after the encounter with such a figure... would touch his soul in a way most profound. Never once had he felt like he had such purpose, and the purpose that this gave him was chief-paramount in his mind. Upon exiting the scene, the feelings of doubt slowly crossed over his mind. "Was he ready? Was he worthy? Did any of this make sense?" Questions clearly for someone of greater mind and soul, but for now there was work to be done. He quickly sent out a missive to the dark elf whom had accompanied him, preparations were needing to be made. Not only that but, upon returning home from his short jaunt in a realm of material immaterialness, he would be delighted to know that he event would be state-sponsored. He just needed to contact everyone he could as Brimztra's festival would shortly take place. A champion was quickly burgeoning.
  9. Godwin Almireson looks upon the missive, "Oh... oh... that's what that place was..."
  10. Godwin Almireson smiles as he looks out his window, "Finally... it's always hard watching the near-dead cling to life."
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